I got some exciting and shocking news all in one day.

on 4/8/11 6:14 pm
I talk to my patient advocate today and found out that I should know early next week if I am approved or not. She is almost positive I will be b/c of my wonderful insurance and my BMI. So I am very excited.
But, I also met with my neurologist today for my sleep study results. I didn't think I had it. I was just going along with my PCP b/c he thought it would help my case. Well, I do indeed have sleep apnea in fact it is severe. I stopped breathing 61 times in 1 hour. My o2 sat went down to 78% and the longest I stopped breathing was 37.5 seconds. They great thing about this is I have been telling any doctor that would listen that I am exhausted, hardly able to function tired. They would all say it was b/c I had 3 kids under 2, I am just a tired mom or I need to exercise more. I kept telling them there was more to it, I just KNEW it. So my neurologist is wonderful, he said that all of the symptoms I am experiencing...Depression, fatigue, mood swings, irritability and exhaustion are all due to sleep apnea. So I may not be crazy after all! LOL I have to go have another sleep study done to get fitted for my c-pap. I am not happy that I have it but I am happy that I finally have an answer and a dr. that will finally listen to me. YAY!!
So if I do end up getting denied. I know have this additional info.
**SHELLY**   HW: 316   SW: 256   GW: 125  CW: 118       

Lady Lithia
on 4/8/11 6:21 pm

~Lady Lithia~ 200 lbs lost! 
March 9, 2011 - Coccygectomy!
I chased my dreams, and my dreams, they caught me!
giraffesmiley.gif picture by hardyharhar_bucket

on 4/8/11 6:34 pm - Westminster, MD
Most likely with that additional diagnosis of sleep apnea you will not be denied.  Good luck :-)
on 4/8/11 6:41 pm - Henderson, NV
 I can relate.  I was DELIGHTED when I found out I had sleep apnea... because at least I had an answer.  Good luck with everything!

HW 290/GW 159 (reached 2/19/11)/CW 142

on 4/8/11 6:55 pm
You will feel so much better when you get your cpap machine. You won't believe how rested you will feel.
I'm glad you got the diagnosis.
Deb T.


on 4/8/11 9:02 pm
The sleep apnea diagnosis will do nothing but help with the insurance.  keep in mind the surgeon may want you to start wearing the c pap machine and get used to it before surgery. Especially if your apnea was that bad.

Before being diagnosed with sleep apnea I was waking myself up gasping and all the drs said I shouldn't be doing this.  They were not sure I had apnea.  Low and behold my apnea was pretty severe.  I originally had my machine on 11 and now it is down to 9 and I need it turned down again and another test done. 

Mine is so bad I can't sleep without it.  In the operating room I told them the problems with the apnea so they watched it closely.



on 4/8/11 9:42 pm
And more good news:  once you lose your weight, your sleep apnea may resolve completely.  Best of luck to you!
   SW:  285   GW:  155    CW:  143          
on 4/8/11 10:05 pm - COLUMBIA CITY, IN
I've used cPap for about 4 years.  It makes such a difference.  I'm 2 years post RNY and will have another sleep study this summer to see if maybe mine is resolved.  I will do what I need to do but really don't think I need it any more but will wait for sleep study to find out results.

When I first started using mine, I couldn't believe how much better I felt.
Highest Weight 255  * Wt loss includes 19 lb lost before surgery

Hope V.
on 4/8/11 11:25 pm - MN
I was told I had sleep apnea by a doc at the Mayo Clinic and that is who suggested the rny to me the told me that they have been studying the disorder and possible cures for it and the only cure they have found for it is RNY.

on 4/9/11 3:12 am - Beaverton, OR
A tip here:  If you can, see if they will give you an "auto-set" machine, instead of a regular one.  This was helpful as I was losing weight, as it would automatically calibrate how much air I needed as I lost the weight.  The machine was set for me based on my readings, between a window of 5 to 15, which could have also been altered, if needed.  I think it saved me from having to get multiple sleep studies over the years, as it wasn't programed for just one setting.  I just had a sleep study done last week and am waiting for the results to see if I still need the machine, now at goal weight.  I'm told there are plenty of thin people out there that use one, so it may or may not be something I can ditch.  Over the years, I've used the full mask and the "nasal pillow" style, preferring the latter ("Swift" brand) as it is less obstructive on my face being a stomach sleeper and the tubing is flexible to accommodate tossing and turning.

Definitely, I noticed a big difference in daytime tiredness when I first started using the machine, whereas now, I don't think I'm getting much help from it.  I have fibro with the chronic fatigue, so it's fair to say the cpap and weightloss did all it could do.

Good luck!  3 kids under 2?  Makes me tired to think about that, along with dealing with the apnea.
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