Feeling like I'm losing my way...

on 5/16/11 10:41 am - CA
Hi everyone...I have issues! lol

Well, I'm 8wks out so I am to try different foods. I've been trying to eat meat for a few weeks now and still can't seem to keep it down. Every now and then I'm able to keep a VERY small bit down, but otherwise it has to come up.

The problem is, because I'm having issues keeping proteins down, I'm gravitating towards things that WILL stay down like mashed potatoes, crackers...basically carbs. It's rather annoying! My weight loss is still good: 46lbs in 8wks making a total of 98lbs, but I'm scared I'm developing bad habits and I refuse to fail this surgery!

However, I'm tired of throwing up and 'hoping' each day is a good meat day LOL

I've talked to my dr. office and the only advice I'm getting is to keep trying, take it slower, it doesn't sound like an obstruction, etc...

so thought I'd ask you guys...are crackers really that bad for me? I'm nearly out of protein powder and I'm all out of bars (will be a couple weeks before I can get more) so that means I either have to keep some proteins down or I'll be protein deprived for a little bit. ( I haven't tried fish yet, just not sure which kind to buy just yet...perhaps fish would be better, but again will be awhile before I can get any...times are pretty tough right now)

any help is appreciated!

Highest Weight: 421
Surgery Weight: 369
Current Weight: 250
on 5/16/11 10:48 am - Tell City, IN
I used the can chicken, which is very soft, mix it with a little lite mayo, That seemed to work for me!
Surgery 3/1/2011

on 5/16/11 10:51 am
It's great that you've lost so much weight.  We are both about the same distance from our surgeries -- mine was 4/4.  I have had terrible problems with eating chicken.  At first I did okay and then I had a terrible "clog".  So I have mixed feelings about chicken.

Our doctor's office recommends fish like whitefish, pollock, tilapia, cod, mahi mahi.  These are the kinds of fish used in fast food and some frozen dinners.  You can find them in the freezer case with flavors under "Gorton's" if you have that brand where you are. 

Don't forget the proteins in greek yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.  You can add sugar free jello crystals oor crystal light to flavor them.

One of my "salvations" is a Lean Cuisine entree with turkey and green beans.  The turkey is very soft and coated in sauce and if you cut up the green beans you can have some of them too.

Carbs are problematic because you're right, they are easy to get down and comfort us, but personally that road just leads back to weight gain.  I totally know what you're saying because I want that comforting mac n cheese.  But we had this surgery to get away from all that, remember?

Keep working at it and I will, too, okay?

on 5/16/11 4:17 pm - CA
Yea...chicken and I are not on speaking terms right now...sry you have the same relationship with the old cluckers...

I do love seafood, so picking up some fish is definetly on my 'to do list'. As far as yogurts and cottage cheese, I LIVED on them for weeks and just kinda got tired of them. That and my NP wanted me to try to move from soft foods more, but I think I'll follow the advice of you all and go back to them just for a few days and then retry meats. That lean cuisine sounds yummy, too.

I will definetly keep working at it and I'm rooting for you, too!!
Highest Weight: 421
Surgery Weight: 369
Current Weight: 250
on 5/16/11 11:06 am
 Do you want to be successful?  Do you want to keep the weight off?  Then you will have to make some changes.  OK, a lot of changes.
First, meat is bothersome for many people for a while.  I could only eat very moist meat and chicken.  If it is bothering you then don't eat it for a while until you can tolerate it better.
As far as the protein goes, I realized that if I wanted to lose all my excess weight I was going to have to learn to tolerate protein, even if I couldn't love it.  I actually do love it now.  I found some recipes for protein drinks that I really enjoy and I enjoy making new creations.  I don't want to be blunt but it seems to me that people that say that can't tolerate protein usually go on the have problems losing all their excess weight.  It least that is how it seems to me.  On the other side, I have seen a lot of long term post ops that have been very successful at losing and maintaining weight loss who still use protein supplements.
Lastly, and maybe the most important, no matter how easy carbs are to eat, you need to stay away from them.  Like they are poison, because for you goals they are.  I am sure you didn't go through all the hassle and trouble it took to have surgery, not to mention the pain of surgery, only to continue eating the way you have and struggling with your weight.
At the very least stay away from them until you reach your weight loss goal.  You may be losing weight fine for now but I guarantee that you will be upset in due time because your weight loss has stalled.  You have a relatively short window of opportunity to have good weight loss.  It is best to set your sights on taking advantage of this weight loss window by following the rules to the letter.  Lots of protein, lots of fluids, smaller portions.  The surgery should have given you the tools to be able to stick with this.  You are in the immediate post op time and it will get easier but you need to make some changes, too.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 5/16/11 4:19 pm - CA
You're right...I definetly didn't go through all this trouble only to fail at this. It is good to know that I'm not alone that meat is bothersome for awhile and that it does get better. To be honest I'm not like 'addicted' to carb the food, I'm drawn to carb 'the ease on my pouch'. BUT no more! I want to be successful at this more than anyting...and I appreciate your bluntness...I needed it :D
Highest Weight: 421
Surgery Weight: 369
Current Weight: 250
on 5/16/11 11:07 am
What about tuna or chicken salad with low fat mayonaise.  Leave the dense meat alone for 3-4 days and go back to eating soft foods so you can give your pouch a rest.  Throwing up isn't good if you are doing this everyday then definitely try mushy foods or dairy products.

Crackers have ZERO nutritional value, it's carbs and no protein to speak of.

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



on 5/16/11 11:37 am - Cosmopolis, WA
I'm sorry to hear about your difficulties with protein but on the other hand your sharing of the carbs is frightening.  I understand when you say things are "tight" right now and protein powders can be spending.

Have you tried eggs?  I did a lot of egg salad and I used "lite" Best Foods mayonaise and I could not taste the differance,even put some pickle juice in it, my NUT said no onions or pickles for the first month but now I can do those. 

If your surgeon is saying it does not sound like an obstruction that is good.  My advice would be to eat small amounts even if it only a couple tablespoons at a time, then eat again as soon as you can. 

Can you drink milk?  My NUT said at first to mix my 1% milk with non fat powdered milk and that would give me more protein and perhaps mix in No sugar added carnation instant breakfast.  I don't do that any more but it would be a thought for you to try to get some protein in.

Like others are saying, keep trying.


on 5/16/11 4:22 pm - CA
I have tried egg beaters, but not egg salad just yet. I actually boiled some eggs today so I may just mix some up for me tomorrow.

Also, yes I can drink milk and love it. I use it when I make my shakes/smoothies when I want it more liquidy. Otherwise I use yogurt as the base and added flavors, which in turn adds more protein to my protein shake making it a win win! But I'm all out of yogurt, cottage cheese, protein powders...UGH...

right now just doing what I can to get me to the next time I can pick more up...
Highest Weight: 421
Surgery Weight: 369
Current Weight: 250
Price S.
on 5/16/11 11:45 am - Mills River, NC
try pureeing chicken or beef and adding to soup to thicken it up.  Puree chili or bean soup.  Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese of any kind.  those are all soft and easy protein without getting into meat.

    LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat  66 yrs young, 4'11"  hw  220, goal 120 met at 12 months, cw 129 learning Maintainance

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