Fat/Carb/Protein ratio... how important?

H.A.L.A B.
on 7/6/11 8:18 am
Freeze the grapes.  Then eat them as frozen treat - a few at a time. My limit is 5 grapes, more than that and I may be in trouble , But I can eat 8-12 oz of blackberries or strawberries and I am fine.  (no RH due to them, but 10 grapes may drop me on a floor)
I chose to eat nuts or cheese with my fruits. (some, not much)

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 7/6/11 10:15 am - brunswick, GA
Hala --
Your RH sounds just like mine. I have been "bad" and had a bad reaction to eating too many carbs, and especially when I eat anything that is a processed carb. It is very difficult to skip eating carbs, as I would rather have pasta/bread than steak. Is there anything that you can advise for those bread cravings? I also love fruit, but it doesn't love me back.

Do you have a problem with Splenda? I have not noticed it all the times, but every now and again if I drink too Splenda Iced Tea and get the shakes and sweats.

Don't get me wrong...I would do the surgery all over again...but, it gets frustrating at times to get the RH attacks.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

H.A.L.A B.
on 7/7/11 2:03 am
yes yes and yes.
I do get reaction to Splenda and SA. I do not use them. maybe a little... very seldom, also no aspartame (nutra sweet). If anything - and I have no choice - I use saccharine. IMO it is the safer artificial sweetener - once in a while... and really once in a while when I am out. 

I use Stevia. No reaction. But _ I had to try a few brands to find the one that I can tolerate the best (the least aftertaste)

bread: occasionally I use flat-outs - but only with cheese or nut butter. For me - fat is my friend.  
Flat -out - has 100 cal, and 8 gr net carbs, with a lot of fiber.  When I absolutely positively need something like that - I eat that. Again - not that often.  I do not feel good after.

I also make my own protein muffins, cookies, etc. Use no flour or soy protein flour.  There are a lot of recipe out there. Check Eggface blog.

For some items - I use Carbquick - maybe once every 2-3 months I want some pancakes.   But no more than that.

I make 5 min fiber muffin:  mix 1 egg + 1/4 cup flax meal, 1 Tbs Stevia, pinch of salt (small pinch), 1/4-1/3 tsp of backing powder, and some flavor (if you want - vanilla, i.e.) Mix all in a microwave save 12 oz mug. Mix well. Nuke for 2-3 min. invert on a plate. Let it cool. Slice to make slices.  You can top that with Almond butter, or some other things (like whip cream). or make SF fruit jelly (mash fruit with small amount of dry stevia -truvia, nuke for a few minutes).
The fake muffin has fiber and proteins and fat but no net carbs)

There is so many ways to make food low carb - and after a while - once you start feeling really good - you really don't miss it that much.  If I do not start eating - I have no problem saying "no". But even a bite - may make me go into eating frenzies (due to RH).

So now - while out - I do not even take a taste of foods that are not on my "safely allowed food list". It is just not worth to feel so bad for so long after - for what? 5 min of pleasure? 

Fruit - I love it,  Some - it is fine for me, others - not so much. I only eat the ones that are OK for me. i.e. blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, some (not too much) mango, grapefruit.
But I can't handle any melon (watermelon, cantaloupe, etc) or oranges (clementines are fine, not sure WTH is with that). Banana are a big NO-NO, so are grapes. Grapes - I may be able to eat 5 grapes. More that that... and I am in trouble.

I changed from milk to Unsweet Almond milk. Then I add stevia. That way - I can drink my coffee.  I had to give up alcohol - for good - for ever.  The worst crash I had after a glass or 2 of wine. Same day - or a day later.   Our body is funny that way.

there may be some more info on my blog - profile. 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 7/7/11 9:45 am - brunswick, GA
Thank you so much for the reply. I have been suffering for quite awhile now, but as a "carboholic" it is very hard for me to stay away from carbs for too long. I will try the fake muffins, Carbquick and flat-out bread. I will have to try and find the Carbquick and flax meal. I live in a pretty small town, but Jacksonville, Fla., is only about an hour away.

I can eat fruit as long as I have it with other foods. I have noticed that the reactions are worse when I eat high carb/sugar foods alone. You mentioned almond butter and milk. Is the almond butter worse than peanut butter, or just your preference?

The lactose intolerance can be an issue, but I have not tried the almond milk. Does it taste pretty good? Also, can you tell me the brand of Stevia you use? I have had an issue with the aftertaste, but I am will to try anything. :)

Again I appreciate your help and advice. I will also look on your blog-profile.

H.A.L.A B.
on 7/8/11 1:20 am, edited 7/8/11 1:20 am
Almond milk - I do like it. I add stevia and that milk. I also use it for cooking , backing. Even add to my eggs to make omelet.

IMO - the almond butter and almonds are better for us that PB. OB - is the same family as soy beans. And are really not that healthy fro us. Peanuts are actually legumes not nuts.  And they can have a lot of issue with alfotoxins.
Almonds- on the other hand are nuts, very rich in proteins, good fats, vitamin E, etc.  Taste good.   I eat that with out guilt. I use pure - with no additives almond butter.  ( I can get freshly ground from most health food stores.  This is a high fat - high calorie food, so use in moderation. 
A lot of stores sell almond butter - even the regular ones.  Just look inside health section.

 Stevia: I usually get that:

NOW Foods - Certified Organic Non-Bitter Liquid Stevia Extract - 8 oz.

Not only it is cheap, but I do like the taste. And it is organic.
Try a smaller bottle first.  like 2 oz.  I use it for cooking and backing and yogurt, etc.  from:
http://www.luckyvitamin.com/p-27488-now-foods-certified-orga nic-non-bitter-liquid-stevia-extract-8-oz

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

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