underwear delima?? lets talk undies ladies

on 3/1/12 11:13 pm
RNY on 02/15/12
I've been in grannies for the last year or so. But I have a bag in my closet full of lacy boy shorts and cute cotton bikinis that I put away a while ago when I realized I wasn't fooling myself and got tired of wading through the cute stuff in my drawer to get to the uglies that actually fit.

Can't wait to bring that bag back out eventually.
_._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. _._._._._. 
Check out my video blog!  www.youtube.com/user/HappilyShrinking/videos
Highest weight: 269.  Surgery weight: 233.  Goal weight: 144, and then we'll see.. 
on 3/1/12 11:25 pm - Parkton, MD
I'm also in the middle stage - where mine are baggie but I don't want to spend the money for new.  I do like the cotton ones over the nylon and the high cut thigh briefs work well for me.  I don't like the boy shorts - the legs loosen up right away on me and I end up with a wedgie.
HW 357 SW 341   
(deactivated member)
on 3/1/12 11:31 pm - Boston, MA
 I wear american eagle boy shorts, they fit well hold stuff in and aren't too $$.
on 3/1/12 11:31 pm - New Carrollton, MD
RNY on 08/22/11 with
Hipsters, bikinis, high cuts, thongs and boys shorts are my go to undies.  I have a mental block against granny panties...the only time they are acceptable to me is when it's that TOM or when I'm just sitting around the house in sweats all day.  They just always seems to bunch and gather under my clothes and the panty lines...just no.

I think more than the style of panty is the material that they are made from is just as important.  Certain cuts work.  Hipsters, bikinis, and high cuts work better (to me) in satin or that seamless material than cotton.  The satin and seamless material prevent the roll down and they lay smoother under slacks and dresses.  They also seem to have a slight "hold" because of less give.

Maybe go to Target or Kmart where you can get the "loose" panties like 4 pair for $15 and pick a few different styles and fabrics and see what works well and what doesn't.  Then once you find a style and fit you like, you can stock up during sales and such.

And you could always go commando  *shrugs*
HW & SW: 363     Surgery date: 8/22/11    
on 3/1/12 11:53 pm - FL
i would rather shop for jeans, then undies and bras....both of those are just such a pain, but at least with the bras you can try them on, with the undies, nope, you have to just hope for the best...my youngest daughter likes the boy shorts, my odlest daughter wears all the thongs and i mean strings for undies, which i hate wedgies so why would anyone put a string there? thats just my thought on that.. ha ha lol lol..
i may just suck it up and struggle with what i have...depending on what i am wearing for the day, with my jeans, the lower cut undies have to do..if i have slightly regular pants on, then the grannies are not too bad..but that package i got is just so high above the belly button...but oh well...thanks for the help ladies
Paul C.
on 3/2/12 12:00 am - Cumming, GA
 Well thongs do make it easier to play an impromptu game of Pirate!
Paul C.
First 5K 9/27/20 46:32 - 11 weeks post op  (PR 28:55 8/15/11)
First 10K 7/04/2011 1:03      
      First 15K 9/18/2011 1:37
First Half Marathon 10/02/2011 2:27:44 (
PR 2:24:35)   
First Half Ironman 9/30/12 7:32:04
H.A.L.A B.
on 3/2/12 1:35 am
I would never said that before - but now I love my thongs.  My butt is smaller, and even after PS - there is some extra skin there.. (all is soft, unless bonny) So any underwear show as lines, unless I wear lose dresses. The thong is small, and it is comfortable now. But if not that - I do wear bikinis or high cut - so the legs opening does not cut circulation ... 
For me - thongs - little lacy things - nice, and other than that - cotton french high cuts - bikini...   

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 3/2/12 2:18 am - OH
This may be TMI but I'm gonna share anyway.

I mostly don't wear undies.  I mean, what do I really need them for?  I only wear them at that time of the month, because I need them then.  And then I wear granny panties.

View more of my photos at ObesityHelp.com          Kelly

Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


on 3/2/12 2:47 am
Right now I am wearing boy cut shapewear as I have a huge mons pubis issue that needs the containment.  After that is resolved with plastic surgery, I am open to the possibilities-except a thong. I can't deal with an all-day wedgy!!!!!
on 3/2/12 9:43 am - Florence, AL
I am asking this question which wil make me sound dumb but here goes . What are yall talking about when you say mons pubis ????


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