could this be related to constipation?

on 10/4/12 7:26 am - CA
RNY on 08/30/12 with
okay so i previously posted a post that im constipated. i haven't been able to keep anything down besides a couple of crackers, protein drinks and water. if i try chili or ground chicken or other soft foods i puke right away. my stomach is very hard to touch. i had a upper gi two weeks ago and no stricture everything was fine. and i was tolerating soft foods until monday when i became severly constipated and nauseated and diagnosed as passed a kidney stone they had me taking pain meds around the clock which also leads to constipation. so is my nausea and vomitting due to constipation or should i be worried about another complication now? i took two colace pills this morning and still havent gone.

Dave Chambers
on 10/4/12 7:32 am - Mira Loma, CA

Are you taking any Prilosec or Nexium?  Nausea can happen if you haven't been taking these, or your recently stopped. One woman posted the other day she has nausea and she was near 4 months out. I asked her the same question. Her reply was she just stopped her Nexium a few days before, and hadn't felt the nausea when she'd been taking the Nexium daily. Some post ops need longer term usage of these meds, and a select small percentage of post ops my have to be on these acid reducers long term so they feel better on a daily basis. DAVE

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
                          Dave150OHcard_small_small.jpg 235x140card image by ragdolldude

H.A.L.A B.
on 10/4/12 7:32 am
Yes - it can.

Best not to eat until you have BM. 2 colace will probably not do much - maybe a bottle of MoM will help - but you may need 2-3 .

And be prepared to BM to be very hard and very painful.  Make sure you have Vaseline and some gloves ready. And a plunger - for the toilet.   I am not jocking - but when constipation is so long - things get stuck, get big and very hard... You may try a couple or fleet enema... I know I would.

I do feel bad for you... sorry if that was too graphic description but I had a few times severe constipation and it hurt... now I don't allow for more than 48 hr without BM.  I keep enema bag for warm water enema at home.  And use it if I do not have BM for 1-1.5 days.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 10/4/12 7:37 am - CA
RNY on 08/30/12 with
as soon as i took  a bite of beans today came right back up there is like no room for it to go so it just automatically comes up. its a scary feeling i been avoiding the enema but i think its time. my stomach  has those painful gas cramps
H.A.L.A B.
on 10/4/12 8:29 am

Not sure where in CA you are - but if you can't move things - consider calling Certified colonic person and get one or 2 of those. 

Now i take magnesium citrate daily. I take 800-1200 mg every evening (unless I got runs the day before).  That and plenty of water.  with severe constipation - you may be even dealing with bowels impactation - so Milk of Magnesium or stoll softeners should eventually work.  make sure taht you do not take BM stimulants - that may casue severe cramping... (I've been there - done that... not cool... way not cool)


Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

Jenn D.
on 10/4/12 5:29 pm - LA
RNY on 06/28/12
I'm over 3 months post-op... I still have problems with constipation and nausea. When I went to my 3 month follow up and told him that I am still having problems with that (even though I was taking miralax everyday per his orders). He told me to take 2 dolculax tablets a day. It is working like a charm. Every 2-3 days I am able to go to the bathroom instead of once a week... sometimes 10 days. :( I've also noticed a reduction in nausea. I mentioned that I was nauseaous when i went in for my followup and he said that it is probably related.

Also, my late grandmother had colon cancer and she had horrible bouts of constipation and she would get nauseous all the time and they gave her medicine.

Also, I wanted to mention that I've had to do the enema... although it isn't pleasant... you feel sooooo much better afterward. It is important that you are eating... and if you aren't eating because of the nausea and constipation you really should get things flowing. lol.

Good luck.
on 10/4/12 7:59 am
RNY on 08/27/12
I was told to eat sf applesauce every day as a snack. I have constipation almost every week too., and I guess I'm gonna have to break down and eat it. I detest applesauce, lol. Good luck.

on 10/4/12 10:08 am - PA
I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this. I did too and it hurt like the devil! Hala is right. It will be painful when you do go. I used to eat a really high fiber diet. Switching to high protein really screwed up my system too.

Once you have everything moving, you may want to try using stool softeners, Dulcalax, whatever is going to keep stuff moving.
on 10/4/12 10:39 am
 My PCP told me I could take up to 8 colace a day. Which sometimes I had to along with 30 cc MOM. Maybe a fleets enema too..
Then I found smooth move tea. You can buy it at G N C. I use that along with 2 colace and so far my constipation problems are over. 
Give it a try. I feel sorry for you. Been there done that  
on 10/4/12 11:17 am - NY
Constipation is a common problem post RNY. I found I was fine until I started my calcium supplements around 1month post op. Calcium is well know to be constipating. As a previous poster suggested... mag ox can be helpful as a preventative measure, as is colace or other stool softener.
Considereing how long you have been with out a BM you may need the enema or suppositories. Once you are cleaned out you will want to get a routine going for prevention...
I started with a colace with each calcium dose, but still needed more "help", so I added 1tablespoon of metamucil clear and natural (inulin fiber that mixes clear into any liquid or semi liquid like oatmeal or yogurt).I use the clear and natural 1-2 times per day.
I feel for you... constipation is miserable! If you dont get relief, dont wait... go to the er as you can get an obstruction.
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