New to the board, losing motivation...

on 11/8/12 12:41 am - MI

Hi everyone,

I am new to the site, glad to find it!  I have enjoyed reading the posts and getting some advice from others going through the same things as me.  I am wondering if anyone else has lost motivation around the 3 month mark?  I am there right now ...I am trying to stay on track but am falling back into old habits.  I have a call into my nutritionist to see what she says but in the mean time I was wondering if I am a nut for putting myself thru this and now not following thru so soon after my surgery.  Thanks for reading my whining! LOL!


on 11/8/12 2:37 am - OH

I think it depends on when you start tolerating more, I'm 8 month post op and I'm realizing I'm able to eat a little more and sugar doesn't seem to make me sick.  I haven't tested it that much though because I just don't want to know.  Keep reading the posts on this site it's helped me alot and keep telling yourself this is a LIFESTYLE change we all fall at times but we must get back up.  Focus on the positives from the surgery thus far....and it only gets better and better!  Just take it minute by minute!

on 11/8/12 4:40 am - MI

Thank you, I am going to get back on track...I guess just having a hard time getting there!!

on 11/8/12 2:55 am

Dig deep within yourself and find it.  You definitely want to optimize your window of opportunity.  Are you having problems with any foods or nausea that are making you go off track?


Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining


on 11/8/12 4:44 am - MI

I am having a problem with chicken, any beef I cook..but out to eat seems to be ok, forget salmon it is evil to me...its frustrating because I lived off chicken before surgery and now I am really limited as to when I can have it.  I am also having family problems, so I am stressed to my core and I have never been able to eat when I am stressed...until 11pm when I know I shouldnt!! Thank you for your response.  I will dig and dig until I get there!! 


on 11/8/12 3:20 am - Morris, IL
RNY on 06/04/12

You will see it stated on here over and over again. They operated on your guts not your head. I went back to therapy for the first couple of months because I was afraid I would sabotage myself as I've done in the past. I think it was the best thing for me. Habits are in the head, perhaps you would benefit from speaking to a therapist.

View more of my photos at

5' 3" - HW: 244 SW:234  GW:120 LW: 107 CW:110 Made goal 3/16/13!    

on 11/8/12 4:46 am - MI

LOL to that!  That was the second call I made today was to the therapist I talked to before my surgery.  I have a history of sabotaging every good thing that has been in my life!  Thanks to you too for the response!


on 11/8/12 9:19 am
RNY on 07/24/12

I was at the 3 month mark October 25th and I'm doing the same thing!!  I do great all day but I'm wanting to snack in the evening when I'm bored.  I know it needs to stop but I'm having a hard time too.  Good luck to you.....we need to buckle down and take advantage of the time we have right now to lose weight quickly before it's to late. 

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 11/8/12 9:35 am - OH
Ys, some people find their motivation waning at 3 or 4 months out. In the clients I have worked with who had WLS, it has been a combination of things. That is a common time for the physical hunger to return, for people to start to grow weary of eating such a limited number of foods, and for the old food cravings and old eating behaviors to start creeping back in. For some people, the weight loss is also not as much as they had hoped for yet, so it doesn't seem "worth" all the effort and restrictions.

The good news is that, in that same timeframe, you should be able to eat a much wider variety of foods, and if you can just continue onward, in another couple of months (by 6 months out) you will likely have lost about half of your excess weight and will start to see more visible results, so that helps boost the motivation. (The compliments from others helps, too!) many of them struggle with still having a "diet" mentality rather than a "lifestyle change" mentality.

I would encourage you to consider counseling. A counselor can help you develop strategies for combatting your specific old habits and can help you address any underlying psychological/emotional issues that contributed to the obesity in the first place.

Keep in mind the reasons that you had his surgery, and work on looking at this as your new way of life and your foundation for keeping the weight off long term. The habits that you establish now will, in large part, determine how difficult a road you will have keeping the weight off long term.


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 11/8/12 10:01 am - MI

thanks again, i am actually pretty pleased with how much i have lost so far...70 pounds is the most i have ever lost in my life!  i think you may have hit something there with the physical hunger...i guess i have not felt hungry for so long that maybe now that i am i just want to stuff it and make it stop! LOL!  i am going to make myself more aware of that from here on out.  and absolutely the old habits are trying to creep in.  eating at night is the worst of them all.  really though, thanks for that bit of just made a light bulb go off for me.


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