What are you eating today - Monday?

on 3/10/13 11:10 pm - MN
RNY on 06/21/12

Happy Monday!!!! If I use enough exclamation points, perhaps I will convince myself. LOL. On today's agenda, YMCA and grocery shopping. And the kiddos, of course. Preschool dropoff/pickup, etc.


Breakfast: Girl scout cookie (early morning wake-up bad decision). Now going to have my protein shake.

Lunch: Most likely leftover pork loin pieces with bbq sauce from our lunch out yesterday

Supper: Thinking about making tatortot hotdish. I eat mostly just the filling. We'll see what my mood is when its time to start preparing...

Snacks: Greek yogurt with fruit, cheesestick, maybe some cashews


Yesterday, I did good all day and then blew it after supper. Ugh. Today's goal is NOT TO DO THAT! That is my weak time and I wish I could just go to bed but that doesn't work out with three little kiddos. So I need to figure out a way to deal with it.



HW: 270   SW: 245   CW: 172  GW: 160 then we'll see  



on 3/10/13 11:23 pm
Try a cup of warm tea after putting the kids to bed. Filling and relaxing.

Breakfast: Cream o wheat (note that miralax breaks down cream of weat and you end up with flavored water with wheat grains)

Lunch: Chicken tortilla soup

Dinner: Sixth and final meal of cheese enchilada platter.

Snacks: Still perfecting fruit in a protein shake. Maybe I'll try a little cherry extract with a little banana.


on 3/11/13 7:55 am - MN
RNY on 06/21/12

I've never been a hot tea drinker. I don't like that brewed taste. I do like iced tea but not the brewed kind - I've been drinking the half lemonade/half iced tea zero calorie one. Any recommendations for hot tea that I might like that doesn't have that "brewed" taste?? I am open to suggestions!


HW: 270   SW: 245   CW: 172  GW: 160 then we'll see  



on 3/12/13 12:40 am
I've been drinking white tea lately because of the light flavor. That brewed taste is the paper. If you stumble into a tea shop you can purchase a diffuser and a small amount of leaf tea for $10.


on 3/10/13 11:31 pm

I'm still on full liquids so it's protein shakes jello pudding etc




on 3/10/13 11:46 pm

B - Coffee & Protein shake

S - Fage Gree Yogurt 2% & 1/4 cup fresh blueberries

L - Trader Joes marianted white fish vera cruz & 1/4 cup organic quinoa & whole grain brown rice

S - Nature Valley protein granola bar

D - Open faced crab melt on a tomato slice

S - Chike Orange Cream protein shake


Stephanie M.
on 3/11/13 12:03 am - Los Angeles, CA

Happy Monday! Today will be a busy day. Test, studying, tutoring, and teaching 2 aerobics classes. I will go from 10am until 10pm. Thankfully I have 2 breaks to come home and make meals! Today is day 5 of me being completely back on track. I cut out all sugar, starches, and alcohol. I'm feeling much better! I remember why we strive to live this way!  

Breakfast: Nectar shake

Lunch: Oatmeal with an orange

Snack: Salmon with broccoli

Dinner: Meatloaf with protein ice cream

Have a great day! 

on 3/11/13 1:17 am - Kansas City, KS

Well it's monday...I know this because I am at work and wishing it was Friday!

The late night snacking is a problem for me too. I noticed I was hungry after dinner so I would root around in the cabinents and make an unhealthy choice such as couple handfuls of the kids cereal, spoon of peanut butter, maybe a few chocolate chips...it is so hard to stop!

Lately, I have been trying to eat more protein and fat at dinner than I used to and it seems to help, and I keep my bag of baby carrots handy because I know if I really must have something to eat, late night,  they are a safe choice that I wont regret in the morning.

B: egg and two egg whites on a sandwich thin, banana

S: Yogurt and strawberries

L: Salad with turkey pepperoni, and light Italian, and a cheese stick

S: Grapefruit, and carrot sticks

D: Turkey spaghetti, and roasted broccoli with garlic.

S: Microwave popcorn, maybe another cheese stick.


Have a Beautiful Day People!

 RNY 1/29/08
Pre: BMI 47.6 wt 279
Current: BMI 24.9 wt 146
total pounds lost: 133

on 3/11/13 1:32 am, edited 3/11/13 4:28 am - Baltimore, MD

Today, I have "the sad." Not much to be done about it but to feel what I feel. But it kinda sucks. My inclination is to be happy. It feels strange to feel so down.

Anyhoo...eats as I know them so far:

1. Click Frapp

2. Not sure about lunch as I didn't pack but I'm thinking maybe a burrito bowl, no rice

3. Quest chocolate chip cookie protein bar

4. Pre-spin class I'm going to try to keep it to a small apple. Early evening is my danger zone!

5. Dinner will probably be an egg scramble of some sort along with a yogurt

***editing to bump the thread for someone I think needs to see it ;)

RNY Gastric Bypass 1-8-08 350/327/200 (HW/SW/CW). I spend most of my time playing with my food over at Bariatric Foodie - check me out!

on 3/11/13 10:21 am - Germantown, MD

Nik, I'm sorry "the sad" is on you.... sending you positive thoughts to turn your frown upside-down!

First ultra: Stone Mill 50 miler 11/15/14 13:44:38, First Full Marathon: Marine Corps 10/27/13 4:57:11Half Marathon PR 2:04:43 at Shamrock VA Beach Half-Marathon, 12/2/12 First Half-Marathon 2:32:47, 5K PR  Run Under the Lights 5K 27:23 on 11/23/13, 10K PR 52:53 Pike's Peek 10K 4/21/13(1st timed run) Accumen 8K 51:09 10/14/12.


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