Depressed today, how do i get over it?

on 4/15/13 1:59 am - Hamilton, NJ
RNY on 04/08/13

Well I am happy to announce that it has been 1 full week since I had my surgery. But today I woke up with a depressed feeling. I don't wanna do anything. I dont wanna drink anything. I dont even wanna eat my jello either. I feel miserable today.  I can't do anything with my son. I watch him play and I sit on the couch. I want real food. I was reading that being on just clear liquids isnt safe to be on for a week..... maybe is that why i am depressed? I am kinda regretting my surgery today. I feel much better compared to the other days but it seems like today its going down hill.... I have even cried a few times...... Am I being over dramatic? Or is it normal? How can I get over this feeling?

Suzi S.
on 4/15/13 2:18 am - Houston, TX
RNY on 01/14/13

I completely understand.  I think I had my melt down around the same time.   I cried a bunch and threw a fit or two.   I'm not sure if it was all the liquids or the isolation.  You can't eat what the rest of the family eats so you don't sit down with them.  You can't lift anything or run around, so you stay by yourself.  I know its hard, but get up go for a short walk, sit with your family during meals, and keep reminding yourself that you are going to be able to do all those things and more in a very short period of time.  Also, remember how much you've declined or avoided because of your weight.  I promise, it will be worth it.



RNY:  1/14/2013, HW:  220, SW: 207, CW:  182.8, GW:  125

Suzi S.
on 4/15/13 2:23 am - Houston, TX
RNY on 01/14/13

I forgot to say, do what you are supposed to do.  Don't get yourself sick. 


RNY:  1/14/2013, HW:  220, SW: 207, CW:  182.8, GW:  125

on 4/15/13 3:05 am

Dont avoid your fluids .... you are probably already dehydrated.  I let that happen to me too.  But once I started drinking more I felt better the more I drank the better I felt.  Have you been trying popsicles, broth, diluted white grape juice?  Trust me you will feel alot worse if you dont take control over the dulldrums and start drinking. 

How long befor you can have some protein shakes or milk products?  This will help too. 

Best wishes - and take care of yourself

on 4/15/13 4:47 am - WA
RNY on 05/21/12

Honestly everything you are feeling is normal.  I'd say 90% of us at least have had a moment like this after surgery.  It's rough - this isn't easy and in the beginning specially it's tough to adjust to the pain, the changes, the nausea etc. 

If you are drinking enough clear fluids - water, protein, soup broth, jello, you should be fine doing this for a week, but with that being said that means you have to do it.  The last thing you want to do is end up in the hospital with dehydration. 

Keep your chin up things to get better and in a few more weeks you will start feeling normal and start seeing the results.  About a month after my surgery my mom asked me "So was all the pain worth it?" - I looked at her and said "Absolutly...I'd do it again if I had too". 

You are not abnormal to feel this way about a week out I had a day where I was so uncomfortable, I couldn't sleep, I didn't want to eat, I was grumpy, sad and thinking WTH did I do.  But it does get better!!!



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