I eat too fast!!

on 5/20/13 3:46 am - Canada

Right?! I think I'm going to continue what I'm doing as it seems to be working extremely well for me and supposedly everyone else. 

on 5/20/13 6:18 am
RNY on 05/13/13
On May 20, 2013 at 9:08 AM Pacific Time, Leaky84 wrote:

Thanks everyone... I guess every Center is different because in my package it said to expect to spend at least 45-60 minutes per meal!!! I just can't imagine eating THAT slow. I think somewhere else in the package (maybe my next stage) it's says to expect to spend at least 60-90 minutes per meal. By the time I'm done breakfast it'll be lunch......then dinner.... Lol. I like food but I don't want to revolve my entire life around it. Haha.

but really, thanks for the input guys! This forum has helped me so much!

My husband and I were encouraged to spend 60 minutes on a meal, but a 30 minute minimum. That has been tough for him unless we are out with other people. He just cannot eat 1/2 c of food total and spend an hour doing so. But 30 minutes he can do.

I am effectively grazing right now, but that is what they want me to do for the first week or so post-op while I am 100% liquid. I am now at 2 oz of protein shake an hour and it takes me all day to get 22 oz down (two 11 oz shakes). It will be interesting to see how things change when I am doing 3 set meals a day.

Agree that there are all different approaches by the various doctors about how to do things.

on 5/20/13 4:04 am

I always finish my meals in 15-20 minutes; that was the rule I was given.  I've had beef roast get stuck but that was the only food ever that hurt that way.  Well, until last night when I tried to eat baked chicken breast and was miserable for over an hour.  I assume it was just too dry but I hope it never happens again. ugh yikes I'm so glad I don't have much problem with food.

45-60 minutes IMO is too long to eat a meal.....it's basically forcing in all the food you can instead of eating until satisfied (not full, that isn't necessary).

Proximal RNY Lap - 02/21/05

 9 years committed ~  100% EWL and Maintaining



on 5/20/13 4:21 am
RNY on 12/18/12

That's totally true about what someone wrote about getting your liquids in if you are eating for that long!!  Lol!  Also - things really change when you are on a more regular diet.  I'm done eating in usually 10 or 15 minutes because I get full so fast.  You will too.  If I do eat too fast or too large of bites, I feel super uncomfortable for about an hour.  You'll get a much better idea of eating when you are on regular foods.  You're right - all surgery centers are different.  I have learned the most successful tips on this site and not from my surgeon's office.  His office says to eat 3 meals a day and absolutely NO snacks.  If I did that - I would be getting about 500 calories a day (because that's all I could eat at 3 meals with no snacks) and I have trouble with my blood sugar and feel terrible if I don't eat about every 3 hours. 


on 5/20/13 4:30 am
RNY on 05/02/13

I've always been a fast eater too. I just transitioned from puree to soft foods and my eating time is longer now just because I have to chew more. I was able to eat at my usual quick speed during liquid and puree, but am now understanding why 20 minute meals are the norm with all the chewing. Also, the only way you can stretch your pouch is if you constantly over-eat. Put that worry behind you for now. :)













on 5/20/13 4:43 am

It is so easy to snarf it down but I have learned to cut everything, meat especially, into very tiny bites and chew it well.  It makes a big difference in stretching the time and I only try to use 30 minutes for a meal.  If I eat too fast I find that I can't eat all that I need to eat and end up hungry an hour later.  

on 5/20/13 4:48 am
RNY on 04/01/13
It beer takes me more than 15 mins to eat.. I get full really fast, usually in about 7 bites of whatever I'm eating...
on 5/20/13 4:49 am
RNY on 04/01/13
That should say never.. Not beer lol
Kim S.
on 5/20/13 4:49 am - Helena, AL

Well put that beer down and maybe it will be different!  laugh hehehehehe

on 5/20/13 10:56 am
RNY on 04/01/13
Lol!! Good 1
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