Do you think it would be to soon !

on 2/23/14 9:52 am - IN

I had blood work week 4, I had some low's that I want to make better but I don't want to wait till the 4th month to get labs when I see my Dr and Dietition because I want to catch bad blood work before it get's bad. If I wait a month do you think the Dr can order labs to give me a piece of mind ? what is the name of the blood work I should ask for ?

on 2/23/14 9:54 am - OH

The doctor can order labs now, yes, but if you had labs done at one month out, I don't know that there's really a point in doing them sooner than four months out because it takes a few months to see changes.  I'm assuming whatever things were low at four weeks out, you adjusted your supplements to fix those things?

As far as the name of the blood work you would ask for, what things were low?  That is what you would ask for, the things you want peace of mind about.

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Please note: I AM NOT A DOCTOR.  If you want medical advice, talk to your doctor.  Whatever I post, there is probably some surgeon or other health care provider somewhere that disagrees with me.  If you want to know what your surgeon thinks, then ask him or her.    Check out my blog.


Sarah R.
on 2/23/14 11:32 pm

Your numbers probably wont change a terrible lot in the just 4 months honestly.





Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 2/23/14 11:53 pm - OH

Doing follow up blood work only 4 weeks later (unless you had something that was seriously, dangerously low) is not only a waste of time, blood, and money.  Your levels really will not change, up or down, much on only 4 weeks, and your insurance may balk at paying for the lab work for that very reason (and some of them, such as the Vit D test, are quite expensive and you do not want to have to pay for them out of pocket!).


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 2/24/14 1:05 pm - PA

I would recommend that if you had things that were low, to go and get them tested monthly. In my case, I did have things that were low and I did not get them tested monthly and I almost died because they were not retested for several months. Had I caught them in time I wouldn't have had all the problems with low mineral and vitamin levels, Potassium, B-1, B-12, B-6, magnesium, and copper to be specific. In the end I ended up dehydrated, almost blind, vomiting, I couldn't function. I was diagnosed with non-alcohol Wernicke's Disease and Optic Nerve damage and various other things. I was in the hospital for about a month and a nursing home for over a week. I was also not allowed to work or drive for almost 4 months. That was in September...and I am still fighting this daily, just not as bad as it was.

Please get the bloodwork done. :) good luck!



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