What's on the menu today, RNYers?

on 5/2/14 8:31 am - GTA, Ontario, Canada
RNY on 11/15/13

Thanks Dodgergirl!!  We have missed you on this thread.  But I totally get life getting busy, gotta do what ya gotta do!

How did your pouch like the Skinny Vanilla latte (those were my fav pre surgery).  I want to try one and I am so worried I will get some new kid making the drinks and he/she will give me a full fat latte and I will end up dumping!  So just wondered how it went down.

HA HA HA on the 666 cals!!! 

on 5/2/14 9:09 am
RNY on 01/22/14

Hey Daisy,

The skinny vanilla latte went down GREAT!  It was such a nice treat.  I got it decaf (my program won't allow caffine until 6 months out).  It' went down so well.  Also, I've had a real problem with dumping (which is a blessing and a curse at the same time :) so I feel pretty confident it will work out for you.  I don't plan on drinking them every day, but it was a nice treat and nice to mix it up a little!  I may try an iced skinny vanilla latte next time if this weather keeps up (I'm in southern ca. and it was over 100 today).

Have a great weekend, and good luck if you try the latte!


on 5/2/14 3:43 am - Citrus heights, CA

Good morning everyone! Did my 3rd day of bodyfit (group pt class) yesterday and I feel great! I am very proud of myself for making it thru 3 classes with a 4th planned for Saturday. I am doing ok with my eating we have chocolate cake at home so I may have been nibbling on that..... Almost gone than no more!

my eats for today:

breakfast: cereal with banana and milk. Coffee and cream

snack #1: 2.5oz turkey with cheese and pickle 

lunch: scrambled egg with Ham and cheese

snack #2: protein shake with some milk before the gym

dinner: leftover chicken taco meat or maybe out?

snack#3: Greek yogurt

(Without dinner) cals:881 carbs:67 protein:83 

W: 8oz in 64oz to go!

v: about to take it

e: I plan on doing a 5k in September so starting the C25K today

enjoy the day! It's going to be another hot one today so I hope I don't melt lol


on 5/2/14 5:51 am - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

Hi everyone!!! I love reading this interactive post-it makes me so happy! There are a zillion things to comment on but I'm typing on my phone so I can't see all the precious posts. Sigh...

Funny that we are talking so much about fish-yesterday was one of my best protein days ever because I had salmon for lunch and a bit of salmon appetizer at dinner and sea bass at dinner :) My protein was like 100 g. Salmon isn't my fave-I also think it's fishy and prefer tuna, but I don't hate it so that's good, I guess!

Daisy---I hear YOU girl! Conference food is the WORST! 3 days we had sandwiches and chips and the snacks were pastries and chips and the morning snacks were muffins. Thank god I had a protein shake for breakfast everyday that I carted over here to Europe in my bag! And last nights meal was lamb and mashed potatoes but they graciously substituted sea bass for me :)

I have the opposite problem where hardly anyone mentions my weight loss. I think it's because I have so far to go. Sigh...

However this trip has been overflowing with NSVs!!! Knees don't hurt and feet don't hurt. I've been to the gym 4 times! I don't worry about sitting on itty bitty euro chairs. Tons of slack in the airplane seatbelt. I'm not winded walking from the plane to customs at Heathrow. The list goes on and on! Not to say it hasn't been challenging to be off routine, have social events every single night, and not be able to truly weigh my food, cuz it's been really difficult. But I've proven to myself that I can be in the big, normal, social lifestyle I'm used to, and make good choices. 

Side note: not drinking alcohol has certainly put a spotlight on me and everyone is incredulous and that's been kind of awkward. I wish people didn't care if I drank! I still went out every single night - it's not like I'm a hermit now! Rant over :)

My biggest excitement is this: I got back to London a few hours ago and went down to the gym (friends are arriving late tonight for the weekend). I did the treadmill and then did weight training and there was a scale! The first I have seen in a week. And though it's late day and I was fully clothed (confession: I weigh naked in the mornings) I thought, what the hell? I weighed myself and I was 113 kg. Whjch means nothing to me haha. So I used my app that translates measurements and HOLY $*#> if that isn't the equivalent of 249 lbs!!!! I have no idea how accurate the scale is but being below 250 is a goal I have for this trip. I won't know for sure until Sat or Sun when I have been back a day or two, but I'm on cloud 9 regardless :)

Sorry for the longest post ever! I really appreciate you guys and being able to come check in and see how you're doing and share my day too :)

Time since surgery: 4.5 montbs

b: premier protein shake

l: Chicken breast and Irish cheese from the airport; 14 habanero BBQ almonds I brought from home

D: remaining chicken and cheese (2.5 Oz chicken and 1 Oz cheese)

e: 2.5 miles walking 3.0 mph, 1.5 miles walking at 3.5 with 1.5 minutes of running, 20 minutes of strength training

v: I'm slacking

w: 40 Oz water. 10 Oz protein drink. Must improve!

Have a great weekend everyone, walking, moving, house sorting, sushi eating, body fit class taking, fish cooking and anything else you have planned!!! I am going to spend the next 3 days being a tourist in London!!! Cannot wait! Then working from our London office Tues-Thurs. I'm feeling very happy and grateful about life, especially after our amazing night at Trinity College last night including the old library (featured in Harry Potter apparently!). I will post pics when I return!!!



Kimberly K.
on 5/2/14 9:39 am
RNY on 03/21/14

You are doing so well Em! Wow! Below 250 that is so good! Honestly, you are a very determined woman with a great attitude. Love that you started this thread. I look forward to it every day. Rock on, girl!

Kim K.    

on 5/2/14 10:45 am
RNY on 12/18/13

You're rocking that travel like an all star, Em! Enjoy being a tourist for the next couple of days, and grats on getting below 250! You're quite the inspiration, lady. 

Surgery: RNY on 12/18/2013 with Jay M. Snow, MD            "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness." - Robert Herjavec, quoting Al Capone


on 5/2/14 8:25 am - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

I totally forgot to mention earlier, Pam, perhaps one of the things you could put on your agenda for the weekend is to go check out your local gym. I know one of your May goals is to start doing planned exercise - even if you decide to go a different route, it would be something to do while husbeast is at work!

Ohhhh! You might also check out dailyburn.com. It's an online exercise site. You pay a $10 monthly subscription, though I think you can get a one-month trial free, and there are some really great workouts, basically an exercise video that you stream. You can do it on your computer, smartphone, or stream it on your tv if you have a Roku or AppleTV. I was very self conscious about going to the gym and it was too cold to walk outside, so this was a great tool for me. You can pick and choose your workout or do a plan - I did the True Beginner series which was mainly aerobic exercise and focused on mobility and stability. I liked the trainer, he seemed legitimately knowledgeable.

Food for thought.

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

on 5/2/14 10:46 am
RNY on 12/18/13

Anny, that's a good recommendation. I may just put that on the schedule.

The dailyburn.com thing sounds interesting, I think I remember seeing it on a TV commercial. I would just worry that some of the days would include equipment that I just don't have, though. I'll check out the website and see how customizable it is, thanks for bringing it up!

on 5/2/14 12:07 pm - PA
RNY on 03/18/14

With the True Beginner all you actually needed was a chair. They also recommend a yoga mat since some exercises are done on the floor, though you could use a towel or blanket if you don't have a mat.

Some of the other series did need things like small hand weights and there's a kettle bells series - but each series has a list of recommended equipment, so you'd know what you're getting in to.

RNY @ Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia with Dr. Tatyan Clark 3/18/2014

Kimberly K.
on 5/2/14 9:35 am
RNY on 03/21/14

Hello everyone! Not posting my diary today because my intake was just too low. I don't know what happened but I was nauseated for most of morning and my stomach hurt. It might have been that I was in a hurry to get out the door this morning and took my meds and vitamins too fast. It felt like all of that was just rolling around in there. So I didn't eat until later in the day but I did drink a lot of water. I figured the water would help flush all of that out of my pouch and then I would feel better. Finally it resolved. Was able to eat a little tuna and egg salad I made for dinner and I choked down a protein shake. Feeling fine now. It's a learning experience!


Kim K.    

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