Surgery day has arrived

on 6/12/17 2:25 am
RNY on 06/14/17

Today is surgery day. It's a new beginning for me. I'm a little scared, nervous, and happy all rolled into one. Wish me luck! I'll update when I can.

on 6/12/17 2:35 am
RNY on 02/28/17

Congrats on the big day! You'll do great!

Remember lots of sipping and lots of walking.

HW: 248+, SW (RNY: 2/28/17): 244, GW (10/17): 125; LW: 115; 45# regain (19-20); CW: 135.6; new goal: 135; Plastics: Ext mastopexy, Ext abdominoplasty-5/18/2018; diagnosed w/ gastroparesis 11/20.

(deactivated member)
on 6/12/17 6:07 am
RNY on 11/22/16

Have a great day!! You are going to be so happy you did this. Please keep us posted.

on 6/12/17 6:59 am
RNY on 11/21/14

Congratulations and welcome to your new, healthier life.

 Height: 5'7".  HW: 299, Program starting weight: 290, SW: 238, CW 138 - 12 pounds under goal!  


on 6/12/17 7:12 am
RNY on 08/11/14

Good luck today, you'll do great!

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

on 6/12/17 7:52 am
RNY on 10/28/16

Good luck!!

Patty R.
on 6/12/17 8:04 am - Harrisville, RI
RNY on 09/08/16


on 6/12/17 8:54 am
RNY on 08/21/12

Best of luck!

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

on 6/12/17 9:02 am

Best of luck to you.

RNY 9/14/16  - Start Weight 192, Goal Weight 125

on 6/14/17 3:51 am
RNY on 06/14/17

The first 2 days were the hardest a lot of pain a lot of why did I do this to myself. However today I feel better than I have. Still some discomfort, but nothing like these past 2 days. Been doing a lot of sipping and walking. Just hoping it gets better from here.

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