Scales Moving Again!!!!

on 5/26/11 8:15 am - Bronx, NY
I'm down 5lbs this week. I'm so freakin happy. I worked hard in the gym and it paid off. Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

on 5/26/11 8:19 am - Laurel, MD
That is awesome - wtg!

Lucy  (Imma Loser!)
  LilySlim Weight loss tickers                  
HW 335 SW 311 CW 181.2 -- Goals:  Twoderville - 6/7/11, 280 - 7/1/11, 260 - 8/1/11, 240 - 10/30/11 Centry Club - 11/22/11, 220 - 12/27/11 Onederland - 5/25/12, 180 - , 170 (surgeons goal) -  
We shall see where this leads...  

(deactivated member)
on 5/26/11 8:21 am
WTG!!! Keep up the awesome work!!!
on 5/26/11 8:32 am - CA
Congratulations!! Good Job going to the gym sister!
on 5/26/11 9:08 am
Heyyyyy! Work it , work that sleeve sista!! Congrats on your weight loss
 HW-267-SW-253-CW-167 I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!!

on 5/26/11 11:13 am - Bronx, NY
Thanks guys!

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