1st and hopefully last experience with Dumping Syndrome

on 5/29/11 9:30 am - San Antonio, TX
 I've read many places where anyone can experience Dumping Syndrome, and up until yesterday, it's been a distant notion.  Well....yesterday started out as a great day.  Woke up around 7:30am in good spirits.  Headed over to Curves, and got there around 9am. Had a very nice workout, then ran by work to do a couple of things before heading home.  It's now 11am, and I've had 2 bottles of water, and 2oz of grilled chicken breast for breakfast.
Around 12:30pm, hubby and I headed out to do some clothes shopping and run a couple of other errands.  At 3:30 we decided to grab some lunch at Chilis.  Although they have quite a few things that I can pick from, I went with a cup of their chicken enchilada soup. I had that same thing a few weeks before, and it went down nicely, with no issues.  I guess I was much hungrier than I thought, because I just tore that soup up.  Shortly thereafter, I started feeling really weird. The muscles along my shoulder blades started tightening up, I started sweating, and just felt all around odd.
At the time, I didn't realize what was going on, I just thought that I was tired, and told myself to battle through it.  We left Chilis, and headed to the grocery store to pick up a couple of things for our day trip to Houston.  By the time we got in the car, I felt like I was going to pass out. By now the sweat was pouring off of me, my heart was racing, and I could hardly hold my head up.  It was then that I realized what was happening.  When I told my hubby, he said, "I thought you guys didn't get that."
Needless to say, when we got home, I dragged myself upstairs, tore off my clothes, and threw myself across our bed.  At first it was hard to rest.  I was horribly restless, and wanted to walk around.  But, everytime I stood up, I got dizzy as hell.  I finally fell asleep, and slept for over 3 hours!!  When I woke up, I was still a little groggy, but the funky feeling had passed.
I've always been a fast eater, but I've definitely learned my lesson!!!  Slooooo doooowwwn!


  HW-319 SW-295 CW-186.2 GW-160 BMI-29.1   
on 5/29/11 9:45 am - NY
I'm glad you are better! I pray this doesn't happen to me. I will be discussing a date this week with my Dr.  I've got a few weeks.  I hope pacing myself isn't hard. Practicing now is easy because eveything is still intact.
on 5/29/11 12:39 pm - San Antonio, TX
Thanks Staceygirl212.  Up until yesterday, I've had a great experience with my sleeve.  I just had my 3-month follow up appointment on Friday, and was telling my surgeon that I've never thrown up, had the foamies OR the slimies.  I guess I jinxed myself...lol.  Good luck with your upcoming surgery.  I wish you all the best.

  HW-319 SW-295 CW-186.2 GW-160 BMI-29.1   
sleeve genie
on 5/29/11 11:05 am - Alhambra, CA
So sorry that you had to go through that.  Its really strange how you can eat something one day with no problems and then eat the same thing another day and our sleeve doesn't like it?  makes no sense but it is what it is.  I'm just so glad you're feeling better now.  I eat way too fast myself     :o) jeani
      the start of my brand new life was on 5/28/10
                      aka  jeaniwantsasleeve!!                  

on 5/29/11 12:43 pm - San Antonio, TX
Thanks Jeani!  It really is strange how things can change on you, and how quickly!  There are some days where I'm really starving, and feel like I could eat a horse.  Then there are some days when the thought of eating anything makes me wanna gag. 
I really have to retrain myself to eat much slower. My husband has to remind me all the time...lol.

  HW-319 SW-295 CW-186.2 GW-160 BMI-29.1   
on 5/29/11 11:23 am - IA
I wonder does this happen to people very often? It is suprising it would happen from a cup of soup isn't it? I thought it might be because of the chicken  you had but that was several hours before.
on 5/29/11 12:47 pm - San Antonio, TX
Gracieteddy, it really was scary!  That's the first and only time I ever want to go through that again.  I really have to get in the habit of eating much slower.  I've always eaten fast.  First, I've worked at schools for the past 15 years, and you only get a 30-minute lunch. Second, I HATE for my food to get cold.  Nevermind the fact that I can always get my big butt up and MICROWAVE the food if it gets cold, duh....lol.

  HW-319 SW-295 CW-186.2 GW-160 BMI-29.1   
on 5/29/11 12:02 pm
I've had the same thing happen. One time I'm good with something then I'm not. It just all depends on the day. I've always been a slow eater, but it seems like it's not slow enough.

on 5/29/11 12:50 pm - San Antonio, TX
You know Nikki, I've always heard that it COULD happen to us VSGers, but I guess I never thought it would happen to me.  I thought since I've eaten just about anything now, and have not had any issues, even with sweets, that I would not have to worry about it.  Well, I guess I proved myself wrong. 

  HW-319 SW-295 CW-186.2 GW-160 BMI-29.1   
on 5/29/11 1:11 pm
On May 29, 2011 at 7:50 PM Pacific Time, Eydiebug wrote:
You know Nikki, I've always heard that it COULD happen to us VSGers, but I guess I never thought it would happen to me.  I thought since I've eaten just about anything now, and have not had any issues, even with sweets, that I would not have to worry about it.  Well, I guess I proved myself wrong. 

Hi Eydie,

Just a thought - do you still have your gall bladder?  Have you every had problems with it?  You described exactly what used to happen to me with my gall bladder attacks. 
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