No appetite

on 8/25/11 8:02 am

I was searching for this topic through the vsg forum, but it was difficult to find anything but a passing comment.  I am 11 weeks out and having a hard time with eating.  I've found that i like getting in my dense protein, but as of late - like the last 3 weeks or so - the desire to eat is just really not there.  I wont eat until after 1030 or 11, and I know I am not getting all of my protein in. Id rather make a pot of tea and sip on that throughout the day, with occassional eating....I am probably only getting in 40g of protein as of late, though plenty of fluids.  I never in my LIFE thought I would be here!! Do i try to just force it or will it naturally turn around? Do I go back to shakes?  Any advice fam?


HW: 351 SW: 344.5   5'10"  

on 8/25/11 8:15 am - Riverside, CA
I remember that!  I think it has to do with hormone, guerlin.  I wasn't hungry for a very long time, but would eat 3-5 times daily to get in what I needed to get in.   I would suggest getting in a protein drink/shake to bring up your protein.
Congrats on your new life!
on 8/25/11 8:29 am - Atlanta, GA

I don't think this is unusual. And yes, I would add in a protein shake or two throughout the day to bring your level to the # your surgeon requires.  60? 70? I would try to get as much possible from regular food.

I still start the everyday with a shake----makes me fell good, calms my acidy stomach and helps me to always exceed that protein goal.


on 8/25/11 8:35 am - NC
I'm so with you on this one!
It's so weird to be around people eating and not have the slightest bit of desire to eat too. It's very weird. I too have lost all interest in food. It doesn't even taste the same. No food really lights me up anymore. It's just like it doesn't even exist. When I watch people eating and enjoying it, it seems so foreign to me now.

I don't really mind it but I too have wondered if it will be this way forever. I am 8 weeks post op. I kind of miss enjoying food but I don't really mind it. I just miss being excited to go out eat somewhere nice. Now, I could care less what I eat, or even if I eat. I do force myself to try to work on the protein numbers and do drink shakes to help out.

Funny thing is, just like you, I prefer to drink now. My thing is V-8 juice. That's like a big treat now. Ha Ha. I look forward to that more that chips or a steak. Weird. I love grape juice too. Maybe it's because it's just easier on our tummies.

Who knows, but I will be watching the replies. Good topic!
On my way!!!!!!

on 8/25/11 8:47 am
Thats exactly where I am!! I eat some of my protein (I enjoy chewing) but I am eating less and less as the weeks go by.  Unless its TOM, nothing really lights me up either. Whew! OK so I am not crazy.  I dont miss the head hunger or stomach hunger too much, but dang! 

I really really enjoy Lemon & Raspberry Zinger teas, and fresh squeezed lemonade w/splenda.  Im gonna try to start adding a protein shake in the morning, at least. 


HW: 351 SW: 344.5   5'10"  

on 8/25/11 11:03 pm - NC
Hmmm. Fresh squeezed lemonade ha? Now that's something I will have to try!

I am going to add a protein shake or two back too. I only lost a pound and half last week and a pound this week. So, I am think I need to start tracking my protein again. I just thought if I didn't eat much, I would be fine but things have slowed down a lot. I guess it's time to start tracking again. Oh well, the protein shakes make it easy for me to get it all in.

Thanks for the postings!
On my way!!!!!!

on 8/25/11 8:41 am
I still have to do protein shakes every other day or so to get in enough protein. You do need to make yourself get in your protein and fluids. Otherwise, I am just enjoying not being hungry for now because I have heard that unfortunately the hunger does come back, though some have said not to the degree before surgery.

HW 421/SW 408//GW 180
on 8/25/11 8:42 am - MN
Yep. Normal. I remember feeling like I was constantly force feeding myself and was getting very stressed about it. One day while I was standing in the kitchen, not hungry but thinking I had to eat, I gave myself permission to NOT eat. I left the kitchen without eating and immediately felt better.

You and I know we need our protein and I do my level best to get it in. I always start the day with a protein shake so I have that going for me. But I don't eat a lot. I'm very satisied with the amount I eat. I feel really good and have lots of energy. I just don't force myself to eat. I have to remind myself to eat but that's different than forcing myself to eat. 

All the best to you.

5'5"  Age 63  HW 212  SW 200 Currently 8 pounds below goal

on 8/25/11 9:27 am
good distinction.  I feel like Im forcing myself to eat.  I'll start with the morning shake and eat and watch my protein intake and see where I end up.  How long does this last generally?

Thanks guys!
on 8/25/11 10:27 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
It may or may not last the rest of your life!  You know you can't live long without eating,right,even and esp after you have lost all your fat?

I suggest making a menu of what you wuill eat each day ad set your cell phone alarm to remind you when it is time. When the alarm goes you eat what is on the list and then carry on with your tea till the next alarm.




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