TMI but I need help

on 4/15/12 9:50 am - Advance, NC
Revision on 03/28/12
I about the same amount of time post op and haven't had that problem.  One thing I would mention is there are intestinal "bugs" you can get while in the hospital- one specifically called c. diff that causes extreme diarhea- may have blood in it.  Antibiotics are the treatment and it usually clears right up.  They take a stool sample send it to a lab for definitive diagnosis.  I would call your doc- your electrolytes may also be out of whack if you're losing too much fluid and that can cause other issues, so best to get it checked!!
on 4/15/12 9:54 am - Houston, TX
VSG on 06/21/12
I know this sounds really strange but just recently, my sister was in the hospital with cancer and had developed a blood clot in her leg.  The medication she was taking was causing her to have diarrhea.  The doctor actually ordered Maalox for them to apply to her and she said that it help tremendously.  I have also heard of people using it on babies for diaper rashes.  Doesn't hurt to try...she says she swears by it now.
on 4/15/12 9:59 am - TX
Call your Dr. My dr recommended probiotics. I also take Prevacid for acid. I used Neosporin for a burning A$$. Worked for me.
on 4/15/12 11:13 am
My dr prescribed an inti diarrhea medicine for me. I was literally peeing out of my butt for weeks. I could barely leave the house it was so bad. Just the pressure from going from a sitting to standing position would almost cause accidents!

HW 380.8+  SW- 371.4  CW- 234.4  GW- 200 


on 4/15/12 11:29 am
VSG on 03/19/12
 I never had that. I think you should call your doctor.
on 4/15/12 6:54 pm
 One of the challenges I will have post surgery is a sensitvity to citric sounds just like what you are describing...I really thought I was dying because I was also bleeding and after a colonoscopy and every test you can think PCP said you haven't increased your intake of fruit juices or fruit flavored waters....why yes I said in my proudest an effort to get healthier I was drinking a fruit smoothie every morning that contained either apple or orange juice, strawberries, banannas....well you get the drift...she said "STOP"....I did...and even now with drinks like crystal light I have to be careful....what makes it better for me and don't laugh is yeast medication....I know crazy right....but it seems to!!
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