A restaurant card...???

Tia M.
on 7/3/12 2:44 pm - Killeen, TX
One of my nurses or maybe someone in the "surgery group" i went to mentioned something about a card that you can get to take with you to restaurants so that you can get smaller/healthier portions without hearing their lip. Does this exist and how can I get one?
on 7/3/12 3:02 pm - OH
VSG on 10/23/12
ask the receptionist at your surgeons office...they should have them
A. Hartford
on 7/3/12 3:04 pm - KS
I actually was given a card like this at my last pre op appt by my nurse... i havent used it yet as im only 3 weeks post op so i dont know how well it will work
on 7/3/12 3:52 pm - CA
I was given one when I had my surgery. I have used it several times.
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us"

on 7/3/12 3:56 pm - Orlando, FL
VSG on 05/17/12
My Nut gave it to, me post op


on 7/3/12 4:24 pm - NV
My doc gave it to me but told me not all restaurants will honor it. So far I haven't used it, but I'm sure I will when I eat out.
Pre-op -7.8, M1 -21.4, M2 -18.4, M3 -?
on 7/3/12 5:18 pm, edited 7/3/12 5:18 pm - CA
VSG on 01/12/12
You can ask your doctor for one.  There is no legal requirement for any restaurant to honor it....its just a "I've had surgery so can I please get a discount?".  Not everyone will accept it.

I personally have never bothered.  I just order soup or a small healthy appetizer for my meal OR if I am going home after I order a regular meal or a protein source a la carte.  Kids meals are generally crap food....taste and nutrition wise.

The card might be helpful at a buffet....but I haven't been to one since surgery.

Tia M.
on 7/4/12 5:04 am - Killeen, TX
I usually get a cup of soup and a side salad with a sprinkle of vinegar on it Because everything sounds way to heavy or it breaded or slathered in butter.
on 7/3/12 10:26 pm
Some other options to flashing a card:
1) Order just protein A La carte (a half rack of ribs, just a chicken breast)
2) Order a soup or appetizer
3) Ask for a to-go box when you meal is dropped off, scoop off what you know you won't eat, and make 3 more meals out of that entree with sides
4) Buffets, Pay by the pound, you get a little to go box, get what you want, pay for it,  and enjoy your food with your family without paying full price

I bookmarked this from a previous topic on this subject because it sums up why I wouldn't ever use a card to let strangers know that I had my guts altered so I wouldn't be a fatty anymore.

Member Since: 10/11/09
[Latest Posts]Post Date: 10/13/09 1:03 pm

 A “Restaurant Card" is a business cards sized card, often laminated, usually given by surgeons reading something to the effect of: The holder of this card has had a surgical procedure which has permanently reduced their stomach capacity. Therefore… It is greatly appreciated if you would allow them to order from the children’s menu or to purchase half-sized adult entrees. Thank you for your consideration.  

1. WLS Restaurant Cards differ from REAL Discount Cards such as AAA, Entertainment Book, etc. in one very important aspect: The REAL discounts are negotiated and agreed to by all parties in advance. The restaurant staff is briefed on how to handle the card. It is PRESUMPTUOUS to create and distribute a card asking/demanding a discount.

2. Restaurants are put into a losing position to start. If they say “no" to the card, which they had no part in creating or marketting, they are already making the customer unhappy. How is this fair even putting them in that position? Were I a restaurant owner, I would resent this card about as much as someone demanding a discount because they are a VIP (Very Important Person).  

3. I had surgery. It was my choice to have my stomach modified so that I could only eat 3-5 ounces of food at a sitting. There are many people that have not had surgery that CHOOSE to eat 3-5 ounces of food at a sitting (imagine that!). I do not deserve a discount, or a special menu, any more than they do.  

4. “I eat less than most children; I should pay what they pay". Children’s prices are a marketing tactic to get parents to bring their kids (and themselves) to a restaurant. Children’s menu’s are not because children eat so little. Children’s menus are designed for children’s tastes. Bland and greasy.   

5. Seniors Menus are also a marketing tactic to get seniors to come to the restaurant. If you’re not a senior, you don’t DESERVE a discount because you eat less than a senior. Many restaurants offer a ‘For Smaller Appetites’ Menu, this you may qualify for.  

6. I don’t want the hostess, waitress, people behind me or near by, the busboy, or anyone else to know my medical history. It is none of their business, and I should not be making it their business simply to get a discount.  

7. Buffets are “All you can eat for…" If all you can eat is 3-5 ounces, the price is the same as when you ate 30-50 ounces or 300-500 ounces. When you could eat 2, 3, or 4 times what the average person could eat, did you ask to pay more? Of course not. To remain morally consistent, you cannot ask to pay less now.  

8. “I didn’t choose the buffet, my family did… Why should I pay when I only eat 3-5 ounces." See #7. Further, you are there to be with your family or friends. Eating out now is even more about the company you keep rather that getting the most food for the least price. Actually, it should always have been about the company.  

9. “I didn’t choose the buffet, my family did…" So, before WLS, did you pay less when you wanted Mexican food, but your family outvoted you and you ended up with Chinese? No, you went along to keep peace, to enjoy the company. Whatever your reasons were then, they’re the same now.  

10. “I can’t eat all that, I can’t take leftovers home, I don’t want to waste it." Waste it. Leaving leftovers is not the end of the world. In spite of what your mama said, leaving food on your plate is not a sin, and it will not help starving children in China for you to clean your plate now. You are not obliged to clean your plate. IN FACT, restaurants try to serve enough to satisfy large appetites and they expect people NOT to eat it all. They have trash cans out back for all the left over food.  

11. Do you demand a discount at convenience store on a bag of potato chips because you can’t eat the whole bag, and a lot will go to waste? Why not, it’s the SAME THING.  

12. Dinner at Chili’s cost $15 before WLS, and you left satisfied. Post-op, the same dinner costs $15 and you leave satisfied. The only difference is you leave food on the plate rather than nose marks. Often, rather than ordering a $15 dinner, you can order $10 appetizer, and you are ahead of the game.  

13. "Restaurants should be considerate of WLS Patients." Restaurants should be considerate of EVERYONE. There are many groups of adults that eat less than 'normal', yet they do not expect discounts.   Obviously, or perhaps not so obviously, these arguments presume that people have integrity and that they desire their actions and opinions to be rational, supportable, and consistent. There are those that will do whatever is necessary to get a discount, which these arguments will not dissuade from this course.

Band to VSG revision: June 3, 2009
SW 270lbs GW 150lbs CW Losing Pregancy Weight Maintenance goal W 125-130lbs

Tia M.
on 7/4/12 5:05 am - Killeen, TX
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