Scheduled for 11/23 at INT with Dr. Ponce de Leon and Dr. Frayre. REVISION

C. Buckley
on 10/30/12 12:34 pm - Gonzales, LA

Hi all!

Well in August of 2010 (while very pregnant) I lost my lapband due to erosion and my port tubing being intwined in my intestines.  I know right??? OUCH!  So... since then I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in December 2010, and when she was 3 months old I found out I was expecting AGAIN!  So I gave birth to another beautiful baby girl in November 2011.  YES I AM WORN OUT!  But they are amazing! :)

Problem is I have lots of issues since I lost my band.  Reflux, tummy issues, etc. and the dreaded regaining of weight.  My starting weight before LAPBAND in 2006 was 298.  My lowest weight after Lapband was 145.  I am now missing Onderland and tipping the scales at the dreaded 206.  :(  Miserable to say the least and have been desperately trying to lose this unwanted weight dieting, cutting back, etc. with no real results.  At least not the (fast) results the lap band gave me.  I believe once you have experienced rapid weight loss after a weight loss surgery... any future attempts to lose (SLOW) is just not satisfying enough frustration sets in much faster.  At least that is how it is for me.

Anyway after a lot of thought and research and praying and thinking and doubting and feeling guilty about spending money and worrying about leaving my babies for 3 nights and many other things... I have made the CONCRETE decision to have the sleeve surgery done.  I will be flying to San Diego on 11/23 (day after Thanksgiving) and will come on on 11/26. I will be having my surgery at INT Hospital with Dr. Ponce de Leon and Dr. Eulices Frayre.  I will be staying at the Grace Guest house for my recovery night.  A dear dear lady Dedria will be accompanying me throughout the process.  :)  

I am a bundle of nerves and full of excitement.  Maybe... JUST maybe I will look and feel better by the new year.  I think I look forward to FEELING better more than LOOKING better of course because I have low energy and need LOTS to take care of my kiddos.  I have 7. A 19 year old son (who lives with his dad), 13 year old twin daughters (who live with us), a 22 month old girl, an 11 month old girl, an 18 year old stepdaughter (who lives with us), and a 16 year old step daughter (who also lives with us).  My husband is a supervisor at a nuclear plant and is currently working an outage, which means he works 6 days a week, 12 hours and day and will be doing so until mid January most likely.  Yay for work... BOOOOO for having to kinda feel like a single mom at the moment.  SO... with all that being said, I need my energy back! :)

Anyway is anyone else out there having surgery on the same day at me?  Using the same doctor? Staying at the Grace Guest House?  Sure wish I had a sleeve buddy! :)  




Charissa :)


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on 10/30/12 1:20 pm - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
VSG on 10/15/12

I had my surgery wrist over two weeks ago with Dr Pomce and Dr  Frayre.  I didn't see much of Dr Ponce because he doesn't speak English and I speak no Spanish, but had good post op support from Dr Frayre. I understand that Dr Ponce does a lot of revisions, so you are in good hands. I had a very good experience there and am recovering without any real difficulty, so God willing, that will be your experience too.

Hope you find that sleeve buddy, but even if you don't, you will feel supported there.  Also, bring your phone or iPad along to read and post to this forum and we will be here for you too.  



Ht: 5'2" |  HW 225, BMI 41.2  |  CW 115, BMI 21.0

on 10/31/12 5:27 am - Franklin, KY
VSG on 08/15/12

Good luck!! I am sooo excited for you!! I hit the 50 lb weight loss mark today and it's only been 2 1/2 months since surgery! Funny how it seems like I am losing sooo slow, but really it is the fastest I have ever lost! You will do great, and I have heard of many successful surgeries from across the border. =) Good luck and see you on the other side!

DOS: 8/15/12

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