Need encouragement..also anyone on here from Vancouver Island?

on 12/27/12 9:45 am - Canada
VSG on 04/24/15


Hi..I'm wondering how many pre and post op patients there are here on VI?  It would be great to start a support group for people north of Duncan.  I'm going back to see my surgeon next month in Victoria, my 2nd preop visit. I've lost 15 lbs but worry this is not enough..I'm feeling a little lost with the expectations pre surgery. I've had all the tests done already..essentially waiting for a surgery date. I began this process Oct 2011, saw the surgeon in June..had all the tests in August and saw the NUT in Oct.

I didn't find the NUT all that helpful, no real direction as to what I should be concentrating on. I am on's been a learning curve and a bit of procrastination...I think all of this uncertainty has played heavily on my mind.  Now I'm in a bit of panic mode..second guessing what was expected of me. The surgeon didn't say I want you to lose 50 lbs by Jan and here's how to do was more a off hand comment we'll see what you do on you own.  I am on OH at least every day if not 2x's..have read/researched lots...I am planning on the VGS.   I think I would have been much more successful if I had support and guidance.

Any insight into what is expected while we do I make myself into a great candidate for VGS?

(deactivated member)
on 12/27/12 10:03 am
VSG on 06/04/12

Frankly, I think most Doctors want to see an effort to lose weight pre-op and are happy when you do lose no matter the number.  I know my Dr wanted a 5% loss which had me worried but from what I heard from others he was glad to just see the effort to lose the weight.  My Dr requires 30 day pre op dietthat is low carb, 30 grams of carbs or less.  I started this diet right after our first meeting and managed to lose 27 lbs in 2 months. 

on 12/27/12 10:34 am - Canada
VSG on 04/24/15

Thanks for replying!  My Dr didn't give me a diet...partly I'm sure because the wait list is long and not knowing when surgery might happen..I suppose once a date is set then there possibly might be a preop diet.  MFP has me on 1750cal a day!  I have tried to of course go lower than that..usually 1200-1500. I never eat the amount of carbs they recommend..have given up breads...try not to eat starchy things as I know that's a trigger for me.  Sweets are not a big deal for me..except for chocolate!

I'm not a pop/soda french fries/ cheeseburgers or pizza.  My issues are more portion control and emotional eating.

I'm a single parent, my youngest is a special needs child with multiple health issues. So needless to say my life is pretty stressful. The NUT I saw suggested I wait till my daughters health issues are better before having surgery...that felt like a slap in the if this is a temporary issue.  ( She has hydrocephalus, Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy)  I need to lose weight in order to be healthy and around to support my child!!  


(deactivated member)
on 12/27/12 11:52 am
VSG on 06/04/12

I'm so sorry you ended up with a NUT with no bedside manner.  My Doctor's pre-op diet was pretty simple, 30 grams carb max, that was it, no calorie counting.  It was eye opening for me because in all the diets I had done over my life time I had never gone low carb and the weight just started to melt off.

What part of VI are you living on?  My nephew was married in Chemainus but they now live in Yarrow which is near Abbotsford on the mainland.

on 12/27/12 12:07 pm - Canada
VSG on 04/24/15

Hi..I'm just north of Nanaimo ..and I use to live in Abbotsford ;-)   Wow just counting carbs and you lost all of that in 2 months? Carbs have always been my Achilles heel...bread, potatoes, pasta and rice..never felt satisfied unless I had a big helping!  Drinking enough has also been a problem for me...and doesn't help with a 53 yr old bladder either lol.

I was trying to get info from the NUT on alternatives for sugar free I do not tolerate sucralose or aspartame..never got an answer.  She wasn't a big fan of protein powder either..other than the 1st few weeks post op.  Other then a few hand outs I didn't get very far with her.   I've learned way more on OH!!!


(deactivated member)
on 12/27/12 1:05 pm
VSG on 06/04/12

Yep, 27 lbs in two month from the low carb.  It gave me a nice start before the surgery.  I am almost 7 months out and still do 1 protein shake a day, usually in the morning because I'm not much on eating breakfast.  It gives a good start to the day.  You will be surprised by how much better your bladder will get once you lose some weight!  If you have trouble getting your water in you should get a good water bottle.  I use a 36oz bottle made by Contigo that I got on Amazon.  I get through a minimum of two bottles a day and I carry it where ever I go and it really has helped me get the water in.  Before surgery I was lucky to drink 8oz of water a day.  If you don't have a good plan with a Nutritionist than being on Obesity Help and these boards will be really beneficial to you and there are any number of successful plans you can follow.

on 12/28/12 8:14 am - Canada
VSG on 04/24/15

Thank you!  I'll do a search on here for plans.  Looks like you and I are starting out at about the same weight..I think my goal will be 150 though as I'm 5'8".  Someone posted about adding fruit etc to jug of water to change up the taste..that might be helpful. I don't dislike the taste of water..but might be more appealing with a bit of flavour.  I do have a water bottle..problem usually is leaving in the car or home and forgetting it! surprise   You must be ecstatic with your total weight loss in 7 months! 

(deactivated member)
on 12/28/12 10:04 am
VSG on 06/04/12

I'm pretty happy with my loss but I'm actually happier about my fitness.  At 54 years old I never thought I would love going to the gym but now its my new addiction.  One thing I learned over the summer when I spent my days walking around Greenlake was that I observed so many old people (70 yrs plus) and they looked so fit because they keep moving.  I realize all the dieting or surgery isn't going to help me if all I do is sit around.  Anyway, I like how my muscles are starting to make an appearance

If you can find it in a store check out MIO drops, you can also order online at Amazon. I love the peach/mango flavor and it really helps me in getting in all my water. Someone told me to try adding in some sliced cucumber, I haven't tried it but they said it was really good.

This is certainly an interesting journey, wish I didn't need to go this route but glad I finally did and that I'm on the road to better health overall!!


on 12/28/12 10:21 am - Canada
VSG on 04/24/15

I agree that we must keep moving! It's been a bit tougher for me with fibromyalgia and a damaged knee..but I intend to keep pushing through..I'm sure once the weight is off it will be much better too.  I looked at has sucralose..unfortunately it makes me sick.  As for WLS I know this is the right decision for me..too many years feeling crappy and it's only going to get worse if I don't get a handle on it!  I have sleep apnea, luckily no diabetes or high bp YET. So I'm determined to use this gift/tool wisely

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