Working out and Starving all the time

on 2/2/13 10:03 am

Hi all - I'm at about three months out and started working out about 3 weeks ago.  I haven't lost any weight - which is fine since I'm physically shrinking and I've experienced this before.  I spin two-three days a week and burn about 600 calories in a class.  I also work out with my trainer 2 days a week - about 300-400 calories a session (conservatively).

Here's what I am having a hard time dealing with - I'm hungry ALL THE TIME.   I know I'm not getting enough water so trying to up my hydration so I'm not confusing hunger with thirst .  But it seems I'm just starving!  I'm eating about 800 calories on days that I'm hungry - sometimes up to 1000.  Anyone else experience this?



Currently 180 - 76 lbs lost! Surgery 11/7/12, 36 years old, 5'8". I live in Hong Kong and it's a bit different here!


on 2/2/13 10:30 am
VSG on 07/25/12

Yes, I've experienced that to varying degrees.  I credit some of my "hunger" to unresolved acid issues.  The medication I'm on is not sufficient, and thus far, my conversations with the clinic about this haven't gone anywhere.  I'm about to schedule an appointment with my regular doc to discuss.  Are you on any sort of medication for acid? 

Thirst will definitely make you feel hungry, so upping that intake could really help you.  Working out always makes me feel hungry as well. 

Also, what are you eating?  Are you eating really dense proteins?  Those will help that full feeling stick around longer.

Wish I could help!  But you definitely aren't alone in this.  Many days, I have to just plan what I'm going to eat and know that's it for the day.  I'll feel very, very hungry, but I try not to give in to that. :|  It's not easy, that's for sure.

(deactivated member)
on 2/2/13 4:00 pm

I am going to ask a question, but I want  to make it clear that I'm not being judgmental nor being anti carb. Are you possibly following the common philosophy of using carbs to fuel your workouts? If so, this practice can sometimes cause hunger post workout.
I have been told by my doc to "protein load" prior to a workout, rather than have a carb pre work out snack. About an hour or half an hour before I work out I will have an ounce of beef jerky or an hard boiled egg. That small snack fuels my workouts very well and I have virtually no appetite after a work out.

I'll suggest really pushing water all day prior to your work outs and then through and after your work out. On workout days I aim for 100 oz of water not counting other decaf drinks I may have during the day. Then have the small protein snack prior to your workout. Try this method for a week and see if your hunger subsides. I bet it will.


Julia HasHerLifeNow
on 2/2/13 4:05 pm
VSG on 10/09/12
I am the opposite...I work out drink a good liter of fluids during the work out and am usually off food for a few hours after. Sometimes I have 4 oz of a protein shake right after the work out. It is good for muscle repair and also keeps me off food for some time. I am never really physically hungry since the surgery but especially not after working out.

View more of my photos at 5ft0; highest weight 222; surgery weight 208; current weight 120



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