IT'S a GO!!!

on 5/2/13 5:43 pm - Dunlap, TN

Pre-op testing set for Friday morning.  I have the weekend to enjoy my daughter's graduation from Nursing School and her RN pinning ceremony.  Surgery all set for Monday morning!   Looking forward to a new me.

on 5/2/13 8:24 pm - Parsippany, NJ
VSG on 03/05/13

Congrats on your girls graduation...very honorable and respected career choice!  You must be quite proud!
and lots of well wishes and good thoughts coming your way for a smooth and easy recovery on your surgery.  best of luck!


HW 275 SW 246 CW 162.5  GW 150  ( 5'1"  Over 1 1/2 inch lost in the last few yrs! LOL) lost 50 lbs on my own, stable for 3 yrs, gained back 21 during year b4 surgery.

(deactivated member)
on 5/2/13 10:36 pm

Congrats on your daughters graduation and pinning. Prayers for a safe surgery and quick recovery.

Julie H.
on 5/3/13 2:23 am - Austin, TX
VSG on 04/23/13

Good luck!  


What you eat in private shows in public.            HW: 245  SW: 233  GW: 120

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