1 month out. I think my calories may be too high...advice?

Jackie P.
on 5/9/13 6:21 am - Hamilton, Canada
VSG on 04/10/13

Hey Frisco, thanks for your input... My centre is telling me to be eating cream of wheat and melba toast about now... Doesn't Dr. Cirangle makes a much smaller sleeve that I got. Mine was a 40.... Hopefully that's why I can fit more in..... I hope! lol


I don't mind the honest responses! Thanks!

Surgery Date: April 10, 2013 • VSG


on 5/9/13 1:41 pm, edited 5/9/13 6:21 pm
On May 9, 2013 at 1:21 PM Pacific Time, Jackie P. wrote:

Hey Frisco, thanks for your input... My centre is telling me to be eating cream of wheat and melba toast about now... Doesn't Dr. Cirangle makes a much smaller sleeve that I got. Mine was a 40.... Hopefully that's why I can fit more in..... I hope! lol


I don't mind the honest responses! Thanks!

Here it is.... right between the eyes !!!!


Just cause you have a larger sleeve.......dosent mean you have to fill it.....eating to maximum is how we got fat.....

You and I had similar start weights..... Super Morbidly Obese.....I know what your up against....

The reality is that.....yes Dr. Cirangle makes a very tight sleeve for several reasons.....mainly based on WL and long term results.

Judging on what your eating now at 4 weeks.......makes me think your going to be capable of eating much much more by the 6-12 month mark when your really going to need to keep on the program to lose weight......

Eat small..... under eat your capacity.....


SW 338lbs. GW 175lbs. Goal in 11 months. CW 148lbs. WL 190lbs.

          " To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art "

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                                                      Dr. Paul Cirangle

on 5/8/13 4:48 pm

I was thinking it looked fine - but then I read Frisco's post - a month out I feel like I was just moving on to eggs - I don't think I was getting that much in my stomach in terms of solid foods.  I was still on purees, soups, protein shakes, etc.  I was maybe hitting 600 cals...definitely not on fish, chicken, cheese or anything like that.  I guess if your stomach can handle it, then it's fine.  I know there are definite differences in programs.

Currently 180 - 76 lbs lost! Surgery 11/7/12, 36 years old, 5'8". I live in Hong Kong and it's a bit different here!


Jackie P.
on 5/9/13 6:22 am - Hamilton, Canada
VSG on 04/10/13

I find my stomach handles everything. I haven't tried anything I'm not supposed to, but so far everything goes down no problem.

Surgery Date: April 10, 2013 • VSG


on 5/9/13 3:21 pm - Austin, TX

You should follow your surgeon's plan. Period.

My opinion (who has an accounting degree, not a medical degree LOL):

That's too much this early out. Also, at 4 weeks I think I might have been on purees (like thin tuna made with pickle juice type stuff - eggs weren't happening, nevermind ham or veggies). I did 2 weeks clears, 2 weeks full, 2 weeks purees, 4 weeks soft foods, then moved on to denser stuff (slowly, very slowly) and a veg here and there. I didn't start really eating veggies until I was 4 months out and no red meat until 5 or 6 months.

I avoid carbs like the PLAGUE. They are empty calories and triggers. Toast and cream of anything... nope. I avoid most sugar most of the time and anything chips-like.

Things I still cannot eat because they either hurt or sit too heavy: Pork (other than like crockpot shredded and cooked to within an inch of it's life and even then it's iffy sometimes), pasta, bread, rice, etc.

All throughout my weight loss, I've tried to keep things around 700-800 calories after month 5 or so. I've upped it a few times to 1000-1200 to maintain a bit and give myself a break (this does NOT work for everyone, but I was really heavy starting out so I have had a VERY long road to goal****ep carbs under 50 (if I go over once in a while, not a big deal, I aim for 30, but 50 seems to be fine for me). Water. Water. Water.

Candy from Austin, TX  |   Website  |  MyFitnessPal  |  My OH Blog

5'6" / HW 375 / SW 355 / CW 150 / Maintaining 155-159 - Goal Reached! 225 Pounds Lost

on 5/9/13 10:30 pm - TX
VSG on 02/18/13


I don't have much to add. Seeing that I am not that far out then you can discredit me, but I did learn from some great people here. Your calories are at a good level. I think I was at 300-400 at a month out, but I do have a smaller capacity than you do. The foods you listed don't sound too shabby.

All I will add is that yes, you should follow your doctor's plan, but just because you CAN eat something does not mean you SHOULD. My doctor said on the soft food stage I could have Malt-o-Meal, Cream of Wheat, oatmeal, grits, mashed potatoes, toast, and crackers. I did not eat a single one of those things. They are empty calories. When you are worried about getting in protein and water, the last thing I wanted to fill up on was something that accomplished neither of those 2 goals.

Having a larger capacity can be a blessing in a way as it is easier for you to get in all of your protein, but it can be a curse if you fill that capacity with empty calories. Good luck!!

LilySlim Weight loss tickers


Jackie P.
on 5/9/13 11:19 pm - Hamilton, Canada
VSG on 04/10/13


Yeah, I started eating cream of wheat at week 2, and melba toast. I stopped that at the advice of people here, but that was what my plan recommended.

Thx for the tips!

Surgery Date: April 10, 2013 • VSG


on 5/9/13 5:11 pm - Northern, CA

This is what I did the first year:

http://fattyfightsback.blogspot.com/2010/07/calories-protein -carbs-exercise-weight.html

At 1 month, I was still on softs though. I didn't get onto regular food until 7 weeks due to my hiatal hernia repair. 

Once your staple line heals, around 2-4 weeks out, all the programs guidelines stop being about medical issues and start being about trying to get you onto regular food with the least amount of angst. And the programs has different ideas on how to do that and all patients have different rates of healing and different rates of their stomachs settling down and what they can and cannot handle.

One nice thing about waiting, for me, is that I could eat just about anything when I did start eating things other than soft food. My capacity was pretty small though. I was still on .5-1 oz of food for a LONG time. Eventually I could eat as much as everyone else but not at 1 month out.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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