How Can I Slow Down My Weight Loss?

Cindy B.
on 3/24/14 1:14 pm
VSG on 10/22/12

Since you're into this journey now, you're doing the right thing about trying to be happy with where you are. Now it sounds like it's time for a trip to the local thrift store. Check if one near you has half price days. That's a fantastic way to get some even better deals, whether it's at a Goodwill or another thrift store. 

You might have your personal reasons for not telling people about having the surgery, but for me it was way easier to just tell anyone who asked how I had lost the weight. We live in a small town so it would have been really hard to keep it a secret. Whether it was people from church, the grocery store, the kids' school or anywhere. It made it easier not to have people wonder and not to try to remember who I had told about it and who I hadn't. I think it's even helped some people to view WLS surgery a little differently and not in such a negative way. There isn't anything to be ashamed of for going this route to get healthy. There is a lady in our area who tells everyone about her surgery and she even has taken around 50 people down to Mexico to act as their companion and doesn't ask for any compensation. She went down with my husband and I so we would feel more comfortable. We all have our reasons for sharing or keeping the surgery quiet, but for me, even though I'm a private person, sharing was the better way to do it.

Keep strong and enjoy your rapid weight loss while it's happening. 



Surgery weight 255     GW 140     CW 128

on 3/26/14 12:26 pm - Overland Park, KS

Thanks for the tips Cindy B. I will definitely call and find out the half price days.

 It was my intention to tell people AFTER I had the surgery because if I told them beforehand, I'm certain many would have tried to talk me out of going to Mexico. But afterwards, the surgery recovery was so difficult for me and the Christmas holiday that I didn't want to tell anyone and have them downplay my surgery calling it the easy way out. It was more pain than I had ever known and the journey was so hard for me and still is. That's why I decided not to talk about it. In addition I didn't want people saying for the rest of my life, "she had the surgery". But I applaud others who want to get it out in the open too.

on 3/24/14 9:44 am

Don't slow it down, it will naturally. It will be hard enough to hit goal as it is, so keep that train moving!

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

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on 3/24/14 1:17 pm
VSG on 02/20/14

I kind of see where you are coming from with the "people noticing" thing. I don't know about you, but I care WAY too much about what people think, so I was terrified about people gossiping about why I was losing weight (I didn't really want to tell everyone at work about the WLS- I work in a ver small, gossipy enviornment.) My problem kind of solved itself because unfortunately one of the few people that knew blabbed and within hours EVERYONE knew. Whatever lol. But I do know what you mean. Just tell them you are watching what you eat and hopefully that will shut them up. As far as the clothes, I understand being on a budget. Do you ever shop in thrift stores? Those are helpful for people that have had WLS that are losing quickly. Also, I see you had surgery in MX, have you found a support group here? I go to the one at my center and we have a clothing exchange. I'm from the same area as you so if you need help finding one I can help! As far as your original question, I suppose maybe eating more calories would slow the WL down? Honestly though, I will echo everyone else and recommend against it. Your problem is a good one to have! As long as you are feeling okay, I wouldn't change anything.

check out my blog!


on 3/26/14 12:16 pm - Overland Park, KS

Hi mollz007...thanks for your reply. No I don't know of any support groups locally. I was under the assumption that these centers would only allow their patients to go to their groups. I would definitely appreciate any info you have on a group I could join.  The clothing exchange is a great idea. 

Thank you!

on 3/24/14 11:41 pm - Overland Park, KS

I want to thank EVERYONE *****plied to this post. You gave me a LOT to think about which is why I'm so glad I asked this question on this format. Your comments put things into PROPER PERSPECTIVE for me. After having a day to think about everything here are my resolves:


1. I will not concern myself anymore with what people think about my weight loss and continue to share with those who ask me about my loss

    what I have been sharing info from Wheat Belly & Keto-Adapted eating which I discovered 2 weeks after surgery.

2. I will celebrate my rapid weight loss and just praise God that the surgery is working perfectly for me!

3. I will NOT do anything to slow down my weight loss and just continue to concentrate on eating healthy and exercising more.

4. I will make thrift stores my constant companion until I reach my goal.

5. I will look for a weight loss support group in my area so I can be with people who understand my journey.



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