Please help me decide is the sleeve for me?

on 7/2/14 8:29 am

Hello my name is Tanya, I'm 20 years old. I never thought I would researching weight loss surgery but about a month ago I just had a mental breakdown. I know that my weight is affecting me, not only was I in tears after I got exhausted while playing with my toddlers (I was a teen mother). I also have no confidence. I was normal weight my entire life. Then after I had the baby's it was hard to the lose the weight but I did. I noticed that I had stopped having period and that I was once again gaining weight, so I thought wow I can't be pregnant! A year of no period followed by a 70 pound gain!!!! I was told I had PCOS and really bad insulin resistance, I am a pre diabetic. I was told to stop eating carbs and given medication. So I did and I lost about 10 pounds in 3 months only to gain all that back and some after I re introduced carbs.My highest weight ever was 250 I am not 237 and fighting to keep it off every day. So at my wits end I decided to research weight loss surgery. I was impressed with the community and everyones story was unique and powerful. So now here I am starting my own forum asking for advice. Is the sleeve for me? I am not a grazer never have been. I like eating 3 meals a day but I love to feel full! If I'm not full I might graze but the thing is I have t eat a pretty big meal to be full. I don't have a horrible sweet tooth, I eat ice cream about 3 times a month at most and sometimes don't. I do have a problem with donuts they are my enemy but I went from a donut a day to about 5 a month already. I was addicted to coca cola!!! I love coke and sprite that is about it but I loved it to much sometimes having 4 glasses a day. Now I have a Coke zero about twice a week. I love carbs... :/ I also don't believe carbs are bad. I did the no carb diet and gained all back plus some. Then I didn'****ch carbs bu****ched intake and lost about 13 pounds and I've kept it off so far. The carbs I love are beans, tortillas and rice. I will admit I'm pretty lazy I do about 1 and a half hours of housework and nothing else right now. So based on this description and some of my habbits do you think I will have luck with the VSG would you say the VSG is for me? Would you recommend another surgery? All comments welcome :). 

on 7/2/14 3:25 pm - Eugene/Springfield, OR
VSG on 07/22/13

the sleeve might be a great tool for you but first you should see a good endocrinologist to get you diabetes or pre diabetes and pcos under control 

second you need to see a therapist  that works with eating disorders  and can also help you with your lack of confidence

 the sleeve will not work if you will not control what you eat which will be mostly protein and very little carbs ,I eat 30 gm of carbs a day or less mostly from fruits veggies and dairy

most people with any wls will not be able to drink carbonated drinks ,soda, beer, wine ,ect

 most post surgery food plans during the weight loss phase is for you to eat 500-800 cal, 80 gm protein, 8 gm fiber , 30 gm or less of carbs (little or no white carbs {pasta, bread, rice})

65 oz or more of no carb liquids ( water , tea , coffee, crystal light )

 young light weights like you tend to lose most or all there extra weight , quickly (1-11/2 years), and have less need for plastic surgery for loose skin ( there are no garrentees )


so find a local surgeon and go to the free seminar that most give and talk to the surgeon and see if it is for you

this surgery is a tool , you will get help from your surgeons staff and on here with how to use the tool but it is your responsibility  to use the tool , or you will not lose weight or gain it all back 


   175 lb  lost,412 hw 336sw,241 cw surgery July 22 2013,surgeon Dr Colin MacColl,







on 7/2/14 9:26 pm

Here is a post I put on another thread... 

Partial gastrectomy have been performed on cancer patients for a really long time, and it is also the first part of the DS.  We do have posters here 5+ years out, and they are doing great... but I would assume those that are 5 years out and not doing well probably are not on the boards.  So, here are the reasons I chose the sleeve... I did make it to goal easily and thus far maintaining has been easy too. Of course when I say easy, it is relative to not having surgery :)

1. No restrictions on meds.  I have asthma and cancer, and this was a very big deal for me. Some docs will say no Nsaids even with the sleeve, so can't say with 100% certainty on that.... my doc is good with it. 

2. No rerouting.  My mom died of cancer... had colon cancer.  I get that it s completely irrational to connect colon cancer with Rny- but my brain does anyway.  Irregardless, the rerouting does open you up to more complications.

3.  Significantly less likely to experience dumping.  I teach young children and cannot just up and sprint to the bathroom.  My doc originally recommended Rny for me due to my diabetic status and absolute addiction to sugar- the dum;ping would prevent me from my sugar demon.  Something to consider for you.  I do still struggle with sugar, but overall have it managed.  If I gain weight back though, it will be because of sugar. 

4. I could revise to Rny if I needed.  Not that I wanted to go through 2 surgeries, but it gave me a chance to try the least invasive one.  So very glad I did the sleeve!

6. Loss of ghrelin- this turned out to be really, really important for me. You do not get this with the Rny.

7. No part of the stomach that cannot be scoped.  Again, for a cancer patient this is a big deal. 

8.  When I had surgery my doc said his vsg patients lost about 5% less of the EWL than his Rny patients.  For me that meant 7.5 pounds.  I was willing to trade that to avoid rerouting.  By the time I hit my 1 year check up with him, he said his sleeve patients were now matching the loss of his Rny patients.  

9. No malabsorption.  I am really bad at taking supplements so this was critical for me.  I am not against taking them, just very forgetful. Also, I knew if I relied on malabsorption to take the weight off I would likely not change me eating habits enough... more prone to regain.  

I love the sleeve... I am about 2.5 years out, great restriction, no side effects ever, tolerate eating everything, lost comorbidiities, and feel fantastic!

Surgeon: Chengelis  Surgery on 12/19/2011  A little less carb eating compared to my weight loss phase loose sleever here!

1Mo: -21  2Mo: -16  3Mo: -12  4MO - 13  5MO: -11 6MO: -10 7MO: -10.3 8MO: -6  Goal in 8 months 4 days!!   6' 2''  EWL 103%  Starting size 28 or 4x (tight) now size 12 or large, shoe size 12 w to 10.5   150+ pounds lost  

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