VSG Maintenance Group

Bounce back

on 12/23/10 5:00 am
I keep reading about "bounce back."  Exactly, what causes this and is there anything to prevent it? I understand why this would happen would RNY people, but why does it happen with VSG folks?
 LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
on 12/23/10 7:48 am
I have no idea. My doctor said that 5-10 lbs. is normal--which is why he encouraged me to go below my original goal. When I asked him why this can happen, he answered enigmatically, "The body adapts." Huh?  In my case, I think I dropped super low about a year ago (which was close to 2 1/2 years post surgery) because we were moving, I was super stressed and running around like a crazy person. I gained back about 5 lbs and still am under a BMI of 22. So is that bounce back? Or just sort of a normal thing that happens to people? I don't know! But I don't want to gain anymore, lol. I did read on the DS board that even they are told that a 10% gain is a normal bounce. I don't think it's a given, but it is pretty common...


on 12/23/10 8:38 am - Northern, CA
Here's my take on it:

People "bounce back" for all sorts of reasons. It's not a given though and the amount varies. My surgeon said at our last support group meeting that it shouldn't be more than 10% of what you lost though. I guess he figured up to 10% is okay and normal but more than that means you are on a bad path to regaining it all back?

Anyway, here are the reasons I see for "bounce back":

-Going too low to start with and needing to put on a little more weight

-Wanting a little more freedom in what you eat and how much you workout and being willing to weigh a bit more to get it (i.e., picking a 'happy' weight to be vs. an 'ideal' weight).

-Hunger coming back - if you are hungrier, you will eat more

-Not making enough lifestyle changes in the early days when it's easy and then falling into bad habits

-Not dealing with head issues and sabotaging yourself (i.e.., binging, grazing on unhealthy foods)

-Getting slack about things like eating protein first and not drinking with meals or too soon after so that you can eat more and feel hungrier faster

For myself, I wanted to put on more muscle and I also found (as is usual for me) that once I started eating to maintain, my body started to give me stronger signals to eat. I am over 2 years out and have been in the 109-120 range for the past 1.5 years but earlier I was at the bottom of that range more often than I am now. To be honest, I still don't think I've figured out what my "final" weight will be. I still want to put on more muscle but I also want to take off 1-2 pounds of fat from my middle.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 12/23/10 10:11 am, edited 12/23/10 10:14 am
Thank you for your replies. It is something that I have been wondering about, and how it might effect my ultimate goal weight or range. I'll have to see where my body wants to go. The return of hunger concerns me and how easy it would be to fall back into old patterns. Protein FIRST.
 LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat