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Watch me turn into a jerk

(deactivated member)
on 4/25/12 2:42 am
Your absolutely right, and I have seen plenty of people gain all their weight back who had the other WLS's.  I think the doctors and the insurance companies know this.  Luckily, enough of us do "get it" and are committed to doing our best to lose and then maintain.
on 4/25/12 9:07 am - los angeles, CA
And that is something to get.  it's totally counter intuitive that you can't eat what you want since it's just a couple of tablespoons, and we all know skinny people who eat what they want just get full quicker.  It takes a beat.  But some people are perfect and don't have hiccups or questions and amazingly they have short memories as to what they decided would be okay in their weight loss period. 

For me if folks are going through a trial and error isn't it better to do on online where you may, yes may, get some worthwhile feedback, rather than standing in your pantry and wondering "is this OK"?  I just will never understand why folks can't just "walk on by", if they think something is stupid.  and as far as it not being rocket science, I'm pretty sure it is for some newbies, who find themselves in a more complicated situation than they expected. Tiny stomach, weight loss a breeze, seems like a reasonable theory, until you're in it.  I don't know, does this stuff take longer to learn when you have an IQ of 105 than 130?

But you know mean is fun and i get that too.

This was not meant for you loveofcats, just for the general thread. Your "get it" comment reminded me that no matter how much research i did before the surgery, i truly didn't "get it" until i did.  That was a day let me tell you. 
on 4/25/12 11:54 am
Let me tell you, I didn't "get it" pre-op. I did my research and "thought" that I knew what I was getting myself into. Big mistake. I ended up with complications during the first couple of months and spent two weeks in the hospital. I was way behind the curve in the beginning, as far as getting my fluids and protein in.  So, when I read comments about what people are eating early out, I sort of cringe, and remember how I was just trying to get in enough fluids and protein. I didn't even think about or want to try many foods. It was big deal, when I could eat an ounce of salmon or other dense protein and not puke.

 Maybe, that experience helped me to "get it. " I don't know. I do know, that the food tracking and walking that I instituted before the surgery, helped me to reach my surgery and goal weight, and I learned that they worked for me. I practice them to this day.

One can't truly "get it" until they embark upon their own journey and learn (hopefully) from their mistakes along the way. I learn something new everyday, even though I have been maintaining for a year. Everyone's journey is a personal one.

OH was and still is, a big support for me. I have learned a lot from others on this forum and other groups. I "walk by" posts everyday.
 LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCat
on 4/25/12 4:32 pm - Northern, CA
Well, Ruggie did "walk on by" as he didn't post anything on the VSG Board as he knew he couldn't post there and be remotely constructive.

I get to that point myself and, in fact, haven't read or posted over there in ... a year?  A long time anyway. I do help other newbies in other venues but many times I have to "walk on by" with them as well as I really can't quite believe they are saying what they are saying and I can't figure out how to be helpful so don't say anything at all.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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on 4/25/12 5:28 am - Sacramento, CA
Yeah, I know that Frisco has made this point as well, and has received a bit of backlash for it - that as a surgery without malabsorption and with the ability to eat more foods (without the punishment of dumping) that it could be seen easier to fail with this surgery that works out great for us.  We want insurance to continue to cover this surgery, but surgeons must set the correct expectations and continue to push lifestyle changes, NOT "you eat the same things now just in smaller portions" which some actually do.

Plus... people are dreaming, desiring so strongly, to look "normal" - they deserve to understand real results and the likely outcomes of their choices.


Heaviest weight:  310 pounds  (Male, 5'10")

(deactivated member)
on 4/25/12 6:03 am
Amen!  You are right on target!!!
on 4/25/12 1:20 am

LOVED this!!! 
HW291  SW279  l'm 5'7"        
on 4/25/12 2:06 am
... I try, but sometimes I. Just. Can't. Deal.
These snippets of stupidity are hilarious though!

There are a few I've tried giving advice to, only to see it discarded because it's either not what they wanted to hear, or it goes in one ear and the next day they are off posting another question that shows how damn unprepared they really were.. I don't get how someone can go through something THIS BIG, and not spend the time prior learning the important stuff! Sometimes for ****s & giggles I look at their past posts to see if they posted about things that could.. uh, be the reason for their difficulties.. yep. Many times it's all right there.

I bite my hand to keep from posting many days, and some days I just don't even open certain threads. Some folks do take a different path and it works for them, but the ones that get me everyday are the ones that are completely unwilling to let go of past disordered issues, thinking that with just this surgery alone they should be able to lose all their weight. That phrase of insanity.. repeating behaviors.. expectations..

Rant away, Dog knows I've ranted privately to some folks on here just to get it out!

(deactivated member)
on 4/25/12 2:58 am
Besides all the people that drive me crazy over on the main board, there really are some stand out newbies and even pre-surgery people who have there head screwed on straight, but it sure is hard to look past the clueless uneducated people.
on 4/25/12 7:11 am
I think that's the way it is with the general public across the board.. Averages, there's those above and way below.. and there's no "test" given for WLS.. I think a lot of these surgeons/programs are just mills in their own way. Line 'em up, cut them, set 'em loose.. Heck, my own surgeon is more or less exactly this. No guidance, no "support." But.. that's exactly what I wanted and needed, some need far more and don't get it- and some don't want to bother putting the time in to find or use the support available to them.