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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/19/23 5:09 am, edited 9/19/23 5:18 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

I FINALLY got the MRI scheduled after 11 days of daily calls/notes. The MRI place which does almost all of the MRIs not performed in hospitals here in Massachusetts had screwed up. They were asking for an insurance approval which wasn't necessary. Don't they train their people??? Arghhh... I have to travel 90 minutes on Thursday to get it done before the end of the week but at least it is happening.

In the meantime, Fall is definitely here. Though the temperature seems warm, the humidity is very low and it is quite windy. So I am caught with a lot of warm weather clothing and not much else here at DH's home (other than a couple of sweatshirts). Oh and my only pants and bras have metal in them so I can't wear them for the MRI. I have plenty of stuff at my home but it is an hour away and I wasn't planning on going there until Friday. So do I buy a couple of items to tide me over or do I drive to my home? Hmmm.... At the IRS travel reimbursement rate of 65.5 cents it will cost me $55 to go to my house. I think I can find something for that money.

I am really looking forward to getting back to our home in Florida. For the warmth and the change of venue (and not having to travel back and forth between 2 places every week or 2).

Last night I was thinking about my weight. Though I am at least 20 pounds more than I would like to be I have been stable at this weight for quite a while without really working at it. I was trying to determine what was different from prior years when I was always gaining when not suffering to lose. I realized that my behavior has definitely changed. Obviously portions at meals are constrained due to my smaller tummy but that isn't really it. I used to gain because I grazed on high-carb foods all the time and I binged on that stuff on a regular basis. In the first couple of years after WLS I would still feel the urge to binge sometimes but not any more. Though I do snack more than I should I tend to be drawn to more healthy foods. And the thought of binging on donuts, cakes or similar makes me feel ill to contemplate now. Interesting.

Time to get Justice out and about. Have a terrific Tuesday!

on 9/19/23 4:08 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

Are there bras without metal? I suppose a pull over sports bra, but then there is the danger of being strangled trying to put it on or take it off. But definitely a good idea to just buy something at current location.

Though it's a bit higher weight, you have found a good place I think. I had a 30 pound regain from my lowest around year 4/5. But then I stabilized there for years. Being "skinny" was fun, but I didn't really mind that higher weight because it was so easy to maintain. Occasionally I had to "diet" for a few weeks to peel off 3 or 4 pounds, but it wasn't a great hardship. It felt like balance to me. The next 25 pounds, the gift from Tamoxifen was not okay. That's what I'm fighting now. 10 more pounds and I'm back to pre cancer weight. Whether I want to forge ahead and try to lose more after that, still to be decided.

This morning when I arrived at school, a teacher stopped by to discuss a student. No prep. During my actual prep, I had to call a parent, and could not get them off the phone. Goodbye prep. After school, 2 teachers stopped by. Yikes. I have before and after school meetings tomorrow when am I supposed to get my work done? Sigh.

When I got home, DH and I went to one of our favorite restaurant patios. It was 82!!! Must grab every outdoor opportunity right now, winter is coming. Feel much more relaxed after sitting on the patio, eating a goat cheese salad in the perfect breeze.

I hope CCs drive home is going well.

on 9/19/23 7:41 pm

I'm home, but POOPED! More tomorrow after some sleep!
