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Monday, September 25, 2023

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/25/23 5:23 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

If all goes smoothly we will be in 80 plus weather by about 6 pm. A long day for Justice as he will be in cars/plane for about 6 hours. But he is a Florida dog so he should be happy to be warmer there.

This morning is washing sheets/towels and getting a good egg based breakfast before our long travels.

Time to get Justice out between rain showers. More later.

on 9/25/23 6:29 am

Going to be 86 here today. I've been up since 4 when the combination of coyotes having a raucous party outside my window and the smell of a wildfire woke me up. I think Sedona is just at the base of so many canyons that the smoke from fires settles down here. It's not a new fire or a big one or a fast growing one, but they tend to let them burn for forest management purposes. The coyotes were something else. I actually got up to record them twice, and of course the best one, I forgot to start the video recording. The sound echoes off the mountain behind me and it's something to hear! Means I'm up with the chickens to watch the balloons.

Food wasn't bad yesterday, though I overdid it on a few things. More working at it today.

Safe travels to Liz!

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/25/23 6:46 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Wow: Coyote serenades! Kind of sad that a lot of them on Cape Cod caught mange this year though they were quite healthy last year.

Might be a good idea to invest in earplugs?

on 9/25/23 1:53 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

Ha, some people are awoken by crowing roosters, CC has a whole mother level of wildlife alarm clock.

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/25/23 6:53 am - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

Two things I hadn't mentioned:

I had been putting off telling DS that I am selling my Cape house late next year because he hates change and kept saying he wanted to stay here. I finally told him Saturday and it was no big deal! In fact he is already talking about possibly living in another part of the state or country. Which is really good because the Cape is no place for a single young person to live especially in winter.

The other is that I just made a deal to extend my ownership at my timeshare in Aruba. I will now have 3 weeks in the same unit. I had been wanting to buy the week before my 2 for a long time but it was never for sale. I am getting a really good deal too! The weeks are co-owned by my daughter and I and we can rent them out if we don't use them.

That's all the news for today. Except that we leave in 2 hours and Justice seems to have something wrong with his tummy. He is shaking and just vomited. Not a good sign prior to travel!

on 9/25/23 1:56 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

Good news your son received your plan to sell calmly. Will you and Mike buy a place together in your area of the Cape, or do you plan to live in his house during the summer?

Liz WantsHealthForAll
on 9/25/23 5:13 pm - Cape Cod, MA
VSG on 03/28/16

DH will keep his place. I might buy a smaller seasonal one for us to use when DH's daughters are at his and for my kids to use. Or I may give my kids funds for down payments. We shall see.

on 9/25/23 11:35 am

A fun weekend of dog showing with friends. Sunday was not a day of very impressive judging. Sometimes your dogs win. Sometimes they lose. Sometimes one is completely baffled by what a judge is thinking. Sunday was one of those days! LOL! I would swear on a stack of bibles that the owner handled group judge eeny meeny miny mo'd her final placement. She literally looked back and forth between Buster and the Irish Terrier, sighed, threw up her hands and said, "Oh they are both so beautiful, but today I'll go with the Airedale." The judge who did the breed judging was not much better. Like I said... just one of those shake your head days.

Good news is that Molly is now a champion.

Food was not great on Saturday. Much better yesterday. However, I maintained my weight over the weekend. No harm, no foul.

Liz, enjoy the change of pace that comes with Florida. Glad DS took the news about the future sale well.

CC, home sweet home! I enjoy our coyote serenades, but they tend to be up the road a bit and therefore, not too loud. Right outside my window would be a little much. I have trouble with Dottie's higher pitched voice. I can only imagine a close by coyote music fest. It would drive me insane. That high pitch is like nails on a chalk board for me.

Merry Monday!

on 9/25/23 2:12 pm
VSG on 06/13/12

I've been home for about 20 minutes, and I feel the day's trials sliding off my shoulders. I'm enjoying 12 ounces of fair life milk with a tablespoon of Nestles Quick. I can not find the Fair life shakes anywhere, so this is my DIY. 20 grams of protein, 165 calories, so not as big a bang for the buck as a shake, but it does boost the protein intake for the day, and it's pretty tasty.

I might take another look at just crack an egg. I went through a phase where I sauteed diced veggies (tomatos, peppers, onions, olives, mushrooms) and then, each morning, I would put a little in the bottom of a glass dish, add an egg, a tablespoon of shredded cheese, and microwave. I enjoyed it until I lost my perfectly sized glass dish with lid for transporting... I could probably buy another... Or I could buy just crack an egg :)

The play, The Importance of Being Earnest was delightful, witty with just the right amount of campy. A very nice evening.

It hasn't rained for most of the summer, but we are getting good soaking now. Its rained off and on with some torrential downpours mixed in, since Saturday. We might see something close to 80 the end of the week, but right now, its damp and chilly.

I hope our littlest tribe member Justice made it okay to Florida.
