Blessed As I Begin My Journey.

Mar 15, 2009

Good morning OH family and all my friends.

Well today is the day!! My surgery time was at 9:30 this morning ,
but they moved it back a few hours to 12 noon.

 I'm a little nervous mixed with abit of excitement. I guess thats to be expected.

I want to thank everyone who has read my story so far and left comments along with words of encouragement.

You guys are truly HEAVEN sent.

I was hoping to have posted a resent picture of myself before I went into surgery , but I haven't taken any pictures.

I think my wife will take some of me in the O R   this morning and then post them soon.

Well all ...... I guess thats about it for now.

The next time I talk to you guys I'll be on the "LOSING TEAM" !!!!

God Bless You All !


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About Me
Evanston, IL
Surgery Date
Feb 19, 2009
Member Since

Friends 12

Latest Blog 5
