paula2930 17 years, 10 months ago

Kaycee--You are truely an inspiration!! Keep up your good work!

Whozat S-G 18 years, 2 months ago

Welcome to the losing side, sis! Folks, she's not kidding about how well she's doing. As you may know, Kaycee (and the test of the family) lives in TX and I'm in PA, so I'm just hearing about all this and not witnessing it myself, but from everything I hear, she is totally kicking my butt in terms of recovery, post-op mobility, pain management, etc. At this rate, I figure by the time I make my next trip down there in July, I'll be "the fat sister." :-) Ok, maybe Christmas. Anyway, just want to say how happy I am that everything's going so well for you, and how proud I am of everything you've accomplished so far. I know what a complete difference WLS has made in my life, and I'm so looking forward to that for you. love you! Beth

Shar Pei Kay 18 years, 2 months ago

Hi, Kaycee here. I am home!!! Things have gone very, very well. My sis has kept you pretty well updated, but I do want to thank everyone for their support and their prayers. Everyone has been just amazed at how well I have done. God is so good!!! It just seems so unreal to me that it is over and done with. Even when I look at my tummy I only have 6 tiny incisions. One about 2 inches, the rest an inch or less. Not even any stitches or staples - they super glued me shut. lol! It is hard to realize that my innards have been rearranged. I am just so happy and thankful that it is over and I have done so well, I am SO ready to take my place on the losing side!!!!!

Whozat S-G 18 years, 2 months ago

Kaycee's been discharged from the hospital and they are now at the hotel in Houston where our mom's been staying all week. They will stay there tonight, and then head back home (about a 2-hour drive) tomorrow (Friday) morning. She's worn out from the trip over the the hotel, getting in and out of the car, up to the room, etc, but other than that is still doing very well. You might hear from me again, but I suspect that the next update you get might be from her, to let you all know that she's home. Thanks to all of you for your nice notes of encouragement and good wishes. I know she'll be happy to read them all when she gets back on line. Beth

Whozat S-G 18 years, 2 months ago

I just spoke with my mom and things seem to be going very well for Kaycee so far. She's gotten up and walked to the door of her room and back once (last night) and isn't in too much pain (as long as she stays still and clicks her morphine pump!). That's more walking than I was able to do in the first couple of days when I had my surgery. My mom says that she seems to be complaining a lot less of pain than I did. I'm glad to hear that. When we spoke, they were waiting for her to go down for the swallow test and, of course, if that goes ok, she'll be allowed to start having very small amounts of liquids later today. Under the best-case scenario, she could be released as soon as tomorrow (Wednesday) but my mom thinks it will more likely be Thursday (at the soonest) - between the surgery being late in the day, the length of the drive home, etc.

Whozat S-G 18 years, 2 months ago

I just talked to my mom. Kaycee's in her room and settled in. She says that she's not hurting too badly, but wasn't feeling up to talking on the phone (was about half asleep). My mom said they're going to get her up to walk a bit in a while. They'll do the swallow test in the AM and if that all goes well, she'll start sipping liquids tomorrow. Beth

Whozat S-G 18 years, 2 months ago

Hi - Kaycee's sister here. Kaycee is out of surgery and doing well. I spoke to my mom about 1.5 hours ago, when she was in recovery. The dr said that he was able to do the surgery laproscopically and to make "a very small pouch." (Not sure exactly what that means? Smaller than usual?) When they let her out of recovery, she's supposed to go to a regular room (not ICU or intermediate care) and they're talking about making her get up and walk this evening. (ouch!) My parents and her daughter are at the hospital with her now, and our brother and his wife are heading over to see her in a while. My mom will give me a call later with another update when she's all settled in her room. I will post more later or tomorrow. Beth

* Cindee * 18 years, 2 months ago

I just wanted to pop in and wish you luck and let you know my prayers are with you. I pray that you have a safe surgery and a speedy recovery. Good luck on your journey!!

karen C. 18 years, 2 months ago

Kaycee, Wishing you a safe surgery and a rapid recovery. Looking forward to following your WLS journey. Karen from OFF

Dx E 18 years, 2 months ago

Kaycee, Have the Greatest Ever this Monday!!! I’m just dropping by to let you know that there’s a huge crowd of strangers out here pulling for you and holding you in our prayers. May you have a famously successful surgery and a record-breaking recovery! Hurry home soon and start walking away from the pounds and into your new life!! Best Wishes-
About Me
Port Arthur, TX
Surgery Date
Jan 15, 2006
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March 2, 2007
January 12, 2007
