Jan 30, 2013

It has been ages since I have written about weight loss my progress since. In a way I feel like a failure because I only lost 43 lbs in 3 years.

I really had high hopes for myself. I was sure that this surgery would be the right move for me. In a way I can't blame myself or the surgery because I could have gained those 43 lbs instead of losing them.

Truthfully I have had a host of physical problems since my surgery, which were all unrelated to my lap band surgery.  3 surgeries (including lap band) in three years is too much for anyone!!!  Yet to this day I continue to see my surgeon every month and try my best to stay focused and on track.


My biggest problem is that I can't exercise because of my arthritic knees. I have already had one surgery on my knee and and have both knees drained every 3 months. I receive steroid injections. I am in the process of undergoing another knee surgery with plans for a third in the future.


My doctor even went as far as suggesting having a gastric bypass but I really don't want anymore surgery! If I can't lose weight after one weight loss surgery there is no point in having another one in my opinion!!!  So for now this is where I am.

I am thankful for the weight I did lose but I pray to god that I will be able to lose the rest in the future.


"20 Weeks and Shrinking"!!!

Jun 04, 2010

Well it has been 20 weeks since "MBD" and I have lost a total of 30 lbs (per my pre-op weight) and 35 lbs total!!! YESSSSSSSSSS!!! It's amazing how losing weight can really make you feel good.
I am very excited and very proud of myself as well.  Finally I have started to notice it on myself.  
I am so greatful for being blessed enough to have had the surgery.....Thank God!!!   not to mention....I feel better, look better, and my spirits have improved!!!  

This is not as easy as people may think however it's not the moist diffucult of challenges I have faced in my life.
The one thing I will say is this I would encourage anyone who is struggling with a weight issue to consider surgery......that being said......this is truly  "THE BEST THING I EVER DID" in my life so far!!!

Sometimes I feel like it's taking a long time  but let's face it, I have to remember that I didn't put it on overnight and it's not coming off that way either!!! (I wish).   

I guess if I worked a little harder I would lose more weight faster, but in reality.....the bottom line is as long as I have a weight loss every month that's good enough for me!!!   

"16 weeks in and another 7 lbs gone"!!!

May 06, 2010

Well it has been 16 weeks since MBD and I have lost another 7lbs.
All together that makes for a total of 30.5lbs in my book and 27lbs in the doctors book. 
Either way it's better off than on!!! I feel good and look better and that's all that counts.

I am finally learning the difference between when you're hungry and just eating to eat!!! 
The biggest problem I have is constipation, and when I finally go I cringe!!!
I take a fiber supplement and I try to eat as much high fiber foods as possible and still I struggle.
I never had a problem going to the bathroom ever in my life so this to me is major.

With that being said...I'm very happy to have had the procedure done and am even more happy to see the results every time I step on the scale.

Nearly 3 months in and my 2nd fill!!!

Apr 08, 2010

It has been almost 3 months since my surgery and I have lost a total of 23.5 lbs.  (before & after surgery) 

I was a little disappointed  that I only lost 2.5 lbs after 6 weeks....however, my doctor explained to me that once we get the right amount of fluid in my band I should lose an average of 1-2 lbs a week. 

He says it can take a few tries until we get it just right. Never the less he put another 2.5cc's in for a total of 6.5cc's. 
I am hoping  for much better results on my next visit 4 weeks from now.  

I haven't really been able to properly keep track of my self for the past month because I didn't have access to a computer  and I really feel that was one of the reasons why I did so poorly this time, as opposed to last time. 

I found that for me being able to record my events daily is what keeps me focused and helps me stay on track!!!

I guess I need to invest in a lap top so as to be able to keep track of my progress....therefore if I am not near my pc I won't have any reason to miss out.

7 weeks in!!!

Mar 05, 2010

Wow....7 weeks since my surgery.  I can't believe it!!! Time really does fly!!!  

I really don't have any  major complaints or issues. Thank God!!!  All is well, and I'm starting to notice my weight loss!!!  Yesssssssssssss!!!!

According to my scale at home I'm down another 4.5 lbs, which makes for a grand total of 25 lbs pre and post-op . I don't record that in my log as a weight loss. I count it when I go to Dr. Liao for follow- ups.

I have discovered a few interesting things however, like.....if I over eat or I eat too fast, it comes right back up, sometimes I'm not sure if I am full or not, and if I think about food too much I want to eat, even though I might not necessarily be hungry.  There are times when I feel very hungry and others when don't.  
Soft foods are not a real problem.....however, I tried deli turkey yesterday and needless to say it didn't stay down, so I tried it again today and the same thing happened again. after the third try I figured out how to keep it down.....I ate 1/2 a slice very slowly waited about 10 minutes and then ate the other 1/2.

I have had the same issue with rotisserie chicken, but I notice a lot of bandsters say they have trouble with chicken....jeez I wonder what would happen with other meats like....steak, pork, or even veal for that matter.

I am getting a little bored with what I can eat at this point and especially since I am a great cook and I love to eat........this is posing a little difficultly for me.

I can't wait to eat some pancakes!!!  One of my favorite breakfast foods!!! Yum O!!!

The nutritionist says I should wait a least 6 months before eating bread, rice, pasta, or even pancakes because these foods tend to swell in the port and could get stuck. 

Soooo....I figure since that falls right around the time of my B-Day .....what better present to give myself but some really banging pancakes!!!.... Bariatric friendly of course!!!.... I already have 3 recipes!!!  

Anyway that's pretty much it....7 weeks in, and all is well....losing weight, feeling good, seeing a difference, hey what more can I ask for!!!  

5 Days after my first fill!!!

Mar 01, 2010

I'm a little worried!!! It has been 5 days since my first fill and I don't feel much difference!!! 
At the time of my fill I received 5cc's and my doctor said I should feel more restriction, but I still feel hungry, and my stomach still growls. 

I'm really not sure why? Perhaps it is because I am PM? Maybe I need to give it a little more time?
Who knows? The one thing I do know is...... that I am racking my brain trying to figure this out.  

One thing is for sure....If I allow myself to.....I can eat more that 2-4 oz's at a time.
I am trying to avoid doing this at any cost!!!  I guess I'll have to  wait and see what happens.

My next appointment is 4/7/10. At which time I will tell my doctor how I feel and exactly what has happened since my last visit!!! 

I have a lot of functions coming up in the next few months including Easter......and quit frankly I'm a little scared....I mean if feel hungry now and don't feel restriction, God only knows what could happen!!!  

I love food and I'm a great cook so that being said now you know why I had WLS!!!  
The one good thing is that I "DO NOT" keep anything tempting in my house!!!  That's a "Big" NO NO!!!  

I make it a point to plan out my meals and keep a food journal (health tracker) everyday.  
I find that it really helps me to know what I'm eating and how many calories I'm taking in. 
Speaking of calories....the nutritionist says I shouldn't be so concerned with calories right now as I should be with staying in the guild lines of the portion size (4 oz's per meal). 

I am very determined to see this through and achieve the goals that I have set for myself, and I don't want anything to get in my way, nor do I want to look for or find any excuses!!!!

My 1st fill!!!

Feb 26, 2010

So I went to the doctor on Thursday 2/25/10 and had my 1st fill.  
I was pretty calm and it really didn't hurt. I was actually looking forward to it.

My doctor gave me 5cc and I lost a total of 18 lbs since my surgery. 
That's what I'm talking about!!!  Hey I didn't go through all this not to see results!!!

I am really happy with my progress and I hope to be able to continue on this path until I reach my goal!!!

I often read things people write about their experience with various WLS' but the truth is....Life is what you make it and the same applies to WLS too!!!

Of coarse this is just my opinion.... but let's face it.... if someone says they can't lose weight with the lap band, but at the same time there worried about never being able to eat sweets, bread, pasta etc....ugh....they why under go WLS in the first place!!! 

This should be the furthest thing from your mind right now.....especially if you have 100 lbs or more to lose. 
Sheet, I know it's not my main concern right now!!!

My suggestion is.....follow the program....research bariatric friendly food recipes and there you go!!!  

It works for you...if you work for it!!! 

1st post-op visit and the results are in!!!

Feb 25, 2010

I finally had my 1st post-op visit with Dr. Liao yesterday and the results are in...according to his records I have lost a total of 17 lbs since my 11/11/09 visit which was just prior to WLS!!!  
I had hoped to lose 20 lbs but I'm not complaining!!!  Truthfully as far as I am concerned I did. 
The real breakdown goes like this...I've lost 17 lbs since my 11/11/09 visit, but 21.5 lbs since my 1/6/10 Endo visit (guess you know what I did over the holidays ), and 18 lbs since MyBigDay 1/15/10.

No matter what, my ultimate goal is to weigh 127 lbs and with that being said.....I have 112lbs to go!!!  Which is way better than 130 lbs!!! 

I am very proud of myself I worked hard and it showed!!!  I knew that in the long run it would all pay off!!! Even though there were times when I was soooo hungry and you could hear my stomach growl from here to Canada I stayed focused and God gave me the strength I needed and I am thankful for that!!! 

Dr. Liao was impressed as well since I had not even received my 1st fill yet. 
Actually I got my 1st fill yesterday as well. 
I'm praying   that this will help me to lose even more weight now!!!

I have heard that sometimes with Lap Band Surgery weight loss is not as rapid as it is with other types of WLS....truthfully I didn't put it on over night    and I surely  won't be taking it off over night either!!!

My main concern is to continue losing the weight and keeping it off for ever!!! 


Almost 6 weeks since WLS!!!

Feb 24, 2010

Well almost 6 weeks have past since MyBigDay 1/15/10, and I am getting in the groove of this new way of living. Slowly but surely.

Here's a little sample of  what's been going on.....I have lost 17 lbs    according to my Endo visit on 2/23/10.
(I went to my Endo MD for my pre-op testing On 1/6/10  and weighed 260.5 and on the day of my surgery 1/15/10 I weighed 257).

The real test will be tomorrow.... My 1st official post-op visit with Dr. Liao.
(I did see him on 1/20/10 and according to his records then, I had lost 5 lbs from the last weigh in I had there which was either Nov. or Dec. 2009.

I am anxious and a little nervous to see what his scale says tomorrow 2/25/10, especially since I am supposed to get my first band fill as well.
I hope I weigh less than 243.5 tomorrow. I was hoping to have lost at least 25 lbs total from 1/15/10 but it
does not look that way right now, however I'm crossing my fingers!!!

I am also going to see the nutritionist/dietitian as well so we can go over my progress and see if I can get some new ideas as to what else I can eat for breakfast. I am getting a little board with it these days and
since I wasn't much of a breakfast eater before, I am having a little problem now.   

I haven't had any problems with lunch, dinner, or snacks.....so that's a good thing.

The only other problems I have encountered are....throwing up when I eat too much or too fast.....which is my own fault..... and sometimes I feel really hungry!!!  Even though I just drink something to fill the gap.

I drink my water, take my vitamins, and try to walk at least a mile or more a day. 

I have not joined the gym yet because my left knee has been acting up. 
Yesterday I had a cortisone injection so we'll  just have to wait and see how that goes?  

I figure if this is for the rest of my life I might as well take my time.... since I plan on living a long, long, long time!!! 

One Month Anniversary!!!

Feb 12, 2010

Well today makes 1 month since I had my surgery.  Thank God all is well and I feel better.
I still have not had my first band fill yet.......I have to wait 2 more weeks for that.

I feel less bloated and according to my scale I have lost another 5 lbs.  A total of12 lbs all together.

I hope by the time I go to the doctor on 2/25/10, that I will have lost at least 25 lbs or more.
Considering that it will be 6 weeks since my surgery, and I'm averaging about 850 calories a day and a lot of that comes from liquid.

Not to mention that after going through such drastic measures to lose weight, and sticking to it.... I expect to lose a decent amount of weight every month.

I feel good and don't really have any complaints.

The only problem that I have encountered is........difficulty moving my bowls.I try to get in all the fiber I can everyday and I take a vegetable laxative on occasion however, I think I may need to take it more frequently.

I take my vitamins, my calcium, and drink my water everyday.  

I also try to get some sort of exercise in daily....whether it's walking, cleaning my house, or shoveling snow,
I try to keep moving no matter what because I know it will help me to reach my goals more effectively.

The main thing is to lose weight...... I guess it doesn't how much or how long it takes.
