One Month Anniversary!!!

Feb 12, 2010

Well today makes 1 month since I had my surgery.  Thank God all is well and I feel better.
I still have not had my first band fill yet.......I have to wait 2 more weeks for that.

I feel less bloated and according to my scale I have lost another 5 lbs.  A total of12 lbs all together.

I hope by the time I go to the doctor on 2/25/10, that I will have lost at least 25 lbs or more.
Considering that it will be 6 weeks since my surgery, and I'm averaging about 850 calories a day and a lot of that comes from liquid.

Not to mention that after going through such drastic measures to lose weight, and sticking to it.... I expect to lose a decent amount of weight every month.

I feel good and don't really have any complaints.

The only problem that I have encountered is........difficulty moving my bowls.I try to get in all the fiber I can everyday and I take a vegetable laxative on occasion however, I think I may need to take it more frequently.

I take my vitamins, my calcium, and drink my water everyday.  

I also try to get some sort of exercise in daily....whether it's walking, cleaning my house, or shoveling snow,
I try to keep moving no matter what because I know it will help me to reach my goals more effectively.

The main thing is to lose weight...... I guess it doesn't how much or how long it takes.

