Jan 30, 2013

It has been ages since I have written about weight loss my progress since. In a way I feel like a failure because I only lost 43 lbs in 3 years.

I really had high hopes for myself. I was sure that this surgery would be the right move for me. In a way I can't blame myself or the surgery because I could have gained those 43 lbs instead of losing them.

Truthfully I have had a host of physical problems since my surgery, which were all unrelated to my lap band surgery.  3 surgeries (including lap band) in three years is too much for anyone!!!  Yet to this day I continue to see my surgeon every month and try my best to stay focused and on track.


My biggest problem is that I can't exercise because of my arthritic knees. I have already had one surgery on my knee and and have both knees drained every 3 months. I receive steroid injections. I am in the process of undergoing another knee surgery with plans for a third in the future.


My doctor even went as far as suggesting having a gastric bypass but I really don't want anymore surgery! If I can't lose weight after one weight loss surgery there is no point in having another one in my opinion!!!  So for now this is where I am.

I am thankful for the weight I did lose but I pray to god that I will be able to lose the rest in the future.

