Arrived in ONEDERLAND today

Nov 12, 2006

I knew it, just knew it that if I posted and complained about not getting below 200, I would have to come back and apologies to everyone cause then it happened.  I have no patience but being so close for 2 weeks made me nuts....

So here I am finally and boy does it feel incredible to see the scale say 198.  I lost 2.8 pounds in fact.  Like I was told, shake it up and change something so I added more water and harder exercise.  I cried when I saw 198.0, cried like a baby.

I need to thank each and every one of you for helping me to get here.  I cant list you all by name cause I never wish to hurt anyones feelings by forgetting even one person but I could NOT have gotten through this so far without each of you encouraging me and kicking me in the butt when I needed it.  I am crying now so I will stop.  Just know that I loves ya so much!!!!!!!

hugs to all,
252/198/140  -54lbs
RNY 8/2/06 

Random thoughts and feelings 11/4/06

Nov 03, 2006

I dont know what is going on in my body right now, maybe it is actually my head that is going through stuff.  I cant get the scale to move to OnderlandVille-  I did this before when I was atkins, I could not go below 200 for the life of me.  In all fairness though, I am not really wanting to eat and know my food and water intake is crap.  There is no joy at meal times and food taste blah.  I am a nurse and know that my body is retalating and not losing cause I am not offering anything for it to burn or heal with.  I bet you it is going after my muscles and that is why I have no energy and my mood is horrible. J~ and I are not doing well and I am thinking that I wont be able to fix this and how really unhappy I am right now.  I just HAVE to be sure that it is truly him and I and not my head being weird.  Is it us or me not being happy with anything and everyone.  Plans for the day of coffee with OH people and then a baby shower for my co-worker.  Spent yesterday cleaning out my closet and it was a realization for me.  The fatter I got the more my clothes became plain and drab.  For the first time in my life, I got rid of it all- stuff since high school that no matter how much my ex complained I drug around.  I still have all of the jeans which is a great thing even if I dont fit into most of them.  My body is still changing on the top half and stuck from my hips down.  Thinking about buying a pair of jeans today for a new look until I fit into more.  Maybe make myself feel better.  Switching from food to buying clothes-  should know better  who knows.  lol

3 Month check up- 10/27/06

Oct 26, 2006

I saw Dr. D yesterday and had my 3 month checkup and labs drawn.  I have to wait a week before they will be ready.  He said I look great and when he went to look at my scars- he said "OMG  you really are getting so skinny."  That is from my surgeon and it felt so good to hear.  I also asked him about what my goal weight should be and he calculated it and came back and said 180.  I said ummm  hell no. He said well lets see what you come up with  Bring it on.  I adore this man for giving me back my life.  He answers all of my questions and helps squash all of the fears.  Also the scale went down ANOTHER 3 pounds in 1 day.  Wont complain and will take every pound the good Lord offers me to lose.  I am 3 pounds away from Onederland.  PTL

12 weeks post op

Oct 25, 2006

I finally got the scale to move today.  I jumped on and have lost 3.6lbs in just one day.  Pretty good considering that it has been stuck for almost 2 weeks now.  Food issues are still happening as I am not hungry and have to force it in still.  I am not drinking enough and I know it.  My goal right now is back to basics and all protein and water and need to get back to working out again.  Work still sucks, met with T- about what I think is wrong and what to do about it.  She is on one side and we are all on the other.  There has to be some changes coming or everyone is going to leave.  Confronted my orientee yesterday and it did not go too bad.  I stick by what I think, he has no business being an ICU nurse.  I went to dinner and dancing with my TMB support group last weekend and had a blast.  I have not danced forever and it felt so good.  I drank too much and wont be doing that again anytime soon.  I then went to the Texan game on Sunday and I cant wait to do that again.  We actually won so the end of a perfect weekend.  There is a huge halloween party this weekend and I have no idea what to wear.  I have an appointment with Dr. Davis today for my check up and lab work.  I have some questions and hope his scale says what mine does.  I am so close to onderland that I can hear it calling my name.

11 weeks post op

Oct 18, 2006

I am seriously struggling with not wanting any food right now.  I am not hungry at all and have to force in even just a small protein shake.  I also have not been drinking enough water and the scale is showing it.  It has been stuck at 209 for a week now.  I used to gain 10lbs for that time of the month, now I know that I freeze the scale.  Guess that it better than gaining.  When I do eat, I am obssessed with snow crab legs.  The weather has been crappy and wet.  Work continues to suck and there is a going to be a huge turn over cause of no support with management.  I am still working through emotional upheave.  Seems like I am a walking bucket of moods and it is making me crazy. Someone told me on the board that this is normal but God when you have to live with it, it is difficult.  I dont mean to sound so negative, just working through all of these changes.

8 weeks and 2 days post-op

Sep 28, 2006

September 29, 2006 8 weeks and 2 days post op
I have just spent 2 weeks with the scale bouncing between 222 and 220 and it has been so hard to go through. I have eaten right and gone back to work and still no loss. Today, I woke up and FINALLY it went down to 219. I have not seen the lower numbers of 220 for 1.5 years now. I have a new personal trainer I started with today and you will never guess, she is 2 years post op WLS. I am truly blessed to have her since she knows what I am going through and my needs. I can eat 3oz of food and I am eating 4 times a day. Still struggling with my protein and water intake. I am working out at 24hr Fitness now everyday. I still have good days and bad.

6 weeks post-op and the weight is flying off!

Sep 12, 2006

September 13, 2006- 6 week post op
I have lost a total of 30 pounds since I had my surgery 6 weeks ago today. Since I came home from the hospital- 39lbs. We did my measurements last night and I have 22inches from my ankles to my neck. I cant believe that with all of this weight you can now have lost in my wrist and neck. I have great days and then I have crash and burn times. I go to sleep by 11pm every single night and my eyes fly open at 5am and I am wide awake. I return to work in a few nights and I HAVE to change my sleep cycle.

I am still concerned about returning to work. I can go to walmart to shop and get exhasted how in the world can I handle 12 hours on my feet. There is no getting tired and resting at work. Plus I have not charted in the new system so there is even more fear. Plus there is a huge turn over rate and we are short staffed. Lord please help me.

Emotionally I am ready to go back- staying home for this long is making me crazy. I miss my friends and the social interaction. I need to get my life back and this is one of my first tests that I can do it.

Currently these of my favorite foods that I am eating: chicken livers, pork chops, cottage cheese, cheedar cheese bites, refried beans and cheese and Ice tea. Foods I cant do is still eggs and I cant keep down chicken either. Hope that is a phase but for weeks now?

I am doing homemade protein shakes right now, it is finally giving me the needed 70-80 gms of protein i need for the day. I know Dr. Davis wants us off but they are healthy for me right now and the weight is flying off. I have never been happier to say that!!!!!

4 weeks post-op

Aug 29, 2006

August 30, 2006
4 weeks post op- posted this on the TMB and thought I need to save it.

Well guys I have made it to 4 weeks post op today. I have lost 22 lbs since the night before surgery and 31 since I came home. I had lost 6 lbs before surgery as well. I can not tell you what my highest weight was cause I refused to get on the scale. I had really hoped to have gotten to 229 today as I have not seen the 220's in several years but the scale is going to make me wait. I know I have got to get off the damn thing daily.

I still have not returned to work yet as I will see Dr. Davis tomorrow for my check up and he has a weight restriction and there is not light duty on my unit- so tomorrow I need to see if I have to wait the additional 2 weeks or not. I am going crazy at home and feel like a dog getting to go bye bye when someone around here goes anywhere LOL.

Ok, so back to MY experience for these past 4 weeks ( I say that to all of the new post op and pre ops cause I have discovered that each of us are affected differently. Just as god has made us all different- hense everyone goes through this on their own with a general tendency.

Post Op: I never expected the JP drain and should have known better. I almost did not get out the 2nd day just cause I was dehydrated and had trouble using the bathroom. If Dr. Davis would have not come in that night I would have stayed. I was treated as a princess by the staff as I happened to work for the hospital that I had my surgery at and they kept telling each other-" she is one of us". I got a private room and really was treated the very best. I feel so bad for so many ppl here on the boards as it took 2 days to approve me and had 100% paid. Even got the private room as a perk of working for the company. I have the best doctor who happens to be so good looking lol.

Food: I am eating cottage cheese, coffee, chocolate mootpia milk, shrimp, cream of wheat, yogurt, egg salad, crab cake, catfish, refried beans, smoothie shakes, bites of protein bars, and my favorite sf popsicles. I have tried pureed spagetti, inside of a taco supreme and a hamburger patty from McD's ( bad choice was sick all night) I can not eat tuna, eggs scrambled and now am suddenly lactose intolorate.

I am still having real issues with not being hungry and have to force myself to eat. I have thrown up 3 times- 1with ice cream, 1 with tuna and 1 with water- I cant believe how wonderful it feels to be so sick and throw it up and it is done for me at least.

Vitamins, Protein and Water- are the hardest thing still for me even to this day- I am good about my vitamins most days except calcium- I always forget it. protein i am supposed to be at 70-80 gms per Dr. Davis and I am lucky to hit 50 every day. I can not seem to get in enough food. As per I am barely getting in 300-500 calories a day. I am only being able to handle 2-3 oz and then waiting for the drinking- by that time I am too full and cant eat anything else. It is a huge struggle. water well I am much better but I want to gulp after working out and that is a HUGE mistake as you will throw up water guys.

Energy- I had to get reminded by my friend Dana and Jennifer that this is MAJOR surgery and just because I am so many weeks out DOES NOT mean I have healed. Last week I had NO energy- none, I would get up and try to do a load of clothes and would have to lay down. You are completely snapped. Then there are times when i feel on top of the world. I can walk 2 miles and not even be out of breath and I can do housework and am on cloud nine. Each day for me is different and I never can predict how much or how long I can last. Cause in a few hours everything can change. I am feeling better this week as compaired to last. I still have a lift restriction and dont care to cause a stricture, hernia or any complications. I was surprised to discover that this is the most common time that these can form. You think you are so far out and there are not complications and you are wrong. Your pouch is still very tender, raw and everything is STILL HEALING- do not fool yourself in thinking otherwise.

Body changes- the first thing that I noticed that I was losing weight was the craziest thing- my feet and ankles- I have them and they are so thin now. Then I saw it in my tummy and my face when I pull my hair up. I have not noticed my boobs changing yet or my butt or thighs- areas I want. I have not tried on clothes to this point for the most stupidest of reasons. I wanted to really see changes and thought if I dont put them on when I have to ( go back to work or a doctor appt.) I got my first WOW moment last night and will post about that in another post. Needless to say there are changes.

I have 5 incisions and they are almost totally healed- little red around the edges and I have discovered 4 stiches that popped out ( did they forget them or are the dissolvable) and I cut them out. I have no pain and the one that is still sensitive is my right one. Still has a touch of green drainage every now and then. I spent so much of my recovery constantly nausea and was given patches to help and they rocked my world. i have saved 3 of them for when I return to work as smells now suddenly bother me and if I get a GI Bleed I am screwed. lol I have not been able to have what I call a normal BM yet ( sorry for the grossness but it is me guys lol) I am still having watery loose stools every other day or so. But Dr. Davis also puts you on colace to make sure there is no constipation. I got my cycle last week and did NOT gain the usual 5-10 lbs as normal but hovered at the same 2 lbs for 5 days in a row- that sucked. Very very light cycle I pray this is what is to come lol sorry guys again.

Pills- am taking taking pixie sticks childrens chewables 2x a day, urosol for prevention of gallstones ( have to take this for 6 months) 2x a day, colace, b-complex subligual 1x day, and liguid calcium citrate- pineapple favor 2 tbs a day. was taking wellbutrin xl and it came out whole and stopped taking that rather quickly.

well now that I have written a book and gave too much information, I need to go do some clothes ( why is that chore always a constant battle) I will post my WOW moment later and tonight my daughter is going to help me do my month measurements I am excited and nervous. I am also going to my first support meeting at my hospital and my unit wants me to come and see them. I have tried on a thousand clothes for the perfect outfit lol.

I do need to thank so many people on this board who have led the way, offered suggestion and a kick in the butt when I needed it. I could not have made it this past month without each and everyone one of you. I cant even begin to list them all since I will forget someone and can never hurt all those who I care about. You all know who you are to me and others. I am truly blessed and am thankful.

Hugs to all,
Tanya 4 weeks today
pre-op/post op/current/goal

10 days post-op and feeling wonderful

Aug 11, 2006

Aug 12, 2006
I am 10 days post op now and wanted to update on how wonderful I feel. I have not taken pain medication for 3 days now and I only took it then cause my boyfriends truck rides like crap to go to my 1 week checkup down in the medical center. I am either never going to ride in his truck til I am healed or I will talk the pain medication for the trip.

Right now I am only struggling with one problem and it may seem to be a TMI but a real problem for me. I have not been able to have a BM in 1 week. I feel so bloated and sore cause of it. I am taking colace and tried MOM last night with no results so this am I took lactalose. I KNOW it will cause cramping and pain but I have got to get this out of my body. I think that I am also lighter if I could get all of this out of me.

I am now 11lbs lighter than pre op and 20 lbs right home from the hospital. My ankles look so much smalled and my feet look great. J said that he thinks my arms are smaller but i dont see that yet. 2 days ago I think I ate too much food and have since then slowed down my weight loss. M thinks I need to go back to basics for a few more weeks and give my tummy time to heal and that he thinks I am pushing my insides too hard. Right now I can eat broth, jello, cream of wheat, mash potatoes, and protein smoothies. I think today i am going to work on some simple broth and jello and s/f popciles.

I cant believe how wonderful I feel so soon out. My life is changing and so am. The best thing is that I am looking forward to seeing the new me. God has blessed me!!!

Home from the hospital and feeling great!

Aug 04, 2006

Aug 5, 2006
Home and feeling great!!!!
Well guys I made it. I surgery Wednesday and was released last night around 9pm. Mt surgery was set for 8am and I did not go back until 4pm ( that was 28 hours with nothing to drink ) And in an hour and a half I was in recovery. Dr. Davis said I had a classic text book surgery. But I was up walking around the hospital at 9pm that night- the nurses freaked but I wanted the foley out lol Dr. Davis was so wonderful, explained everything and was caring and a complete professional. I will recommend him to anyone anyday of the week.

I had some complications but they were minor- got dehydrated, and placed back on IV Fluids with a bolus and at first could not void so i had to be straight cathed- needless to say I made it work the next time. I dont know why I was so dry. They put me on fluids IV wise and i was drinking 1 oz every hour as I was awake. Now being home I am worried that I will do it again. OH YEAH the hospital made me gain 9lbs- if I would have never read that from others I might have freaked out....

Pain not really even in the hospital. It only happens when I was walking so far and trying to move around in the bed and pulling on my stomach it seems. I was nausea the entire time so he put me on the patch and thank god in heaven for this med. If you struggle with nausea as for this before you even hit recovery~

Everyone was wonderful and me being an employee there also helped. lol

About Me
Spring, TX
Surgery Date
Jul 12, 2006
Member Since

Friends 289

Latest Blog 61
Today's posting was interesting to me!!!
My First Public Presentation on WLS
My HPONW post on 10/30/08
Lived through a hurricane and never want to again
Post from my thread
