mistiemay 20 years, 1 month ago

Debbie you are in a better place. You will be so missed here. My prayers go out to your family.

Marcia M. 20 years, 1 month ago

I am so sorry to hear of Debbie's passing. She was a great lady and I enjoyed talking with her. God bless her family and friends. She will be sorely missed.

toddmaye 20 years, 1 month ago

My thoughts and Prayers are with Debbie's Family. I know its hard but give thanks in Knowing that God has her and she does not have to deal with the sufferings of the world anymore. She fought a good fight, she has finished her course.............

1800Bev 20 years, 2 months ago

Sending thoughts and prayers to Debbie's family in hopes that they can find comfort in knowing that Debbie is an Angel and free of the pain and suffering she endured.

marypaige 20 years, 2 months ago

Debbie never got to have her surgery. After finding out hre cancer resurfaced, she then had serious hip problems. After a hip replacements surgery, she got an infection. Last night, she passed away. Here is the e-mail from the gal letting us all know about her status: ~~~~~ My Dear Friends: The angels took our dear, dear friend to be with her Lord this morning at 3:40am. Her fight here is finished. She was at peace and did not suffer. I was holding her hand when she slipped ever so gently away. Her family, Dottie and her college roommates were also there. She opened her eyes this morning and Dottie and I prayed with her. She nodded her head and was aware of her condition. We prayed for God's will to be done and for Debbie's peace and at the moment I prayed "Lord, she gave her life to you and knows that she knows that You are clearing the way for her" Debbie nodded her head again and squeezed my hand. We knew she was at peace and prepared to let go. Debbie had lost a tremendous amount of blood and was loosing it as quickly as they would give her more. That process could have gone on a very long time so the decision was made late this afternoon to stop it. Her kidneys failed, the infections were out of control and they found tumors today in her liver. Had she survived this crisis her quality of life would have been so poor and added greater suffering. We know Debbie would not have wanted a life where she was not in total control of herself and running the show for the upcoming elections! I will be getting back to you as soon as I know details about a service. Linda still needed time to process all this and will be making arrangements tomorrow. Thank you once more for the support of our cherished friend. ~~~~~ Debbie was a great lady and fouhgt many battles. As I tearfully post this, let us all keep her and her family and freinds in our prayers.

Melissa S. 20 years, 6 months ago

My prayers will be with you as you go through the surgery and recovery. May your strength be restored; your recovery be swift and your tender heart be renewed.

betterfitness 20 years, 6 months ago

Debbie, Wishing you well during this process. May you have a speedy recovery. Hang on for the ride. Janice

southern-magnolia-minerals 20 years, 6 months ago

Congratulations Debbie and best wishes for an uneventful surgery and a quick recovery. You are about to become an official loser, don't ya just love it!!! Take care, Barbara Huffman

Teribel 20 years, 6 months ago

Debbie, Best wishes for an uneventful surgery tomorrow. We'll save you a spot on the losers bench.

its_me 20 years, 6 months ago

I just wanted to let you know that I will be thinking about you on your special day and say a prayer for a speedy recovery! Congratulations on beginning a new life with a new healthier you. Soon you'll be a BIG LOSER!!
About Me
Raleigh, NC
Surgery Date
Nov 13, 2002
Member Since
