lianemallen 21 years, 11 months ago

Sorry about that last post! I had open RNY on 4/19/2002 and I eat all veggies every chance I get. I guess it would all depend on the person, but I have no problems with tomatoes at all. Liane :)-53#'s

lianemallen 21 years, 11 months ago

S. Kay S. 22 years ago

Angela, some states have laws that say WLS can't be excluded, but I'm not sure which ones do or don't and I would contact and ask for Walter Linstrom. Best of Blessings. Pastor Kay

Chris S. 22 years ago

Hi Angela: about Cigna and your employer, find out from Cigna how much it would cost your employer if they said to approve the surgery. Then find a friendly person in Human Resources or the Insurance division, explain the delima, and there's a chance the employer will tell Cigna to pay. It may be a slim to none chance, but there is a chance. If the answer is no, ask if you can reimburse the employer for their portion of the expenses. Keep looking, find that window of opportunity. Good luck chris

Angela H. 22 years ago

Hi, I hope the swelling gets better soon. Take care of you!

Karen N. 22 years ago

hey Angela- you're doing it! Just keep walking the path. Each step takes you forward. Prayers that you'll get an approval quickly and a surgery date as soon as you want it.

Carmen K. 22 years ago

Dear Angela.........Congratulate yourself for having the courage to get agressive towards your health! You've done this on your own and without support. That shows truth strength of spirit! WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! God Bless!

Lora B. 22 years ago

Hi Angela, May our heavenly father carry you through with no complications and give you a smooth speedy recovery!! God bless you,LOL,love in Christ.

Mary C. 22 years ago

Dear Angela, There is a saying that goes "Own your own stuff." That means, you have enough to deal with, you don't need to get sucked up into your husband's issues or your "best" friend's issues. You have so much to deal with right now related to your weight loss surgery, tell them to go pound sand! If you are not feeling supported by them, then don't discuss any of this with them! And when they are putting their issues over on you, say "I don't want to discuss this with you right now, I am dealing with my own stuff which I don't feel like you are supporting me in." Or something like that. Remember, you are a person of value... no one can demean you unless you let them. Good luck, God bless you!!

~Tooter - the Droopy Witch 22 years, 1 month ago

Just a quick note to say I hope your psych appt went super-well!
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rockingham, nc
Mar 05, 2002
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