Sharon Neva 22 years, 1 month ago

ANGELA~~If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible to you~~HANG IN THERE

jennifer A. 22 years, 1 month ago

Hi! Completing an insurance companies requirement of a medically supervised diet does not have to be hard or expensive...My pcp wanted me to complete a 3 month diet to fulfill my insurances requirement...I was thinking "oh great,weight watchers or jenny craig"...but my "diet" is consisting of me going in and getting weighed once a month and my pcp documenting that I've been eating lowfat and excercising.I would ask your pcp if this would be an option for you...Good luck! :)

Angela G. 22 years, 1 month ago

OK.. I just got off the phone with my INS.. 2 reasons.. 1: they offer discount coupons for Weight Watchers.. 2: Needed to verify [again] that the ONLY reason my referral was denied was because of the 6 months clause.. . I guess this is good news.. because from what the gentleman said is YES.. so the only obsticle I must hurdle is 6 months of Weight Watchers... [failed, of course, but as they said, not failed by deliberate sabotage].... Thanks everyone....

kylakae 22 years, 1 month ago

Angela, what a load of crock they are trying to feed you! Liquid diets are doomed to failure and that is WAY to expensive. Just find a nutritionist and follow a regular eating plan for the next 6 months. Get a new PCP if you need to! Good luck! We're here for ya!

Angela G. 22 years, 1 month ago

Good morning All... Just a quick update.. Since it WAS the insurance company that requires 6 months of documented weight loss attempts, I decided to follow through with my current PCP.. He referred me to the Lutheran Weightloss Management Program, it is run by the Lutheran Hospital.. 12 weeks of a liquid diet like slim fast .. 5 shakes per day and a nut. bar.. $70/week for the food.. plus weekly meetings to take bp, and blood test and dietician and support group.. .Insurance might pay for like 1/4 .. the dr. visits and bloodwork.. the entire program costs like $5200 for 20 weeks... and get this.. they can get you a bank loan to cover your part... OK.. I see a problem with this.. I am sure the program probably works.. but, I am not the one to pay that much money out.. times are tight.. There is no job security anymore.. I am not about to get another loan.. there is no possible way.. I am also pretty sure that after the $5200 and 20 weeks later... it will be very easy to gain the weight back.... Let's see a show of hands.. how many of us went on starvation diets.... only to gain it back... ok.. so it is not exactly like starvation.. but think... our stomachs may shrink alittle due to lack of food.. but, it will stretch right back... they say weight loss in that 20 weeks averages about 50lbs.. so.. lets see.. so that means 1 year from now.. I should have a net gain of 20lbs... at least... but I am not the one to pay $5200 to gain 20lbs... I am truly sorry for the negative attitude.. but, you know as well as I that history dictates how we percieve the future.. this is a DIET, it will succeed just like every other DIET we have ever tried..... well, it looks like Weight Watchers for 6 months... Thanks for listening....

kylakae 22 years, 1 month ago

Angela, don't bother fighting a PCP who won't support you! Get a new PCP who will support you! Hang in there, you'll make it!

Janelle G. 22 years, 1 month ago

Angela - FIND ANOTHER PCP!!! A new doctor can get your records from the old doctor and work from those. I am very lucky to have a wonderful PCP who understands and SUGGESTED surgery for me!! My doctor is in Columbus, so he's not close enough for you. I will keep you in my thoughts.

Brandie K. 22 years, 1 month ago

~~~~~~~~~~Sickly angel flying in~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<p> Angela is having a hard time right now with her PCP. He seems not to even want to address the surgery with her. I am sure that she would love to hear from any of you with words of support. <p> ~~~~~~~~Angel flying back out for some more rest~~~~~~~~~~~~

slspiek1215 22 years, 2 months ago

Angela, Don't give up. This is worth fighting for. Call your insurance company and ask them if they can give you a referral to see a surgeon. Your PCP shouldn't be allowed to make that decision for you. What I did was send my insurance company my request and they gave me a referral. I am not a lawyer but I don't know how it is his decision to "let" you go see a surgeon.

Brandie K. 22 years, 2 months ago

****Official Angel Report**** New angel flying in on unsteady wings :)<p> Let's show Angela our support. She has been denied by the insurance to even see a surgeon. We all know what it is like to be rejected. She would appreciate it if any of you had some advice for her. <p> Keep your chin up Angela. {{{Hugs and Mooches}}}
About Me
Redding, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 01, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Oct 2002 size 22
Nov 2003 155lbs/ size 8
