Lisa-Marie W. 21 years, 11 months ago


Angela G. 21 years, 11 months ago

<font face=arial>Hiya All.... Okay.. I am past that first week of "OMG, I just got my walking papers" now I am at "I have 3 weeks to get my schtuff together"... <P>I have decided to jump start things that my insurance seems to want to control. Remember, previously "the plan: 6 months of weight loss attempts, go see psych for evaluation, if psych approves, re-evaluate weight, then referral for surgical consult, surgeon consults and submits for approval for surgery. ..." Yadda yadda.. <P>Today I skipped part of that to pick it up later... I set my appointment for surgical consult and phych eval. <P>If my PCP cooperates, my end of my 6 month waste of time should be at the end of this month. You see, I gave him dietary records back to feb 2. If he doesn't cooperate, May 31 will have been the start of my 6 months. Let's hope he helps. He is actually taking this 6 month attempt thing very seriously. I am taking it as a means to an end. <P> I will have to pay for COBRA at about 350 per month... So I will be praying for cancellations... <P> My surgeon wants everything {medical records} at the consult so they can get started on the approval process.... <P> I figure I should get this done before I take a new job. WISH ME LUCK!!!

Tami D. 21 years, 11 months ago

Angela, I am sorry to hear you are on the lay off list.. my husband joined that list two months ago. Good luck, I really have much to offer in advice. I know for us, COBRA was going to be VERY expensive, but it does kick in as soon as your current insurance expires, and at least for us, the coverage was going to be the same. Good luck, you will be in my prayers Tami

Angela G. 22 years ago

Dr appointment today.. gave him my diet record back to feb 1.. maybe that is when they will determine the start of my 6 months was... we had an appointment on that day.. that was my initial appointment to get this thing started. He said the ultrasound came back normal.."must have strained a muscle.." oh BTW I <b>lost 3 pounds this week</b>.. I said.. it's sumnmer.. that happens... it will continue all summer and come back in the winter with friends.. Not pessimism, FACT. I am in a pretty good mood today though.. It's summer... !!!!

Angela G. 22 years ago

<center><img SRC=""></center><P> I went for my Gallbladder Ultrasound today. The Technician said that she didn't see anything. I have to wait til Friday for the official results. Okay... So what in the world could this be? I am tired of feeling like doodoo.. especially after I eat. I wish that someone somewhere would figure something out. I am tired of having to suggest things to my PCP. Isn't that what they are paid to do? <p> <center><img SRC=""></center> <p>

Angela G. 22 years, 1 month ago

<center> <img src=""> </center><p> This is my second attempt at posting this update... the first time I forgot the password, so when I went back to do it the entire message was gone... So, I have to start all over....<p> <font face=helvetica color=green> I am going through this required 6 month waiting period. During summer I always lose a little weight due to greatly increased activity. Only to gain it back with friends in the winter. I only have a little lee way to still qualify for surgery (BMI 42.7). Sometimes I wonder why I am even worried about it at all... sometimes I think that I am supposed to be overweight to learn a life lesson or something. Sometimes I wonder why in the world would I want to be one of those skinny people who are nasty and self absorbed, self righteous, non-compassionate... Then I wonder if I am obese as a punishment for being one of those kind of people in my last lifetime or something. Then I think to myself.. Why can't I just loose the weight on my own like every one seems to think I can... (Strong minded individuals can do what ever they put their minds to, don't you all know that, that's what I have been told)... I can live with all this pain for the rest of my life.. some people have it much worse than I...<p> People tell me.. oh you certainly don't look like you weigh that much, you must carry it well... <p> Then I tell my self... Self, there is NO reason to be in pain all of your life, you have attempted to be healthy, there is NOTHING wrong with asking for help. Yah, I may look good, because I carry the weight well, but 250 lbs is 250lbs. Do you think (self) that the feet, knees and ankles care how well you look, 250 lbs are alot of pounds, no matter where they are or how well they are hidden...<p> Then I read the memorial pages. WOW.. <p> Then I look at a few before and afters.. WOW!! <p> I can only loose 24 pounds to still qualify. I want/need surgery to become healthy, to divert my family history of diabetes, heart desease, stroke, thyroid desease, etc... and that is just on my mothers side, who knows about my fathers side.. could be even worse... But this 6 months could ruin my chances. Funny isn't it.<p> Any way, I ramble.. Thank you all for being there for me.<p> <center> <img src=""> </center><p>

Angela G. 22 years, 1 month ago

<font face=comic sans ms>Well, I called the insurance company and this is the plan:<p> <font face=arial> <b> 6 months of weight loss attempts, go see psych for evaluation, if psych approves, re-evaluate weight, then referral for surgical consult, surgeon consults and submits for approval for surgery. <p> <font face=comic sans ms> So, alas, I cannot secure a date at this time.. boo hoo...but, at least I know the plan.. which is more than I knew before..

Angela G. 22 years, 1 month ago

The surgeons office emailed me back and said that if I get it in writing that they will cover the surgery after my 6 months of supervised attempts, then they will secure a date for me!!!!!!

Angela G. 22 years, 1 month ago

<h4>(font face=romant>Okay, people, my 6 month wait will officially start on May 31st, which incentally is my Angel/Angellette's surgery date.. <p> So with extreme luck, it IS possible to have my surgery for Christmas... <font color=red> <h5>Merry Christmas!!<p> <img src="">

Brandie K. 22 years, 1 month ago

~~~~Angel report~~~~Just wanted to ask all of you to offer up Angela some words of encouragement. She is now in her six months of waiting. She has to have six months of documented doctor supervised weight loss attempts.<p> I finally met my angel this weekend and she is a sweetie. Our kids hit it off. I know that she is going to be a great angel for me. So I am trying to return the favor and hit all of you up to help me show her some words of advice. Thanks so much!!!
About Me
Redding, CA
Surgery Date
Feb 01, 2002
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
Oct 2002 size 22
Nov 2003 155lbs/ size 8
