kylakae 22 years, 3 months ago

<table border="0" width="100%"><tr> <td width="15%"><center><IMG SRC="" width="214" height="150"></center></td><td width="85%" valign="middle"><b><font color="#F700FF" face="Lucida Sans">Happy re-Birthday, Lenore! You look terrific! I hope this anniversary finds you feeling happy and healthy!</font></b></td> </tr></table>

Cinna G. 22 years, 3 months ago

Lenore~Happy ONE year anniversary to you! You look great! Keep us posted on your progress.

Mary B. 23 years, 3 months ago

Hi..i just talked to Lenore and she asked me to do an update. She is feeling wonderful, hasn't had much of an appetite,no nausea and a little pain!! She had quite an adventure upon being released from the hospital on Friday the 16th. They had already prepaid and arranged a hotel room for 6 days following her release so she could be near the hospital and doctor for any emergency and her after care appointments. Her husband Gary and her 3 boys would also be staying with her. The hotel informed them they had no rooms available!! To make a long story short a wonderful lady named Katie who she was surgery buddies with was going to go to a private home for after care, by a lady named Phyllis, who is a also a wls patient herself, and her husband.This wonderful lady Phyllis has taken Katie and Lenore in and is getting them to doctor visits and preparing the little bit of food they need..and being a "wealth of information" as Lenore told me. Now how many people do you know that would take "strangers" in ??? I love the closeness of all the wls people i have met. Well Lenore will be better at filling in all the details but for now she if doing great and feeling wonderful. and she isn't hungry!!! She will be away from a computer until this next Thursday the 22nd.

Mary B. 23 years, 3 months ago

Hello Lenore! Another wonderful day you are steps closer to getting healthy!! I am starting to get nervous that there has been no report on you so i am going to call you at the hotel today. I thought Gary would bring your lap top so you could catch up on some emails!!! Well Lenore i hope you are feeling better each day and i can hardly wait to talk to you. Your wlfriend..mary

Mary B. 23 years, 3 months ago

Goodmorning Lenore! I am hoping you are feeling just a little bit better today. It is so beautiful outside, sunny and warm. I hope you can at least sit out and get fresh air and a little sun today. I feel better knowing you are with your boys and hubby now...snuggling. I will be so happy when you are home. I do miss your emails...taks care my wlfriend....(((hugs)))

Mary B. 23 years, 3 months ago

Oh.... where or where has my little friend Lenore gone......I am missing you so much! Great update from Raylene..... youre out of the hospital!!! I havent called because i didnt want to disturb you and i figured you will write me when your feeling up to it. I wish you all the good luck and a speedy recovery....your wlfriend...mary

Raylene B. 23 years, 3 months ago

Angel Raylene checking in again. I finally spoke to Lenore on the phone today. She has been released from the hospital and is feeling fine or should I say "normal" for 4 days post op. She will be staying close to the hospital for a while before going home. We didn't get to talk much but I was so happy to hear her voice! She still has a sore throat from them having to leave the tube in her throat longer than normal but that was the only thing she complained of. I imagine she will post herself tomorrow but if not I will.

Raylene B. 23 years, 3 months ago

Angel Raylene Checking in! Well, I finally got to talk to Lenores husband Gary in detail today. Unfortunaletly Lenore had a rather rough day yesterday. Towards the end of the surgery they had to switch from Lap to Open due to a minor complication. She had her heart set on a LAP so she is diappointed but she is safe and well which is the most important thing. She will be staying at the hospital an extra day so she can rest up and she is doing her walking. Gary said the difference in how she looked today compared to yesterday was amazing. She is uncomfortable but so was I on day two so I think that is to be expected especially after her long day yesterday. I have not been able to speak to her yet, I can't seem to get her on the phone. It may be that she can't reach the phone when it rings which was my problem or she may be out running the halls but I will keep trying. I am sure she hates me now because I kept telling her how easy it was! :) I will update again tomorrow.

ellton 23 years, 3 months ago

Hi Lenore. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You made it to the other side. I wish you a speedy recovery, and you're in my thoughts. Tonya

Mary B. 23 years, 3 months ago

Hi everyone..i saw Lenore at around 11:00am today and she was feeling "ok" even though her surgery had a few bumps in the road. I m just glad she is recovery well.Lenore's biggest concern is being seperated from her boys since they are a very close family, and her hubby too!
About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 01, 2001
Member Since
