MommaAngel 21 years, 3 months ago

HI KATHERINE Can I say (((((((WOW)))))) That is a awesome weight loss. You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up great job your doing.LORD BLESS

Katherine M. 21 years, 3 months ago

Good afternoon all! I thought I'd post a mid-year update. I had surgery on September 12 (I pre-functioned with a one-month skim-milk only diet) and have lost 93 pounds altogether. I've also lost 67.25 inches. While I didn't have any *surgical* complications, I have had a number of speed bumps....that were caught early because I do regular lab tests. Finally, all my levels are normal (my liver enzymes became elevated due to estrogen...a very unique side effect). I find the improvement in my ability to function far more heartening than the numbers. In July, washing the dishes was too tiring; now I'm exercising five to eight hours a week on my cool 21-speed tricycle and at water aerobics. I can do all of my personal hygene by my own self and clean, cook, and care for the house and our pets. I'm not losing weight as fast as some but I'm also not losing muscle; in fact, I am stronger now than in August. I hope this update encourages others. Be sure to tie your goals to functional success as well as weight goals or clothes sizes. Cheers!

Kicker 21 years, 7 months ago

Happy late 2 month anniversary Katherine! We have been through alot together and I just wanted to thank you for being there for me. I treasure our friendship. I am here any time you need me. :O)

Katherine M. 21 years, 7 months ago

Hello all...went for my two-month check-ups today. I've lost 60 pounds altogether (27pre/33 post). It turns out that my thyroid is seriosly out of whack. Six weeks ago my tsh was 9; last week it was 19! Also, my liver enzymes are way high so my PCP (very knowledgeable) is taking me off the reflux medicine (Protonix) and the amyltriptolene he prescribed to help with the fibromyalgia (because of course no NASIDS for me!). I also got tested for hepatitis. Hmm...and if this all wasn't discouraging cholesterol went to 304 from 234! The tests do explain why I've been a slug, cold, constipated, and crabby. The good news is that my rheumotologist, sugeon's nurse, and PCP are all great. The bad news is that for right now I can't take anything except oxycodone for fibromyalgia symptoms (no tylenol due to liver). My rheumotologist reminded me gentely but firmly that I've lost 60 pounds in less than three months and that my body needs to adjust. I need to calm down and stop expecting to be superperson because I've lost about a quarter of what I need to. Thanks for listening to all of this! This website, the people here, and the information makes even little speed bumps more variable! Cheers!

qkarinb 21 years, 9 months ago

Katherine, I hope youre doing well following your WLS. Youre in my thoughts. "He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything." - Arabian Proverb

Katherine M. 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi everyone. I wrote a LONG update on my stay at Good Samaritan from the 12th onward. Generally a very good experience and I'm recovering well. I always appreciated reading fairly "complete" surgery notes so I'm including them on my profile page as an update in my journal. Thanks again for all of the messages, support, and prayers...I'm slowly answering email but appreciate each one a lot!

Shirley H. 21 years, 9 months ago

I'm so glad you came through the surgery smoothly and are having a successful postop experience. Wish I could be there. Memphis is such a long way off. You'll be in my prayers. -- Shirley

Katherine M. 21 years, 9 months ago

Hi all...back on the net...very surprised I am back so soon. Hospital, doctors, husband, friends, and family all absolutely wonderful--am feeling completely supported and loved. Have made an excellent start on new life with tiny stomach...although I have very big bubbles right now. Time for broth and rest. Thanks again for everything. love, Kathereine

Katherine M. 21 years, 9 months ago

Still Alan, but I think Katherine will be back RSN! She was released today about 11:00. She is still a little groggy, and definitely sore when the pain killer wears down, but she is doing great. She walks 5 minutes every hour, uses an inspirational respirometer, and sips Ensure, Boost, dilute apple juice, chicken broth, and sugar free jello. Everything so far is A-OK. --Alan

Katherine M. 21 years, 9 months ago

Alan here! The leak test was fine (she could see it outline her new pouch on the video screen), and by 11:00 Katherine got to have ice chips and teaspoons of water...YAY! A bit later they brought hot chicken broth, cold diluted apple juice, and Boost. She liked it all, the Boost diluted, too, but felt like eating less than an ounce of each. She also had a shower, took more and longer walks (two laps around the nurses' station :), and continues to use the inspirational respirometer every hour. Dr. Frahm (anesthesioligist) came by and said everything looked great from his POV. Her blood pressure was very stable throughout the procedure, so he had turned off the pressure cuffs on her feet and legs about 10 minutes into surgery as they weren't needed. He was interested in the guided imagery medidation CDs Katherine used for surgery and took down their website in his notebook. I decided to come home tonight, pick up Amanda, and get a good night's sleep. (They brought me a nice recliner last night and I slept pretty well, but still...). I'll go back in first thing tomorrow morning. There is a good chance she will be discharged tomorrow, but they will decide then. Pamela and Crystal came by for a visit and brought an orchid and Ti plant. Crystal (age 3) thought the bandaids were very interesting, and that helped her understand why she couldn't sit on Katherine. Shelly and Riley (sp?) will visit this evening. And Melissa sent a beautiful flower arrangement with lilies, sunflowers, chrysanthemums, statice, and several we didn't even know! Thanks to them, and to all of you who have supported us in person, in words, and in your thoughts and prayers. --Alan
About Me
Vancouver, WA
Surgery Date
Feb 04, 2002
Member Since
