Millie M. 21 years, 5 months ago


Tami D. 21 years, 5 months ago

Hi Millie, YOU ARE PERFECTLY NORMAL! I did the same thing, now I am out 5 months and down 83 lbs.. You body just needs some time to adjust. It will pass, and you will be back on track again soon. The first 3 months are full of these kinds of ups and downs both physically and emotionally. It does get better, I PROMISE! Just relax and try to enjoy the ride! Tami

kylakae 21 years, 5 months ago

Hey Millie, don't feel bad, I had my first plateau at 3 weeks post op. But, at 18 months post op, I've lost 90% of my excess weight! Don't worry, your body is just resting. Check your measurements because plateaus are when you lose inches as your body catches up with your weight loss!

Millie M. 21 years, 5 months ago

Hello everyone, This is to inform you that I am 5 weeks po and and a bit down on myself. I have lost 25lbs and for the last 2 weeks only have lost 1 lb. I hate the plateuo crap!!! why so soon after my surg is this happening????? help. please try to make me feel better.

Cheryl H. 21 years, 6 months ago

Millie - I just was able to look at your posting. I was glad to hear you're doing better each day. I went in on the 17th and believe it or not I had no wait and was out of there in 30 minutes.....a miricle. I have lost 26 lbs as the 17th and my pants are starting to fall to my ankles as I walk. I hope you have continued success - way to go on your 15.... I hope you and your family have a safe and happy holiday and just think of all to come in the new year as we get healthier....

Millie M. 21 years, 6 months ago

Hello everyone, I want to thank everyone for their best wishes. I couldn't of done it without you all. I am now 9 days post op and am feeling preety good. It does get hard at times but I try to focus on getting better and following the doctors orders. I plan to go to work on Monday (2weeks po) Hopefully that wont be a problem, however I can't see myself going 9 hours without some rest in between. I wish I can take one more week, I may have to. As for my liquid diet it is just "coming along" I have my "very hard" moments but they are only moments, their are time I do not even care to eat. but oh well, that is the story of my life "food confusing me". lol

Cheryl H. 21 years, 6 months ago

Millie - I was so glad to read your update - I was really worried about you on Wednesday - If I had known how miserable the "sauna" in your room was sooner, I would have had you moved in with me. haha. I am glad your feeling better and I will email you as soon as mine is working again. Good luck and hopefully I'll see you at Alanis office on the 17th for our 3 week.

Millie M. 21 years, 6 months ago

Hello Everyone, I am officially on the other side "thank God". 4 days post op and am feeling so much better. I must say the first 2 days were miserable. I hurt like never begore, BUT I can say that today 4 days later, I am feeling so good. NO not good enough to run a marathon or anything but good enough to sit and play on the I had a good experience, besides for the pain, my doctor, the hospital and the nurses were all very nice. Now I have a ton of questions, like what is considered "Liquid Diet" is sugar free choc. pudding liquid? is jello Liquid? yikes, little q. that make a difference in your everyday recovery. Well all in all I just want to tell every one that is thinking or is waiting for the surgery date to come. "HOLD YOUR BREATH IT WILL BE A BUMPY RIDE" but a ride that only last a few days after that it will be great. My great moment came when I woke up this morning without severe pain, with my family by my side and GREAT thanksgiving day.....

Tammy T. 21 years, 6 months ago

Hi Millie - I just wanted to wish you all the luck in the world today with your surgery --Only let positive thoughts enter you today and you and you will be fine! Please post as soon as you feel up to it - to let us know how you are doing! Good luck! You are in my prayers! Tammy T. Dr Naaman, Dec. 6th - Lap RNY

Melinda L. 21 years, 6 months ago

Will keep you and all those having WLS tomorrow in my prayers. What a great gift to give yourself. You've taken a huge step toward better health and the best is yet to come. TAke care and keep us all posted
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Houston, TX
Oct 20, 2002
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