MommaAngel 21 years ago

Hi Nancy I am praying for you sweetie. You get well real quick so you can start updating us on all those great reports of weight lose your going to have. LORD BLESS

Sally N. 21 years ago

Nancy--just wanted to wish you well. You're not going through this alone--we're all here pulling for ya! Best wishes for a fast recovery!

midlifestu 21 years ago

Hi Nancy and I wanted to add my sincerest wishes for your speedy recovery. Sometimes it's darkest before the dawn so don't give up! Fight back and keep your spirits high(and it sounds like you are!), surround yourself with family and friends, and may God remove these temporary stumbling blocks from your past. You are indeed a big inspiration to all of us! HUGS!

Naes Wls J. 21 years ago

Nancy, Im praying for you to recover from your surgery. and get healthy again. and be on your way to enjoy your wl journey, May your present condition be a short one and improves as Im posting this. God Bless you. take care~*~Hugs~*~

LHWILLIAMS 21 years ago

Nancy, I understand you are going through a really tough time since surgery. Keep up your good outlook and take care of yourself. I wish you a speedy recovery and hurry back to us. (((HUGS))) Lesa

Diane55 21 years ago

Dear Nancy just wanted you to know that I'm praying for your speedy recovery. God is watching over you, like you said, you have a great life and many many more years ahead. May all your dreams come true as you start your new life. You will be out of that hospital very soon with all of us praying for you! God bless You!

Barbara M. 21 years ago

I'm very sad to say that my dear friend Nancy is having much difficulty recovering from her recent RNY surgery this last May. Nancy has developed many complications from her surgery ie: blood clots, excessive fluid retention, and infections in her legs. Nancy could use your prayers, thoughts, and encouragement. If you would like to send a card she's at St. Vincents Hospital 835 S. Van Buren St. Green Bay, WI 54301 Send it to the attention of Nancy Rodman Room 806. Her e-mail is [email protected]. In spite of Nancy's complications she continues to be positive and in good spirts. Nancy may God give you the strength & courage to recover from your surgery, I know his loving arms are around you.
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Vulcan, Mi
Jan 05, 2003
Member Since
