Amy T. 21 years ago

Hang in there Nancy, You are in all of our prayers! God is with you, trust in him. God Bless, Amy

pam k. S. 21 years ago

Nancy, You are in our prayers for a speedy recovery. Sorry to hear about your troubles. Hopeing you will soon recover and be out of the hospital and home recuperating. Hugs!

Dianna S. 21 years ago

I'm sorry to hear of your hard time... I pray that you keep the faith and will pray to heavenly father to help you heal soon

Karin C. 21 years ago

Our real blessings often appear to us in the shapes of pains, losses and disappointments; but let us have patience, and we soon shall see them in their proper figures.

TraK41 21 years ago

Nancy, Hello from a fellow Wisconsinite!! I was sorry to hear about your troubles during your recovery. Please know that many people are praying for you and wishing you a full and quick recovery. With God, all things are possible! Please do not lose hope. You have come so far, and you will get over this stumbling block. It is just a matter of time. Please rest and allow God to work in your life and to heal you. Peace, Traci (post-op 6/2/03)

kd 21 years ago

HI Nancy. I wanted you to know my thoughts are with you as well as my prayers! You hang in there and fight and before you know it, all this will be behind you! Soon you will be on the road to recovery!! BELIEVE AND STAY POSITIVE IN THINKING!!! ((((HUGS))))

Karin C. 21 years ago

Our real blessings often appear to us in the shapes of pains, losses and disappointments; but let us have patience, and we soon shall see them in their proper figures.

Barbara M. 21 years ago

Please continue your prayers for Nancy Rodman, she needs all the love & prayers you have to give. I met with Nancy this afternoon and she's not doing very well, at 4 wks po she's been bedridden now for 6 days in the hospital and continues to have clots in her legs, she's swollen with fluid so bad her big toe won't even fit in her shoe, you may think this sounds funny, but truth is she having a horrible time recovering. Nancy's spirits are very low and I feel she may be losing hope, she said she had no idea her recovery would be so detrimental, as I listened I saw a tear roll out the corner of her eye. I sit here crying as I lost a friend to WLS last year and I don't want to lose another. Please continue with your prayers of encouragement for Nancy. Thank you and God bless.

KatieA 21 years ago

Nancy, God bless you and heal you very quickly, Hang in there. I know that you are feeling very sick, but I hope you are on the way to being better. katie

Sandy I. 21 years ago

Nancy, just remember prayers work miracles and we are all praying for your quick recovery. God Bless.
About Me
Vulcan, Mi
Jan 05, 2003
Member Since
