I am no longer a slave to the scale!!!!!

Jan 03, 2013

Okay, it has been 15 plus months since my surgery and my weight loss has stopped. I workout regularly, eat a an additional 10-15 grams of carbs more than I should some days, drink a minimum of 9 glasses of water a day and my hunger has returned triple time. So what is a girl to do?

1. I am learning to celebrate how far I have come. The weight loss game is just that: a game. You will lose sometimes, gain a few pounds sometimes, look fat in clothes sometimes and make the wrong choices. However, what victories do you have since WLS and whatever progress you have made?

2. The reality is, further out, the scale for most doesn't move as fast as it did during the "honeymoon period". Sorry, if no one ever told you that, they just did! So, although you must now fight for every single pound and watch every bite you put in your mouth like a crazy person, you still are living the dream of so many.

3. We are not defined by a SCALE! There are many victories along the way--ones that a scale can NEVER measure. I am focusing in 2013 on the completely different LIFE I have now--to me it is a life I have never experienced and I intend to enjoy EVERY SINGLE MINUTE OF IT!

4. At the end of the day all we can do is exercise, eat healthy, stay hydrated and LIVE. If the scale goes up or down, so be it. Now this is within reason. If the scale is going up 10, 15 or more pounds, that is definitely a warning to revamp and go back to basics before the problem is completely out of hand and you are back to square one.

Thought I would just give some encouragement and share some lessons I have learned recently. Applying these principles have brought such joy and liberation in my life! I am enjoying no longer being a slave to the scale and my new life. I am just as conscientious (if not more) about what I eat and just as serious about my exercise. However, I no longer feel like a failure just because the scale does not reflect all my hard work instantaneously. I have finally earned a curvalicious body and I intend to enjoy it!

Smooches and best of luck to you all. We may still have a long way to go until we are "normal" but we should walk with our head held high as if we own the world because we do. So what if people look at us and think we should have WLS instead of realizing that we have and how much weight we have already lost? We new the journey, the blood, sweat and tears and it is too much for the simple minds to grasp anyway!

