Sep 16, 2007

I'm proud of this little puppy!!!

Made by Jazelle

I Can't Believe It's Been A MONTH!!!

Sep 16, 2007

Lord have mercy!!! It's been a whole month since I've been out of the hospital. I can't believe it!!! So what has the past month been like? Well.......it's been great.........and it's been hell.......all rolled into one. WHY? Because I'm STILL in pain and it has not let up one bit. The only way I've been able to eat and drink is with LOTS of pain drugs. Mega doses. Doses which are not working anymore. The place where my g-tube was taken out a month and a half ago hurts SO BAD!!!!!!! I had labs done on the 4th and they sent me my results and said there were no signs of infection, but I'm thinking, "Well, it may not be infected but SOMETHING is going on in there or else it would not hurt as bad as it does." Sometimes when I'm in bed and I try to roll over, I have to actually HOLD the spot and it hurts so so bad!! I am calling the surgeon's office tomorrow because I HAVE to have some answers. I'm also out of pain meds and I'm not set up to go to the pain clinic until September 24th, but I don't know if my surgeon's office will give me anymore because they said they wanted pain management to handle my pain issues, but we'll see. I hurt dang it!!! 

Other than that, school has started and I've lost 102 pounds!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it. Century Club here I am!!!! Next stop.........DOUBLE Century Club!! I can't wait!!!

I think this is Round 4!

Aug 16, 2007

Well, I got home yesterday afternoon after another 2 1/2 weeks in the hospital. Not too much to share really. I'm probably just still having pain from the intusseption they found the last time I was there. (My new stomach was folding in on itself.) No new tests were done since I had just been there for 3 weeks. I was basically on pain meds to be able to eat and drink....darvocet and IV dilaudid, oxycontin and IV dilaudid, then I was sent home on 12 mg. of Dilaudid by mouth. Now I get home and I have been having diarrhea practically every hour and I am feverish and feel like cow manure. I also just ate and drank for the first time since I came home (at 5pm on Thursday night!), and didn't even finish what I had (only 1 cheese stick and 8oz. of milk). GOD I really want to be 100% again. All of this sucks! I've cried twice today because I'm just SO tired.......tired of all this and tired of everything I've went through. I'm just mentally exhausted!

I don't even KNOW what Round this is anymore!!

Jul 27, 2007

I called about the percocet not doing any good so they called me in some Ultram yesterday to take in conjunction with the percocet.

Well, I called my surgeon's office earlier today and told them about the pain medicines not working. So they called my surgeon, then called me back and they said that he wanted me admitted. Like that was a big surprise. This is the 4th time in less than 2 months! So instead of trying to go down there tonight and fight Friday rush hour traffic, my hubby is taking me in the morning to be direct admitted. My surgeon is out of town this weekend but will see me on Monday after a good weekend of hydration for me. I guess at this point we aren't really worried about food. Maybe I'll get the right pain meds so I can eat a little. I'm sure my body is very malnourished at the moment! I hope and PRAY that we come up with a solution and not just a band aid. I'm ALMOST ready to reverse my surgery. AH! So frustrating!

Never Thought I'd Say This.......

Jul 25, 2007

But I want my G-tube back!!!!!!!! I can NOT eat or drink. Last night I was chewing and spitting grapes for the flavor. Today I TRIED to make some chicken salad and putting it on some bread and I choked like a little square of that down and OMG my belly hurts SO BAD right now even on this Percocet. Not to mention I've probably only had 8 oz. of water today. It hurts so bad for it to go in. I don't know what's going to happen now. I'm scared. I don't know what to do. Guess I'll call my surgeon in the morning. I dread that. I feel deep down he's tired of dealing with it and I'd almost like to not bother him with it. I FEEL like I'm a bother to him, although he doesn't treat me like I am.........I'm just paranoid I guess. I guess my next option is to get a PIC line and go into skilled nursing care. Oh WOW WEE.........how fun. School is about to start back up for me and I'm going to flunk out if I'm going back and forth to the hospital. My laptop has a broken DC jack and we can't afford to fix it right now and it's useless if I can't plug it in or charge it. SO.........I don't know what the heck I'm gonna do about THAT situation. I won't have any other way to do my school work in the hospital. Geesh this all sucks so bad!!!!!!

Anyway, glad I have this blog to get my feelings out or I'd go nuts. The spot in my belly where my G-tube was hurts like a son of a gun so I'm trying not to move. If I'm still, it's better. Thank God for small favors.

Yep, G-tube GONE!

Jul 24, 2007

Well I went to my surgeon's office today. The G-tube WAS indeed infected and they removed it there in the office. It wasn't so awful but wasn't pleasant either. Then I ran over to my surgeon's private practice to get my percocet prescription so I can try to eat and drink. Well the doc that wrote it didn't write the dosage on the script, so I have to wait til tomorrow to get the prescription. And let's hope it works because I have no other way to hydrate or nourish myself at the moment and percocet alone was not doing the job in the hospital. I'm so frustrated. I feel SO alone in the world with this problem. I feel like I'm backed into a corner. I feel like I'm gonna DIE from this surgery. I do NOT feel healthy despite having lost 78 pounds. I feel like I'm living a very unhealthy existence. I mean, I was there today and had this epiphany and started crying because I have to DRUG myself out just to try to nourish and hydrate my body. How messed up is that? It's just so frustrating. Sorry for unloading. I just needed to get those thoughts out of my brain for a second. Thanks for all you guys' support!

OK, back to the ER

Jul 24, 2007

Well I did finally go to the ER last night in so much pain I was crying. I've never hurt so bad in all my life. My local ER is pretty useless so when I asked them if my G-tube was indeed infected they said, "It appears so". What kind of stupid answer is that? I could've came up with THAT answer on my own without spending several hours and several thousands of dollars in that hole. SO.........my surgeon called this morning and wants me to go to the office and see one of the PA's. He said if it's infected, they are going to take it out. I haven't even had this thing 10 days and it's about to probably come out. THEN we have to talk about what we're going to do about my long term nutrition and hydration. He said I will most likely have to do skilled nursing and receive fluids and nutrition via a PIC line, which I should've just done in the first place. I could've kicked myself in the BUTT.........but the appeal of going home when I was in the hospital was so strong that I chose the option that I thought would get me home faster........which was dumb on my part. SO, I'll update about my visit later.

3 Month Surgiversary!

Jul 23, 2007

I can't believe it's been 3 months since my WLS. SO weird! I weighed today at my cardiologist's office and I was 369!!! OMG.......couldn't believe it. 75 pounds gone forever! 

On a side note. I'm sitting here in my computer chair in monumental amounts of pain and it looks like my G-tube is infected and I hurt SO bad. I was crying earlier when I got in the shower to see if that would help, but nope. I'm about to go to our local ER......which I HATE....but I'm not going to let them do much.......only tell me if it is indeed infected. If so I'm off to Baylor.......my hospital in Dallas. I wish this stuff would be over with and I could have 1 normal week!

What are we on? Round 3?

Jul 21, 2007

Well now that I have 14 hours of sleep under my belt and LOTS of baby smooching........LOL Here's what happened while I was in the hospital.

For the first week they did absolutely nothing but give me IV fluids, take my blood once, and do a chest x-ray(???). I couldn't eat or drink anything without severe pain. My doctor was out of town on vacation and obviously didn't know I was there. So when he came in a week after I'd been there, he got the ball rolling to see what was going on. He put me on percocet AND dilaudid just so I could eat and drink. He did an upper GI and they found an intusseption. It's where the intestines telescope in on themselves. Well I didn't find out til several days later that it was not a typical intusseption. Mine was like the pouch was intussepting in on itself.......or something like that. Stuff was still going through the pouch, just not very easily. My doctor said it's very rare and he had never even seen one before. 

So after that, they scheduled an endoscopy and that turned out fine. They couldn't see the intusseption, but they didn't think they were going to because it can slip in and out......like be normal and then intussept. And they blew air in there so that could've possibly made it slip out. Then they did another upper GI to see if they could see it again and they could not.

So I had several options available to me at this point. I could get a PIC line and go into skilled nursing for however long it took for this to clear up. Or I could try to get home health to come out and administer my IV fluids but Medicare wasn't wanting to pay for it the last I heard from the discharge coordinator. So we tossed around those ideas and then the skilled nursing said that I couldn't go over there if I was ONLY getting IV fluids. So being stuck with obstacles, my doctor came to me with another plan about putting a G-tube in to my old stomach and I could give myself my own fluids and not have to mess with home health or skilled nursing and be able to go home fairly quickly. Well I was up for that so we did that last Sunday morning.

So I have to flush this thing 4 times a day with water and then give myself anything else I want to. Well this morning I made a carnation instant breakfast and started giving it to myself (I have given myself milk through this thing before). Well, I got to the end and I was getting SO majorly sick to my stomach, I barely got the thing capped off before I started wretching. Of course nothing was in my stomach but OMG, it apparently thought there was. SO I decided to open the cap back up and let it drain what I had just put in, and the nausea stopped. I was sweating profusely by then and was exhausted. Now (TMI) I've developed watery diarrhea and am just not a happy camper.

So anyway, if you read that far, that's been my life for the last 3 weeks. I hope no one ever has to go through this. It really sucks.

I've had Enough!

Jul 01, 2007

I'm not doing very well at all. A couple days ago I posted that I was still having the same problems with my eating and drinking as I did before I went in to the hospital. Well now add sick to my stomach on top of everything and that's me right now. I've tried to be patient thinking that I have just had another surgery but I essentially feel fine from the surgery. I've taken two Darvocets in the morning hoping that it will allow me to eat or drink, but it does nothing but make me sleep for the next 12+ hours. I am again super dehydrated. I'm not making urine anymore and it scares me to go to sleep because I don't know that I will wake up. I don't know how long my body can go without food and water. I do get in sips just to take my medicine but the pain is so unreal for about 20-30 seconds I don't want to do it again. It seems the solution is SO easy......"Just eat." or "Just drink" If it were only that easy. There's nothing more for them to investigate. They've found all there is to find. I'm SO super frustrated. I think I've been depressed. I cried for absolutely no reason the other night. I know if I call the surgeon, they are going to put me back in the hospital or they'll tell me to keep trying to drink, which I can't and I don't want to go back to the hospital. I'm worried about my health. I got a letter from my cardiologist's office the other day about when I had to wear that Holter monitor. It found that I was having PVC's. That freaks me out. I thought this surgery was supposed to HELP my health and now it seems I was better off before I had it. I mean I know logically I wasn't, but it just seems things are worse now than they were before. I honestly don't know what to do anymore and don't want to look like a freak calling my surgeon for the SAME problem that they've already investigated fully. I'm so frustrated!

About Me
Nov 02, 2004
Member Since

Friends 49

Latest Blog 64
This is just getting too hard!!
Hospital Update #1
My life is on the line
What a long time it's been!
What Harry Potter character are you?
Pain Dr. Update
Got out of the hospital again
What's been going on in the past month
Small Hospital Update
Some Good News!! Hospital Update!
