
Mar 07, 2007

day 8 - protein 49g ; liquid 85oz
day 9 - protein 61g ; liquid 55 oz
day 10 - prorein 41g ; liquid 62oz
day 11 - protein ? forgot to keep track...
day 12 - protein 69g ; liquid 48oz

its been a busy few days I need to watch my protein intake...

back to school!

Mar 06, 2007

Well today was my first day back to school.  I had an exam to make up today and a paper due.  Ahh what a day... It was nice to get back into my schedule again.

grocery shopping and a little light cleaning tonight...

I left my scale at home ... that was the only way to get myself off of it... i have been off and on it for the last two weeks ...lol.. so i will weight myself when i get home on thursday.

2 week follow up appointment!

Mar 04, 2007

well it will be two weeks, in two days... so this was pretty close to the date.  It will be interesting to see what his scale weights me at and how much I will have lost.  My lap sites are looking great... no oozing 
And it will be nice to be moved on to pureed diet hopefully... some food with a little consistancy would be nice! lol

So i had my appointment today.  The nurse, nutritionist, and surgeon said I was doing wonderfully! 

My nut said I could move onto pureed diet on wednesday, YAY!  and my surgeon said i could return to school and regular activities.  He also said i could start working out with light weight...

Mom, Dean, Elizabeth and i went to meyiers after and bought everything sugar free and fat free.  There are so many more choices in the US.

7 days home!

Mar 01, 2007

ok so i have been a little bit frustrated the last few days! for the last three days i have had no fruit juices and have just consumed my protein and recommended fluid intake without having fudgesicles or yogurt, i have only dropped 1 lb ! I think it may be because my body is going what the HELL have you done to me! I want my fattening and good tasting food back NOW! and it just will not let go of my added fat cells at this time... so hopefully it changes its mind and releases a few of my unwanted particles! lol cause i want to loose weight now ! now i knew it was going to slow down with such a dramatic loss at the beginning... so here i shall wait until i loose :-)

daily totals

day 6 - protein: 63.5g liquid: 108 oz !
day 7(today) - protein:74.5oz liquid: 74oz !

so i have not been neglecting my requirments and so something should drop off soon!

daily totals and weight loss for february 2007

Feb 28, 2007

Tuesday Feb. 20 - 265 lbs day before surgery (on liquid diet)
Friday Feb. 23 - 258 lbs                       
Saturday Feb. 24 - 254 lbs                      
Sunday Feb. 25 - 251 lbs!!! yahoo!lol   
Monday Feb. 26 - 250 lbs       
Wednesday Feb. 28 - 248.7 lbs           




daily totals 
fluid 64 oz
protein 62 g
fat 21-34g 
fat per meal 9g
sugar 2g or less

day 3 liquid 78 oz ; protein 63 g
day 4 liquid 77 oz ; protein 35 g :-(
day 5 liquid 66 oz ; protein 63 g 

ps. 17 lbs gone in 1 week! I love this! I know it will probably slow down eventually...

little update

Feb 25, 2007

a little update... I cannot belive i have lost 14 lbs so far! yay for me.. lol  

friday when i came home i managed to got 33 oz of liquid and 34 g of protien and then yesterday i consumed 70 oz of liquid and 48 g  of protien... and doing well today i might add... I find that if i mix the tube of profect with a bottle of water it tastes quite good... and I find i really like the creamed soups.

no problems so far with things going down and nohing has come back up *knock on wood*

i'm home and doing great!

Feb 23, 2007

so i missed a few posts between here and there but i had Lap RNY on feb 21st.  I am feeling great.  

On wednesday i had the last appointment so i arrived at barix with my mom and boyfriend at 12:30... only to wait in pre op till about 3:30 for surgery.. I was completely fine up until they said ok so were ready for you.. and of course I was a little emotional ... excited but emotional! they gave me a sedative (it was great) and then i woke up in recovery, in a fare amount of pain.  The pain was considerable for about three hours and then the morphine started to really work and i was feeling better. I did my first walk 4 hours after returning to my room.. I did two laps around my first time out! yay! then they woke me up alot to do all of my breathing excercises... i just wanted to sleep!  Cody and mom were there all day and my dad came around 9pm and he and cody left around 10:30pm.  They let my mom stay the night, which was very nice.  While i was waiting in pre-op one of the nurses asked if she was staying and of course our answer was no as it was there policy not to have anyone stay.  the nurse said that she able to stay if she followed some sules.. silly rules that i cannot believe people actually broke..lol.. like keeping her clothes on, not using patient showers... i mean really stuff you should not be doing to begin with.  so my mom stayed both nights with me which was nice.. and i kept in touch with everyone, seeing as we were allowed to have our cell phones with us.  the staff ewas wonderful... pre-op and post op I could go on and on about how much i loved everyone at barix, very suportive and understanding.. just amazing staff.  More than i ever expected.. 

i will try to post with a little more detail later.. just a little tired now.. :)

trying to plead my case

Feb 17, 2007

so my mom and i have been speaking with Dr.Kam and Tracey his receptionist... and we are trying our best to get in for next week as windsor did not fax my results over till thursday afternoon, which was rediculous in the eyes of everyone that we sopke with at barix b/c it does not take long to read a CT scan ... anyeho so i was bumped out of my tentitive spot and i am just crossing my fingers thay someone has to cancel for what ever reason and that i can continue with surgery as planned for next week, as for having it march 7 which was his alternate date it is almost impossible with school doable but if there is any complications and he has to convert to open then i will not be able to return to school and therefore my year would kind of be at a loss.... so i am uo in the air as to what i shall do.  at this point i am going to sit it out and see what occours next week... if not it may be march and if not in march late may...???? i am just one big question mark at this moment!

cancelled yet again...

Feb 14, 2007

ok so... you know how i got all excited about having a date for next week... well throw it right out the flippin' window!  cause i'm not now.. b/c stupid windsor didn't send the CT confermation to Dr.Kam yet! and well having a cancellation today because of the weather he had to schedule someone in my tentative date... you know why are they so so slow here in canada it takes like a whole 15 minutes to go through a CT scan! and then all they have to do is send a little fax his way ... GRRRRR... so now i have a new date march 7th and if anything opens up next week then its mine... ut until then here i sit and cry ... i guessI have to look on the bright side i supposibly have only the hemigioma on my liver and it isn't blocking anyhting .. so i must keep thinking positive ... as much as i can.. i shall pray that someone has to cancel! lol... i have that whole week off of class for spring break and i took work off and everything!

YAHOO my new surgery date confirmed!!!

Feb 12, 2007

so i got a CD with my CT scan on it and my mom and dad brought the CD to Dr.Kam today. (i'm in Chatham at school so i could not and i we wanted him to have it right away so we could get the ok for surgery) He just called my mom a few hours ago to tell her that he did see the hemigioma, but it was not blocking any bile ducts that he could see.  So he ok'd me for surgery ! on the 21st i am so excited... he also said to my mom that he was going to take a biopsy and also take photos while he was doing the surgery.  And that if he went in there and saw anything unusual that he would close me back up and not continue.  I am so excited and ready for this surgery it has been long awaited and although i've had a few bumps its all going to be worth it... now i want to go buy a magic bullet to make all the delicious drinks i will be living off of lol.... yahoo for me :-) i am a little overwhelmed. About the surgery and especially that for the most part nothing is wrong with me liver! and that i don't have some foreign mass living on it, well for the most part anyway.  So i shall wait for a phone call as for the time i am to go into surgery....

About Me
Windsor, ON
Surgery Date
Nov 14, 2006
Member Since

Friends 62

Latest Blog 63
Nov weight and hit 158 lbs!!!
september weight's
aug weight chart
90 lbs lost ! ! !
weight loss
still at 187 lbs ! not moving...
