Second DR.s visit

Apr 12, 2013

well It has been a while since I have gotten on here. I'm proud to say I have been a busy busy bumble beeheartI have been getting everything done that this program requires. The only thing I have left now is a 3rd Dr. visit and  my 2nd nutrition class.

I also have to see if I need CPAP but I have already had my sleep study and I go to talk about my results on Monday.  WHEW. I can't believe this. I'm very close now. I have 16 more pounds to lose before May 6th. 

yesterday was my 1 year anniversary   . I really hope that my relationship will stay as healthy as it is and has been once I start dropping down. All this talk I've heard about changes and how a lot of relationships end has a chick on the edge. 

I also just want to say I  really enjoy and like this site!! I haven't really done the blog thing but maybe I will get better as time goes on. 

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Mar 25, 2013



Mar 25, 2013

So today was my Psychological Evaluation, I had my evaluation with Lisa Brewer she was very nice and I felt very comfortable. It took about 3 hours though whew I thought It was never going to end. She did inform me that everything looked great that she didn't see any problem that everything is fine for me mentally to go through with the process of weight loss surgery. She even told me that my Dr. should get every thing before my next appointment so that's awesome. So now I can check that off my list. angry I will get weighed on the  04/12


Just One of Those Dayz

Mar 21, 2013

I'm feeling some type of way!!! It has just been a somewhat stressful day on so many different levels. I'm not even sure where the HELL I should begin. *DEEP SIGH* 1 st off , My daughters' Had birthdays March 14th and 17th and we got them some really nice bikes, and because they were really nice big bikes that was their only gift for their birthdays. Well someone STOLE my daughters bike. UNBELIEVABLE........ blush . I'm not even going to talk about the rest of the damn bull crap*** that's floating around in my head. I really don't know how I feel about any damn thing. Hoping tomorrow will be a much better day.



Mar 18, 2013


I am off to a not so good start with trying to lose this 20 lbs, but at least I did not drink any soda and I only had 1 8oz glass of juice! I have been drinking water all day. I really have got to get in control of this because I have to lose the weight before My surgery can even be scheduled. I haven't been stuffing myself but I haven't ate anything exactly healthy. See that's my problem I need fruits and veggies!!! I know I can so this. 

Now as exercise goes me and zumba on the Wii OH MY !!! It is a little much for me, but I will try it again. SO ladies does anyone use SEX as a workout? (yes you read correctly)I'm saying if you do all the work.


*~ something else on my mind ~*

I am having such a hard time finding a job! The job I desire should I say, I've found a CNA job its in home which doesn't pay anything I go to orientation Thursday.....*sigh* the problem with that is I just went to school to be a CMA I got my certification by the NHA and I swear no one is hiring me... I've had a total of three interviews for Certified Medical Assistant... I'm so frustrated because I feel like I'm going backwards instead of moving forward. 


Inspirational Quote for Saturday

Mar 16, 2013


Very Good First Visit

Mar 14, 2013

I feel so much better....... The Dr. thought I was a good candidate for the bypass surgery. Now the ball is rolling....SO EXCITED. I have like 5 appointments to go to between now and Apirl 12th well really 7 because all of them are pertaining to weight loss..... I'm going to be very busy its a lot of driving but I have to get this done.

I have my Zumba for the Wii got it today! I'm not sure If it's going to be right for me right now but I'm going to take a look at it and see what I can do.

I also have to stop by the store to pick up some children utensils and a plate and a sippy cup.  The Dr. wants me to start changing my eating. SO here I go.... I'm going to have everything ready so I can start this over the weekend. I need to try to lose 5% of my current weight so the goal is 19 lbs.......


First Dr. Visit

Mar 12, 2013

March the 14 th is my first visit, with the Dr. at Mission Weight Loss. I'm excited kiss and nervous all at the same time. I'm excited because this puts me a little closer to having the surgery. I'm nervous because they really can't guarantee that I will have the surgery at some point. So I have to go through all these steps to even be able to see the surgeon and there is the possibility of him saying no. I really want this. I have stopped smoking and everything. I mean I have smoked for 15 years and when I decided I wanted to do this I quit cold turkey. I really must pat myself on the back, because as soon as I found out you can not be a smoker I quit and I wouldn't quit for anything..... *sigh*  

Note to myself one day at a time Bella ughh I'm so not a patient person. 


It's Time For A Change

Mar 08, 2013

A while back I went to the Dr. And I told my Dr. I wanted to and needed to lose weight, but I told her weight loss surgery NO I will not do it. Months have passed since that first visit with my Dr. about losing weight. I gained 50 lbs. I remember when I found this out. I had the flu I felt like complete crap...... ughhhh it was awful, so I made a Dr. appointment and of course what do they do but weigh me. When I seen the numbers 386 my heart just fell to the floor. I was well on my way to 400 lbs. As soon as I got well and over the full. I jumped online and I started to do some research. I now am interested in weight loss surgery. I told my cousin first after I had set up a free information session. She told me she understood and told me she would even go to the free information session with me and she did. After that I called my Dr. made an appointment and told her I needed help and I wanted to know if she thought weight loss surgery would be right for me, and she said yes that she was proud of me for coming to this decision and she gave me a referral and here I am going through all the motions to see if I will be approved for weight loss surgery. 

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