
Apr 09, 2006

So I seem to be letting the lack of weight loss get the best of me. Yesterday I ate a butt-load of chocolate and dumped for the first time. ugh. Hot sweats-- Thought I was going to pass out. What the hell was I thinking of? Today I was a little better but not much better. I am going to work out tonight since I am so angry I let myself get out of control


Apr 01, 2006

Frustrated- The scale is up a bit again-- I am 171.8. I am so frustrated and worried I am running out of time to reach my goal. I am going to try to cut all the c--p big time-- I know I have been having a little piece of chocolate here and there- but who would think 50 calories would make a difference. Evidently it does. I am going to take my measurements thought to see if I have lost any inches since my 8 mo post op.


Mar 17, 2006

Eight month anniversary today. I took the pictures (see below) the measurements and got on the scale. 171 pounds- I have lost 85 pounds since my all time high and 79 pounds since the surgery. I have also lost 55 inches. Feeling good about this-- I know it is not as fast as some of my fellow July-ers, but when I think how far I have come, I am really proud of myself. I think the thing is to NOT try and compare- hard to do- but I try.

I also started to try running-- I am taking it very slowly-- I am only running once a week on the treadmill and slowly increasing the intervals of running and walking. I am up to 2 running; 3 walking for 30 minutes. I'd like to get to 5 minutes running, and of course, I think my ultimate goal will be to run a 5K in Central Park. I know I won't get there right away, and I need to be careful about my joints, but I'd like to try it.

If someone had told me I would contemplate running a year ago I would have laughed in their face... Amazing how far I have come in a year. 8 month pictures:

And this is a picture of me in my "before" outfit 8 months later:



Feb 25, 2006

I am so frustrated, I have been on the straight and narrow, eating under 1000 calories, getting my water in and exercising 3 X a week---

This week I gained another pound. What is up with that. I am back at 178.2. I am SOOOO frustrated, and don't know what to do about it.


Feb 14, 2006

Went to the surgeon today for my six month follow up (granted it was at 7 months....) He smiled and looked happy! I was so excited! He said I was doing well, and seemed very happy with my progress. His scale said 177 (halfway through the day and clothed) :)

On the way home I stopped into Bolton's a discount clothing store. I shouldn't have but I walked out with a black sheering (spelling?) jacket with hood. SIZE M! I have not been a Medium since college. I am in shock! Granted, a size M now, was probably an L then, but still-- that is so amazing!

And this is a picture of Maggie and Nicholas!



Feb 06, 2006

I woke up today and slipped on the scale (bad Andrea!). I am 177. I have not been this weight in 16 years! I can't believe that I am here-- I honestly never thought I would be this thin again. Before WLS, I would think of 160 wistfully-- and then hope just to get under 200lbs. Now, I am only 17 pounds away--- I have lost 20 lbs hundreds of times in my past-- I CAN DO THIS! My next short term goal is 169 pounds.

I feel so empowered and lucky that I had this option open to me and was brave enough to take the plunge.


Jan 23, 2006

Well, I guess the weight gain the past few weeks (3 pounds) and the subsequent fight to get back down to 182 taught me that we can gain weight.

I had a horrible week. I took Nicholas to emergency room because he was vomiting non-stop. Turned out he had decided "plastic" was a food group. The vet operated on him and removed plastic, string, grass and hair-- (grass in the winter in NYC????). He didn't respond to the surgery well, got a case of pneumonia and wouldn't hold down any food. I was completely distraught. He may be a dog, but he is my four legged kid (the stupid one, obviously). About 30 minutes before the vet called me to tell me that he was "touch-and-go," I found out I was not promoted. The thing that bothers me about this, there were no outages in my performance. I just wasn't "visible" to the mucky-mucks who make decisions. So my boss' inability to showcase my accomplishments prevented the promotion. I spent the whole day in my office (thank goodness I am not in a cube!) crying and eating--- chocolate. I did not get sick, but did manage to gain weight.

Anyway, I have been very diligent since the weight gain about going to the gym and am trying to stay away from the chocolate. But now that I know I don't get sick.... it's harder.

*sigh* *sigh*

The good news is "Sir Nicholas" is home and creating havoc again. The poor little guy lost about 3 pounds (for a 14 pound dog that's a big weight loss)! You can see his backbone. I need to fatten him back up a bit. And now the 6th month pictures:


Dec 30, 2005

New Year Eve..
Well here it is at the end of the year and I have decided to be thoughtful. I have no idea how much I weigh-- The Sunday before Christmas I was 189. I have been in California staying with my sister and cousin, so I haven't had any access to a scale (or a computer, for that matter).

2005 has been a tumultuous year. Weight-wise it saw me at my highest ever (260) and at the lowest I have been in 12 years (189). I feel like this was such a hard decision to make, but it was the right one. I have so much more confidence in myself, and I am hopeful that I will continue to make the right decisions.

The stress at work the last few weeks has been very rough. And through the holidays has been difficult as well. I have had a bit of sugar here and there, but try to avoid it. I haven't been eating as well as I should. For the first time since the surgery I am afraid to get on the scale-- ugh- What if I see a very ugly number.

I know I need to focus on me the next year. It's sounds selfish, but it is true. I need to focus on me in order to keep being healthy. That means committing to exercise, taking time to eat meals (as opposed to living on Protein bars) and working on my self-image, and taking time to have fun and to date (not really fun, but a necessary evil to find a partner).


Nov 25, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving! I have been negligent in updating my profile. I made it through Thanksgiving. I hit the 192 mark this weekend, and have lost a total of 32 inches. I am a size 14 jeans (no stretch) and probably and 18 or XL on top. It feels great. Yesterday I felt a pelvic bone-- What's a pelvic bone???!!!!

I am however, having lots of female trouble. For the past 2 months my time of the month never ends. We're trying different things to get it in control, but nothing is working. Obviously, this is not helping my iron levels, and I am shoving iron down my throat constantly.

I've been working with my therapist on trying to understand the 'new me' in my body. In my eyes, I am still fat. She is having me do body imaging exercises to give me perspective. I guess in my mind, I still have trouble seeing myself as normal.

My next goal is "185". At this weight, I am only "overweight" and not clinically "obese".


Oct 29, 2005

I broke 200! Finally! I had been on a stall for three weeks, and was so happy to see the scale go down!

About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 24, 2004
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 35
December 2006
Weight Records
