
Oct 04, 2005

La Shanah T'ovah

It's a new year (at least on the Jewish calendar) and I feel like I need to celebrate and look forward to the coming year. I of course, like all good Jews (NOT) went to Costco to celebrate Rosh Hashanah. I was at my folks for the holidays, and the price of paper goods in Manhattan is obscene!!!!! Since I don't have a car, I took advantage and stocked up on TP, Bounty and Kleenex, Also picked up some Calcium Citrate and Centrum cheaply. I am set for a while.

Today I went to my primary care physician today for a checkup. She hasn't seen me since before the surgery. Here are the results--

1) I am 47.5 pounds lighter since the last time she saw me (1 week prior to surgery)
2) This is the first time in two years I didn't dread going in and getting "the lecture"
3) They took my blood pressure using a SMALL cuff--
4) My blood pressure was LOW 110/75
5) My pulse was low
6) I have already discontinued using one blood pressure med. She thinks that we'll have to lower the dose of the other blood pressure med within the next 10 pounds!
7) She's curious to see what my cholesterol is-- Might need to lower or eliminate one of my two cholesterol meds.
8) My pre-diabetes is non-existent. Fasting sugar (NO MEDS) is 87 (down from 125 in April)

The clothes feel great and I love the way I am diminishing. But more importantly, I feel like I have been given a new lease on life. Maybe I won't die before I am 50 after all. For the first time in a long time I feel hopeful about my health and me being able to beat the poor hand of genetics poker I have been dealt. Below are my 3 months pictures...



Sep 18, 2005

Hey! Things are going well. I am suddenly feeling great! Yesterday I got on the scale and was.... 209.5 lbs, Under 210. I haven't been this low since 2002.
Last night I walked by Bolton’s, a clothing store that is all over Manhattan. They always have nice looking stuff in the window. When I first came home and was starting to walk around the block, I pointed out the store and said to my mother, "My first big goal is to be able to buy something in there."

Well--- you know what my WOW is-- I walked in there tonight and said, "Do you have any 16s?" I was told that there were a few. I picked up a pair of pants and thought, what the heck, let me try them on.....

Ten minutes later, I walked out with my first pair of "non-plus" size pants in 4 years. They are stretch pants, but they look good (not tight) and they are on my incredibly shrinking bum as we speak!

Now my goal is to be able to by a SHIRT in the store-- that's still quite a few pounds away, but I'll get there!



Sep 12, 2005

It turns out I had a CDif infection from the antibiotics in the hospital. Evidently you are NOT supposed to live with constant diarrhea after surgery. After a 5 day course of Flagyl (which was so awful I puked it a few times), I am normal-- Not going to the bathroom 10 times a day.

Anyway, this weekend was my sister’s wedding reception in Calistoga. It was a wonderful reception, and it was probably the first time I felt normal. I even was able to eat tomatoes and some chicken!

I came back and stepped on the scale 212lbs


Aug 31, 2005

Okay, I am beginning to wonder if I made a big mistake. I have been having diarrhea for almost 2 weeks now, and nothing is working. I have tried cutting out milk, adding acidophilus, Adding an extra iron. Nothing works. Imodium does not even stop it.



Aug 09, 2005

Okay down to 229-- That is 21 (or 27) lbs in three and a half weeks.
I have been experimenting with food. I haven't vomited but get a terrible feeling in my chest (almost like it is halfway up my esophagus).
Toast and peanut butter worked well, but crackers and cheeses didn't. Salmon was OK but a Tuna steak wasn't. Shrimp seems to work well.

Anyway, I am hoping that it will get better. I am feeling better everyday, but my stomach is still sore. I am bored, so I am looking forward to going back to work-- Crazy huh?

Also, great news with Maggie, the wonder pooch. Her second surgery went well. The poor thing had five more tumors removed, was shaved down completely and walking around in a "body stocking" and cone to prevent her from licking her stitches. She looks like one of those dogs you see in the vet and think "Who could love that thing?" But the biopsy's came back all "STAGE I" so if she doesn't get any more tumors, she cured. I need to take her back for a checkup every three months, but other than that, I think we are good!


Aug 02, 2005

I had my post op appointment yesterday. I am 232.6 lbs according to the scale at the office :)!!!!!!. Not bad for 2 weeks. Everything is doing OK. I met with the nutritionist who gave me guidelines for the next two months. Starting Monday I can move away from the mush diet and try some other things :). Toast! Chewing! yay

The results from the liver biopsy are in as well. I am in Stage 1, so my liver is a 'fatty liver' but no cirrhosis. They will check my liver enzymes in 3 mos. with other blood tests.

Anyway, I am feeling better. I am taking Maggie, my pup, to an oncologist today to determine the best course for her (chemo, steroids, or just let it ride).

I am also starting to get cabin fever. I may go see a movie today, or go to the gym (it is so hot, I doubt I can walk in this weather, I am better off walking slowly on the treadmill at the gym.


Jul 29, 2005

Okay, I am feeling better now. All the water weight is down and I am officially 235#. I don't know what should be my starting weight-- The 251 I weighed at my appt. in May with Dr. Gagner; The 256lbs I weighed at my pre-op appt. or the 250 I weighed the morning of the surgery after the weekend fast. Either weigh (ha ha), I feel better. I am fitting into the clothes from last year.

I am however dealing with a bit of depression now. My dog, Maggie, has cancer and I need to decide if chemo is the appropriate option for her. She is the larger dog in the 'before' picture below. I don't want to hurt her Quality of Life, but if this can give a few extra years, I would do it. However, if she is going to die soon, I'd rather not put her through this, My poor baby. I have two dogs, and to be honest, as much as I love Nicholas (the puppy), Maggie is the type of dog that only comes around once in a long while. I made an appointment with a dog oncologist for a second opinion. The worst part of this, is, because I live alone, I can't take care of her (in case she pulls on the leash she can hurt me) because I am not healed yet. So, even though she may have very little time left, she is at my parents so I can't even be with her.


Jul 24, 2005

Exactly one week post op. Honestly, I don't know if I would go through it again at this point, although everything went fine. Full gastric bypass. Dr. Gagner said they took a biopsy, but that my liver looked good, so they were able to go ahead with the surgery. They put me in the Step down unit rather than the bariatric surgery floor, which I think made the process a bit more painful. My cardiologist was concerned, so they wanted me monitored initially. As a result, I could not get up to walk without be unhooked. The nurses did not know how to work the bariatric bed, so I was constantly uncomfortable (they used it as a regular hospital bed). And I was low priority, so no one was forcing me to walk or get up often. By Wednesday (surgery was Monday), I could not move, I had so much saline in me I was probably 25lbs heavier than I started out with (all water weight) I couldn't pee so my kidneys were also hurting. It was awful. They took away the PCA, and tried to give me percoset which I puked up, so I had no pain meds for 6 hours.

They finally gave me toradol and I got some vicodin down. On Wednesday at 10pm I finally got to the bariatric ward, gave me Lasix and I was discharged and marginally functional by Thursday morning. As a result, I spent most of the weekend recovering and try to get my water weight down. When I checked into the hospital pre surgery I was 250lbs. When I checked my weight when I got home I was 265. That was AFTER a WEEK of not eating. I am better now, back down to 250, but still have about 10-12 pounds of water bloating my body. My feet are soooo swollen!


Jul 14, 2005

I posted on the message board and got some very helpful feedback regarding the liver issue I am a bit calmer now and just trying to deal with the upcoming operation. I have been trying to do "guided imagery" to prepare me for surgery and direct my liver to mend, operation to go smoothly. Below are my offical "Before" pictures.


Jul 13, 2005

Okay, the surgery is Monday and I am totally freaking out. Work has been crazy, so I have not had a chance to think about it until now. I also started doing some 'last meals' which I know I shouldn't, but the past week, it has been creeping into my meals.

Just a little more anxiety, my pre-op blood work shows that my liver enzymes are elevated (this is probably a remnant from my bout with a statin in January-- my liver enzymes went to three times normal, so they had to take me off the statin and go for another cholesterol lowering medication). So the surgeon won't clear me for surgery until I see a liver specialist-- the specialist fit me in this afternoon-- nothing like going down to the wire.

I have told a few people at work, but most don't know-- it will be a shock for people on Monday. My boss said he will just say I am going on disability and will be back in a month.

How do people handle reactions when they get back? Do they tell people the truth or do they just say they have a new diet? Or ignore questions? What if this doesn't work for me and I remain a fat person with numerous health issues and die early?

During the pre-op everyone kept mentioning I have diabetes II. Talk about denial. I kept saying-- "Pre-diabetes!" No one has given me a blood monitor yet, although I am on meds now. Gosh, I would love to get rid of some of these medicines.

Our company had an outing at an amusement park last month. I haven't been to amusement park in two years or so, and for the first time, I had to 'try' the seats out to see if I fit. I really think it was the most humiliating experience I have had. It even beat the sale woman ripping a shoe out of my hand to give to a skinny little woman in an upscale shoe store. I didn't go on some rides because I was afraid I wouldn't fit in the seats. I kept thinking this will never happen again. But now that I am a few days from the surgery, I am wondering if I will just gain the weight back the way I have on all other weight loss trials. 

Later in the day-----
AUGGGHHHH. During my pre-admit at my hospital, my liver enzymes came back abnormal. I had to go see a liver specialist today. He said I potentially have the beginnings of cirrhosis or advanced fatty liver, but has cleared me for the surgery, since weight loss will clear it up. HOWEVER, if they find too much damage, the surgeon will most likely opt NOT to the Gastric Bypass, but rather just a stomach sleeve/tube (creating a smaller stomach, but no re-routing of intestines)

I am totally panicking. What if I have to go through this twice? What if all this anxiety is just a prologue

About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 24, 2004
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 35
December 2006
Weight Records
