Thank god for answered prayers

Mar 06, 2009

I had my scopes today it went really well other than them blowing 4 veins trying to put the IV in. I was totally awake for the tests and it was kind of cool to see how things work LOL and yes it was squeaky clean in there so nothing gross!!! Anyways lol To my utter amazement the doctor said that she didn't see anything that looked like it even resembled ulcerative colitis or cancer and that as far as she could tell i was healthy in there!!!! So I am happy to say that I am going to be getting back on track for the WLS and I am ready for this journey to continue!!!! Thank you all for your loving support and words of kindness when I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel!!!
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Elena you are killing me!!!!

Mar 05, 2009

I had to start my 36 hour diet last night for my scope tomorrow and today I got up as usual and checked my OH and wouldn't ya know it the first 3 posts are about FOOD yummy delicous foodwith beautiful pictures of the yummy food!!!LMAO so let me just say Elena i am so proude that you have learned to cook but i will have to not read anymore of you blogs today but i will be back in a couple days and I will be trying a couple of them!!!! So as for today i will be staying clear of the food posts!!!

not sure how to deal

Mar 02, 2009

Ok as most of you know I have to go Friday March 6th for an endoscopy and colonoscopy I found out last week that I have Ulcerative Colitis( An inflammatory bowel disease that affects the large intestine, or colon, and is characterized by ulcerations in some portion (right, left, segments or entirety) usually leading to bloody diarrhea and often with complications in other parts of the body) anyways Friday they want to look for cancer/polyps or anything else. Today against my better judgement I called Dr. Glass and told them what was going on they said that he would call me back once he decided what to do about the situation. Well I got the call (from the nurse) that Dr. Glass will NOT do the surgery on me if I have ulcerative Colitis but that I could always try the cities at the University Hospital.  Then after me getting upset and asking 3 times what if it is controled by medicine would he concider and all she said is we will see I am so sad that I have invested so much time in trying to find the "right" doctor for me for him to treat me like i don't matter. He could have given 5 minutes to speak with me instead he sent the nurse and wanted me to cancel my appointment with Kristin. THAT IS NOT HAPPENING!!! I am trying SO SO hard to get healthy and change my life for WHAt? To be told that my OWN body if fighting against me HOW is that fair? What did I do to deserve this?? What have I done that was so bad that I deserve to be sick or that I do deserve to have the bypass and be healthy? How am I supposed to be positive when all this negativity is surrounding me???After trying for 4+yrs for the surgery that I feel like it is never going to happen it feels like the cards are stacked against me and I can't win!!!

I just feel so beat down right now!!!I want control back I want to decide what is going to happen I want to have my body back to myself!!!

Thanks for letting me vent I am sorry I am so angry and negative i am just tired!!!

Prayers Please!!

Feb 24, 2009

I went to the doctor today due to some bleeding from an area that shouldn't bleed and my doc thinks it is Ulceritive colitis crones disease or colorectal cancer i am having some labs done today and getting a referal to a gastrentinologist for the rest please keep me in you prayers!!!! I hope to find out it is nothing but it is the waiting that will kill my nerves it may take a couple weeks to get into the specialist. I am so emotional and i don't really know anything yet i am such a weenie!!!


Feb 23, 2009

I weighed today and guess what I lost 13 lbs this week Can you believe it 13 lbs!! And i only made it to the gym2 times and i still had a few things i shouldn't but i am learning and it will take a bit but i will get a method down and once i do I will be ON MY WAY!! 

I Am On My Way!!!!

Feb 20, 2009

This has been a good week, I met Brad (psych) and did the greuling 567 question test thingy, I like him he seems very nice easy to talk to. I am glad I chose him!!! I started exercising this week cardio and weights (I JUST WISH I HAD SOMEONE TO WORKOUT WITH ) it is so boring working out alone!!! Anyways I also had the group visit with Kristin and I am now trying to adjust to the new eating routine (NOT EASY!!!) It will take some time to get used to it but i will!!! I also found out that i may not have to do the 3 month supervised diet due to being on a diabetic diet for 4 yrs with gestational diabetes. She said that my insurance doesn't care why you were on a supervised diet just that you were. COOL HUH. I am excited that means that when i go see her next month i may be done!!! just about the date and approval, I am SOOOOOOO STOKED!!!! I hope you all are ding well this week I can't wait for the next coffee gathering!!!


Feb 16, 2009

well I am going to suffer through it today I am going to start exercising in the workout center!!! I don't know how much I will be able to do today but I will do what i can!!!!! OH OH and i finally got my scale yesterday so i can weigh in weekly now!!! yeah!!! I should say yeah because I hate weighing myself but I want to know where I stand from week to week and know when i need to push harder!!! So anyone want to work out with me????????? PLEASE


Feb 15, 2009

I don't care what they are called I only want to know how to get it from the ticker factory to my profile or wherever I can put it. It won't let me copy and paste and I can't find a code for OH so what do i do? PLEASE HELP SOON!!!!

Coffee Gathering

Feb 14, 2009

Today I got the chance to meet some of the people from here and I have to say even though I am new to the group I felt like I was very welcomed. There was great conversation lots of laughter and a feeling of belonging I haven't felt in a very very long time!!! I got alot of questions answered (asked and unasked!!) and I hope to make so good friendt from this process!! I am impressed with the progress some have made and the fact that they are dealing with it all so well. You are a strong buch of people and I am glad to have you in my corner!!! Thanks for the invite and I can't wait for the next gathering!!!
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And The Journey Begins

Feb 12, 2009

I am finally moving along with this process, I Saw Dr. Glass today and I am waiting for the Psychologist to call me back and set the appointment, I start going to the pre/post op support groups on the 16th of Feb and I am scheduled to see the Dietician on the 20th so here I go!!! I am going to start working out in the gym this week I want to try to lose like 45 lbs b4 my surgery. I guess all I can do is try!!!  I would like to find people that live in the St cloud area or close so I can have a work out buddy I have a gym in my complex that is open from 7 am to 11 or 12pm I would love to have some pre or post op work out buddies that would like the use of a free gym and pool in the summer. I don't know to anyone in my area so all that can are welcome.


About Me
Waite park, MN
Surgery Date
Jul 13, 2006
Member Since

Friends 18

Latest Blog 23
